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ITAAT DHE Solutions Ltd UK Moodle databses David Evans. 31 st March 2011.

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1 ITAAT DHE Solutions Ltd UK Moodle databses David Evans. 31 st March 2011

2 The Moodle database activity module Please follow A few comments about Moodle from my understanding Moodle itself is a database consisting of many hundred tables linked together Remember Moodle is freeware, and its development is driven by its user base. It is not developed by industry experts such as Microsoft. So as it stands it is a simple database ‘Query failed in load_user_capability’ (be wary of your processor capability – particularly when dealing with images or big files

3 Prior learning Who uses databases? Who designs databses? Who designs webpages ? Who uses HTML ?

4 Work log database

5 Work log database - project detail

6 What does a database do? Stores data in a logical format The data is stored in tables The tables are made up of fields A series of fields of related data is called a record A database stores and displays records

7 How could we use it in Moodle? A secure intranet database For students to try out their database building skills To record students progress or other aspects of a project or course which would be useful in this format A resource of information useful to the partnership

8 ITAAT David Evans

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