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8 47544295 75051229 98616411000’s100’s10’s1’s10 000’s1/101/1001/1000 40 000 4004/10 5 00050 2/100 6 1/1000 9 000 Our Denary/Decimal number system is Hindu-Arabic.

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Presentation on theme: "8 47544295 75051229 98616411000’s100’s10’s1’s10 000’s1/101/1001/1000 40 000 4004/10 5 00050 2/100 6 1/1000 9 000 Our Denary/Decimal number system is Hindu-Arabic."— Presentation transcript:

1 8 47544295 75051229 98616411000’s100’s10’s1’s10 000’s1/101/1001/1000 40 000 4004/10 5 00050 2/100 6 1/1000 9 000 Our Denary/Decimal number system is Hindu-Arabic in origin and has taken hundreds of years to evolve into its current form. Although only ten symbols are used we are able to use them to write any number no matter how large or small. This is because the place of each symbol within the number determines its value. Place Value 0 1 23 4 5 6 78 9

2 0 07500000 75000007 50000005 00070007 00040004 70000000 4700000 1000’s100’s10’s1’s10 000’s1/101/1001/1000 Place Value: Multiplying By Powers of 10 1000’s100’s10’s1’s10 000’s1/101/1001/1000 Dividing By Powers of 10 0 0470000

3 0 04501600 45106004 51600005 16040000 82300000 08203000 0080230 1000’s100’s10’s1’s10 000’s1/101/1001/1000 Place Value: Multiplying By Powers of 10 1000’s100’s10’s1’s10 000’s1/101/1001/1000 Dividing By Powers of 10 0 0000823

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