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write 2 thematic statements making a connection

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1 write 2 thematic statements making a connection
Write a brief statement of the connection you have to the super abstract meaning of the word. write 2 thematic statements making a connection between the word/meaning and the work. Draw 3 images from the story that represent the word WORD Definition Sentence that best shows the meaning Abstract Concrete Super Abstract

A complex statement that reflects the theme, or authors perspective of the world through the specific piece of literature. Theme is an abstract idea coupled with a comment or observation which addresses: human motivation human condition human ambition

3 RULES A theme is NOT a moral, a directive, or an order.
it avoids judging what people should or should not do not appropriate is an order/directive such as “Be nice to elderly people” or “Love like there’s no tomorrow.”

4 RULES Themes are NOT trite sayings Cheese factor?
(clichés, maxims, or aphorisms) “Actions speak louder than words,” “Love hurts,” or “Absence makes the heart grow fonder.” Cheese factor?

5 Themes do NOT refer to the specific names or events of a particular literary piece
Think in general terms Themes avoid absolute terms such as “all,” “none,” “everything,” or “always” because they indicate sloppy thinking

6 THEMATIC STATEMENT "The Most Dangerous Game"
Men, when they are courageous and lucky, even in a hostile environment, can overcome the odds against their survival. Our reason, courage and strength can reach their full potential when challenged by a hostile environment.



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