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Development of WFD compliant Transnational Monitoring Network in the Danube River Basin Dr. Igor Liška ICPDR Secretariat.

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Presentation on theme: "Development of WFD compliant Transnational Monitoring Network in the Danube River Basin Dr. Igor Liška ICPDR Secretariat."— Presentation transcript:

1 Development of WFD compliant Transnational Monitoring Network in the Danube River Basin Dr. Igor Liška ICPDR Secretariat

2 10% of Europe 83 mil inhabitants 18 countries Most international river basin in the world 2

3 The Danube River Protection Convention A legal frame for co-operation to assure the protection of water and ecological resources and their sustainable use in the Danube River Basin 3 Signed 29. June 1994 Entry into force 22. October 1998 Permanent Secretariat since 1 October 1999

4 has been established to implement the objectives and provisions and to achieve the goals of the Danube River Protection Convention The International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River ( ICPDR ) Photo WWF

5 COUNTRY GERMANY AUSTRIA of the state POPULATION * in DRB 82,398,3269.30011.49 8,188,2077.7009.51 CZECH REPUBLIC10,249,2162.8003.46 SLOVAKIA5,430,0335.2006.42 HUNGARY10,045,40710.04512.60 capitamillion% SLOVENIA1,935,6771.7002.10 CROATIA4,422,2483.0003.71 SERBIA AND MONTENEGRO10,655,7749.80012.11 BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA3,989,0182.9003.58 BULGARIA7,537,9293.5004.32 ROMANIA22,271,83921.00025.94 MOLDOVA4,439,5021.1001.36 UKRAINE48,055,4392.6503.27 ICPDR TOTAL219,618,61580.85099.88 ALBANIA3,582,2060.0100.01 ITALY57,998,3530.0200.02 MACEDONIA2,063,1220.0100.01 POLAND38,622,6600.0400.05 SWITZERLAND7,318,6380.0200.03 BASIN TOTAL329,203,59380.950100.00 of the state TOTAL AREA in DRB 357,02156,1847.01 83,85880,42310.03 78,86622,8702.85 48,84547,0845.87 93,030 11.61 km 2 % 20,27316,4222.05 56,54234,9654.36 102,35088,63511.06 51,12936,6364.57 110,91047,4135.92 237,500232,19328.97 33,84312,8341.60 603,70030,5203.81 1,877,867799,20999.72 28,7481260.01 301,2305650.07 25,3331090.01 312,6854300.05 41,2901,8090.23 2,587,153802,248100.00 % in state DRB 15.74 95.90 29.00 96.39 100.00 81.00 61.84 86.60 71.65 42.75 97.77 37.92 5.06 0.44 0.19 0.43 0.14 4.38 namestatusflag EUCP  EU     CP EUCP EUCP EUCP EUCP AplCP   AcsCP AcsCP  

6 Economic indicators (estd. in 2002) GDP on PPP [ Euro / capita ] 0 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 25,000 30,000 DEATCZSKHUSIHRCSBABGROMDUA

7 EU Water Framework Directive ICPDR – common platform for the implementation of EU WFD in the Danube River Basin

8 According to the Article 9 of the DRPC the Contracting Parties to DRPC have agreed to co-operate in the field of monitoring and assessment of the water resources. 8

9 TNMN Based on national monitoring networks 78 sampling stations (76 provided data in 2003) 52 determinands in water Minimum sampling frequency 12/year (chem) 2/year (biol) 9

10 10

11 11



14 Variation in the reported values of COD-Cr and Atrazine in AQC samples Analytical Quality Control 14

15 Load assessment programme Integrated with the TNMN Loads are calculated for BOD 5, inorganic nitrogen, ortho-phosphate-phosphorus, dissolved phosphorus, total phosphorus, suspended solids and chlorides (voluntary) Minimum sampling frequency - at least 24 per year 15

16 Joint Danube Survey - Objectives  To produce a homogenous data set for the Danube River;  To screen the EU WFD priority substances and biological quality elements not covered by regular monitoring;  To facilitate, specific training needs and improve in-country experience including laboratory inter-comparison;  To promote public awareness.

