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General Purpose Packages What you need to know. What is a GPP? A General Purpose Package is a computer program designed to solve a particular problem.

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Presentation on theme: "General Purpose Packages What you need to know. What is a GPP? A General Purpose Package is a computer program designed to solve a particular problem."— Presentation transcript:

1 General Purpose Packages What you need to know

2 What is a GPP? A General Purpose Package is a computer program designed to solve a particular problem For instance – A word processor is a computer program that manipulates text to produce a document. GPPs are “content free”

3 What problems? A is a program designed to manipulate to produce a Word Processor Spreadsheet program Database program Graphics program Desktop Publishing Web Page Creation Expert Systems Presentation and Multimedia

4 Objects and Operations An object is a thing An operation is an action performed on a thing

5 Word processing Objects and Operations ObjectOperation a letter a word a sentence a paragraph a page a document

6 Data Types Text Number Graphic Audio Photographic Animation Video

7 Common Features of GPPS run/open application new; open/load file/package save file print file insert/amend/delete change text appearance copy/move header, footer print part of file/document

8 Why do we need GPPs ? large quantities of information storage, retrieval and communication Information has to be accurate complete up-to-date flow of information between and within organisations

9 STORAGE need for storage calculation of storage requirements need for backup standard file formats text ASCII RTF Advantages of standard file formats

10 Human Computer Interface (HCI) Graphical User Interface WIMP environment Windows Icons Menu Pointer The way in which the computer and person communicate and interact.

11 Human Computer Interface (HCI) user friendliness online help tutorial toolbar template wizard keyboard shortcuts customising HCI

12 Software Integration non-integrated package integrated package links between tasks common HCI ease of transfer of data static/dynamic data linkage integration between separate packages in a software suite

13 Selection of packages main purpose of each package potential of packages to fulfil more than one function selection of most appropriate package or packages on the basis of hardware availability software availability the nature of the task

14 Advantages of GPPs speed and accuracy of processing ease of amendment increased productivity layout flexibility availability of information

15 Social Implications job types careers retraining mail shots effects on employment working conditions increased paper

16 Implications – Security and Privacy right of access to personal data need to check accuracy precautions against data loss exceptions to right of access control of access (eg passwords) unauthorised access to data (eg hacking)

17 Implications - legislation Data Protection Act principles data subject data user data controller Computer Misuse Act Copyright, Designs and Patents Act

18 Economic implications initial costs hardware software training replacement costs running costs staff costs

19 General Purpose Packages End of presentation

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