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1 Coaching Superior Performance in Times of Change Presented by Lorra Broadbent Strategic Human Resources Ministry of Finance.

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2 1 Coaching Superior Performance in Times of Change Presented by Lorra Broadbent Strategic Human Resources Ministry of Finance

3 2 What are our OBJECTIVES? To introduce the concept, process and benefits of coaching To help you decide what coaching can do for you personally To help you decide what coaching can do for your workplace To support change

4 3 What will this presentation include? Introduction to coaching (What, when, & how it impacts others) Research on coaching An overview of the coaching process Benefits of coaching Questions and answers

5 4 What is coaching? A relationship that helps people produce extraordinary results in their lives, careers, businesses or organizations Through the process of coaching, the coachee chooses the focus of conversation, while the coach listens, observes, questions and moves the coachee through to action Helps identify blind spots by the coachee so they see through new eyes

6 5 What coaching is not! Consulting - provide expert advice Mentoring - shared knowledge/experience Counselling - professional guidance utilizing psychological methods Therapy - remedial treatment of body or mind

7 6 Why do we coach? Promote long-term excellence in personal and organizational performance Promote individual and organizational change Enable and encourage self-correction and self generation

8 7 What do statistics tell us about today’s reality? People are changing jobs on an average of every 4 years What we know about our work will be obsolete in 5 years Change induced stress costs businesses $100 billion every year

9 8 What research supports the benefits of coaching? Distribution - 90% of companies use coaching Trend: In a 2003 survey, the number of companies using coaching increased by more than 50% Process: HR initiates 40% of coaching, Line Managers 35% Value is considered as: “Very good” (52%) and “good” 46% All interviewees recommend coaching

10 9 What competencies are needed to be a coach? Ability for the coach to be self-aware Ability to help others become self-aware Adequate education, life experience and an empathetic personality Openness and acceptance of individual differences with no judgement applied

11 10 Coaching relationship Developing an effective relationship is key in any coaching activity: Mutual respect Trust Integrity

12 11 What are non-verbal actions that help when coaching? F - Face forward/person E - Eye contact L - Lean forward O - Open posture R - Relaxed

13 12 What type of coaching is being used in workplaces today? Professional, executive and business coaching Other types of coaching include: Career, personal, life, peer Process and concepts are the same

14 13 What is executive coaching? An Executive Coach may be selected to provide assistance to an senior leader when he/she takes leadership training to: Introduce the assessment tool (I.e 360 Degree Feedback) Debrief the Executive on the assessment and; Provide coaching on areas that need to be strengthened An understanding of business systems is useful when serving as an Executive Coach

15 14 How does coaching link with business & personal performance? Business planning and Service Plans Management development EPDP’s and Iearning plans Competency development 360 degree feedback & other assessments

16 15 Organizational Strategy Business/Service plan Divisional/Branch plans Competency Development Employee Development Plans COACHING

17 16 How can coaching accelerate change? Support change efforts by helping others to explore thinking and action related to: Organization change and redesign Core business change Development of new procedures/policies Personal/organizational barriers/blocks to change Values/needs during turbulent times

18 17 What is the role of a coach? Assist/support coachee to understand themselves thereby improving their effectiveness Listen and assist the coachee to see things in other ways Assist coachee to discover his/her own capacity and direction Be open, supportive and trustworthy

19 18 What other attributes does a coach need? Agenda free, choice enhancing, truth seeking Empowering through authenticity, clarity and trust One who anticipates success, co-creates solutions, and tracks progress Discovers the capacity for thinking and facilitates the coachee in giving voice to their own discovery

20 19 What ethics will you follow when coaching? Coaches must abide by ethical standards which include integrity, confidentiality, trust and awareness of possible or perceived conflicts of interest Professional/certified coaches must adhere to the International Coach Federation (ICF) Code of Ethics

21 20 What is the language of a coach? The language should be: provocative, not prescriptive or directive Allows the coachee to create possibilities for themselves Provokes deeper thinking by the recipient

22 21 Would this be a model you could use? #1 Listening #2 Questioning #3 Silence #4 Acknowledgement #5 Calling a spade a spade #6 Challenging #7 Moving toward action

23 22 Skill#1 What’s needed to demonstrate you are listening? The coach must learn to simply listen True active listening without judgement requires practice Effective coaches don’t jump to conclusions, solutions or make assumptions

24 23 Skill #2 How do you question a coachee? Is an art; simple; does not confuse or impress Does not contain its own answers Creates space and opportunity for expansive thinking

25 24 Skill #3 How will you use silence to be effective? W.A.I.T – Why Am I Talking? Or the Duck analogy “Why am I Quacking” People process information at different speeds and ways Use silence to encourage thought; know when and how long to use silence

26 25 Skill #4 How do you acknowledge people? Notice and remark when you see the coachee doing well For those of you who coach employees you would benefit from keeping an inventory of staff successes that you can access when coaching for performance

27 26 Skill #5 How do you call a spade a spade? (reality check) Bring attention to areas where something is impeding effectiveness Bring attention or provide feedback without causing insult Do not create emotional harm through ineffective feedback; it undermines performance

28 27 Skill #6 How do you effectively challenge? Ask permission to challenge; challenge coachee to consider alternatives that they may not have considered Seek to identify barriers and brainstorm ideas around removing barriers Suggest possibilities

29 28 Skill #7 How do you move others to action? Identify, prioritize and select options The coach champions the coachee; the coachee takes accountability for results and celebration of the results Coach provides a supportive send-off

30 29 What are benefits for coachees? Recognition of the impact of their own behaviours, actions or activities Exploration of possibilities, feelings, biases, judgements and other insights Improved ability to evaluate options, identify barriers, identify goals and develop an action plan to move forward

31 30 What are organizational benefits of coaching? Encourages a culture of feedback and respect Fosters creativity, flexibility and accountability in employees Facilitates change and frees up management time as employees take on more accountability through exposure to coaching

32 31 Where do you get training to become a coach? Training available through: Royal Roads University (RRU) The Justice Institute Government Employee Learning Services Other organizations within Canada and the United States, etc Lorra’s coaching practice (Just kidding!)

33 32 QUOTES “Never do for others what they can do for themselves” The Iron Rule “It is a fine thing to have ability, but the ability to discover ability in others is the true test!” Elbert Hubbard

34 33 How can you participate in coaching? Royal Roads University Certification Program students are always looking for pro-bono opportunities. Pro-bono coaching is free If you want names of coaches in the RRU program, please contact me at 387-6352 External coaches (approximately $100 - $250 hourly) and lists available through ELS

35 34 A JOURNEY “The process of becoming a coach is not a destination. It is a journey – a path without an end. You will never arrive. The more coaching I do, the more proficient I become. The more people I touch, the more I realize that there is more to be done and more to learn” Thomas Crane “The Heart of Coaching”

36 35 SUGGESTED READING See attachment to Handout


38 37 THE END Thank-you once again for the honour of being here today.

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