17 Upgrade of TNMN according to WFD Major objectives Future TNMN should focus on monitoring needs on the basin-wide level in rivers, groundwaters, protected areas and coastal waters. Surveillance monitoring - to provide an overview of the overall status and long-term changes of surface water and – where necessary – groundwater status in a basin- wide context with a particular attention paid to the transboundary pollution load Operational monitoring - for those bodies of water reported in the Article 5 Roof report, which have been identified as being at risk of failing to meet their environmental objectives Investigative monitoring – primarily national task; basin-wide via JDS, possible also triggering by AEWS

18 Surveillance monitoring – surface waters “Flagship” monitoring of the ICPDR at the basin-wide level –Focus on status as required by Annex V, 1.3 –Info needed on trends and loads, Should fulfil both WFD and DRPC requirements The agreements made with the Black Sea Commission should be reflected as well It has to be a part of national monitoring networks

19 WFD requirements: –Supplementing and validating the risk assessment detailed in the Danube Basin Analysis – WFD Roof Report 2004 according to Annex II WFD; –The efficient and effective design of future monitoring programmes; –The assessment of long term changes in natural conditions (under consideration – proposal to monitor the reference sites on the national level only and report on changes); –The assessment of long term changes resulting from widespread anthropogenic activity and –Estimating pollutants loads transferred across international boundaries and their discharging into the Black Sea. DRPC: –Compatibility maintained with the TNMN data from years 1996-2005 - would require increase of monitoring frequency as required by WFD Surveillance monitoring – surface waters

20 Surveillance monitoring of ecological and chemical status (complying with requirements as stated in Annex V, 1.3) Surveillance monitoring of specific pressures (basin-wide scale, selected determinands, higher frequencies) – more character of an operational monitoring but sites are not dropped after reaching compliance (based on the old TNMN) –Annual monitoring for selected physico-chemical parameters (organic pollution, nutrients) and relevant PHS, PS and/or other substances. Hydromorphological parameters under consideration – site-specific only How to put in coherence WFD requirements with a demand for continuity with the current TNMN? Draft proposal: Surveillance monitoring – surface waters

21 Surveillance monitoring – sampling sites Surveillance monitoring of ecological and chemical status: sites selected on criteria given in Annex V. 1.3.1 –The rate of water flow is significant within the river basin district as a whole including point on large rivers where the catchment is greater than 8,000 (?) km 2 –Sites on the Danube River and its major tributaries –Black Sea coast included (although catchments smaller than 8,000 (?) km 2 ) Surveillance monitoring of specific pressures –Sites required to estimate the pollutant load (e.g. of nutrients or hazardous substances) –Sites for a long-term trend analysis - review of the existing TNMN sites –Coastal sites included

22 Surveillance monitoring – quality elements Biology –Phytoplankton –Phytobenthos –Macrophytes –Benthic invertebrates –Fish Chemistry –PS and other PS – as surveillance strategy/ 1 per WB –General physico-chemical parameters – supportive to biology Hydromorphology –Supportive to biology

23 Quality elements – microbiology ??? Intestinal Enterococci (I.E.) in cfu/100 ml (ISO 7899- ) Escherichia coli (E.C.) in cfu/100 ml (ISO 9308-1) Are the large rivers selected for bathing water purposes? Should these determinands be voluntary or obligatory for the TNMN? Is there national sampling and analysis for microbiology? In order to assess bathing water quality more determinands may be needed and a rather dense frequency (especially in summer periods).

24 Monitoring frequency I SectorQuality elementRiversCoastal waters BiologyPhytoplankton3 years (6x) Phytobenthos3 years Macrophytes3 years Benthic invertebrates1 year (?) Fish6 years HydromorphologyHydrological regime /Tidal regime Continuous6 years (high frequency) River continuity6 years Morphology6 years

25 Monitoring frequency II SectorQuality elementRiversCoastal waters ChemistryPriority substances regularly occurring in-stream: Lindane, Atrazine, Cadmium, Lead, Mercury 1 year (12x) Other polluting substances occurring in-stream: DDT, Bisphenol A 1 year (12x) Danube Priority substances and other substances on the EC list 6 years (12x) General physico-chemical parameters1 year (12x)

26 Operational monitoring – surface waters Selection of monitoring sites, determinands and frequencies to be done at the national level in line with the information requirements for a particular water body (depending on relevant pressures) –Includes monitoring of protected areas (habitat protection – those listed in Roof Report) Used for preparation of a basin-wide report focused on fulfilling the WFD environmental objectives for water bodies listed in the basin-wide Article 5 report –The information from the relevant national operational monitoring sites to be presented in a graphical form at the basin-wide scale –For each pressure a separate map should be prepared using the format similar to that applied in the Roof Report 2004


28 Surface water

29 Monitoring in protected areas

30 Ground water

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