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Graphing with Excel. The Excel program will take data right from your spreadsheet and put it into a graph of your choice Done AUTOMATICALY (after a couple.

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Presentation on theme: "Graphing with Excel. The Excel program will take data right from your spreadsheet and put it into a graph of your choice Done AUTOMATICALY (after a couple."— Presentation transcript:

1 Graphing with Excel

2 The Excel program will take data right from your spreadsheet and put it into a graph of your choice Done AUTOMATICALY (after a couple of steps)

3 Graphing with Quattro Pro Let’s take a survey!

4 Graphing with Excel There are a number of steps you have to take in order to transform data into a visual representation Step #1 – Entering in your data – Let’s do that with our food data

5 Graphing With Excel Step # 2: Selecting Data that will be graphed – Highlight all of the data and labels that you would like included in the graph

6 Step #3: Creating Your Graph – Insert Tab – Select Chart – For our data Chose Column – Keep it simple! 3-D is ok Not PYRAMIDS! Graphing With Excel

7 Step #4: Ensuring your graph is what you are looking for – Does the title make sense? – Does the graph convey the information you want it to? – Does it look professional? – What needs to be changed? Graphing With Excel

8 Step #5: Customizing Your Graph – Right Click on the graph will Let you change what data you are using Change the type of chart – You may click on specific parts of the graph X or Y Axis (Scale, Gridlines) Title (Border, Colour, Style) Bars/Pies (Change colour, insert data labels) Graphing With Excel

9 Design Tab – Allows you to change the look of your graph Colours Data Labels Positioning of Axis Labels Graphing With Excel

10 Layout Tab – Insert Axis Labels – Inserting Line of Best Fit – Inserting Pictures – Inserting Borders – Many, Many More Options Graphing With Excel

11 ASSIGNMENT You are going to learn a little bit of information about your classmates! You will be making 3 spreadsheets and co-ordinating graphs for – Elementary Schools (Column) – If they take part in extra-curricular activities at BCI (Pie) Sports Team Club or Play within the school Nothing – Height (estimated) over the last 5 years of another student MAKE EM FANCY AND ATTRACTIVE

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