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Slavery and Freedom Tevin Davis, Loralee Grimes, Taryn Daniels, and Nate Midgett.

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Presentation on theme: "Slavery and Freedom Tevin Davis, Loralee Grimes, Taryn Daniels, and Nate Midgett."— Presentation transcript:

1 Slavery and Freedom Tevin Davis, Loralee Grimes, Taryn Daniels, and Nate Midgett

2 Harriet Tubman Lead slaves to freedom using a passage called the underground railroad Created under cover words as directions on how to get out Moved millions of people to hidden wagons, on horseback and on foot to help them become free

3 All about Slaves The First Africans came to America in 1619 they were in Jamestown Every day a slave would wake up and be given two linen shirts to wear and two pairs of trousers They ate received cornmeal salt herrings, and eight pounds of pork or fish and that would be their month of food.

4 The Fight Against Slavery Is it right for one person to own another person? This was a question many people in the US asked from the time the Constitution was, written until the Civil War. Many people, like John Brown and Frederick Douglass were sure they knew the answer -- No! The fight to end slavery was difficult and sometimes dangerous, but abolitionists won! Slavery ended in the United States in 1865 Nat Turner Killed Slave Owners In revolt Of SLAVERY

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