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Florida Library Association Annual Conference May 8, 2014 User Meeting and Update.

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2 Florida Library Association Annual Conference May 8, 2014 User Meeting and Update

3 Today’s Agenda Library Services Customer Support Organizational Update Questions 3

4 Lucy Harrison Director of Library Services Library Services

5 Next-Gen ILS Task Force issued RFI to determine maturity and cost – Responses received in March – Demos held in April (SirsiDynix, III, Ex Libris, OCLC) – Task Force meeting May 4 – 5 – Report to Members Council June 10 Next steps More info at 5

6 Discovery Tool Phase I: Statewide union discovery tool 6




10 Discovery Tool Phase I: Statewide union discovery tool Includes limited interlibrary loan Primo Central Index (PCI) and SFX 10

11 Discovery Tool Phase II: Local interfaces (summer 2014) Create local views for each of the colleges using the existing functionality in Mango Will use as much of the current information from the Primo interface as possible Colleges will be encouraged to create and maintain their own front pages if possible Statewide Request functionality for all institutions (universities and colleges) 11

12 Discovery Tool Phase III: Mango enhancements (begins fall 2014) Develop new look and feel for Mango Add any enhancements that may be needed Work with User Interfaces Standing Committee Work to begin once all colleges and universities are operating Mango 12

13 Shared ILL Connected Aleph ILL modules/UBorrow across colleges and universities Added colleges and universities to each other’s supplier lists Next phase: College and university students place requests through the statewide and local catalogs Resource Sharing Standing Committee working on policy issues 13

14 Digital Services FL-Islandora now has one site live and publicly available, and eight additional sites built on the production server – In June, will meet the functional requirements to replace DigiTool (phased transition over the next year) – Working with Digital Initiatives Standing Committee to identify ongoing development priorities In-house review of digital services Survey coming soon 14

15 Bibliographic Database Quality PDA01: New Aleph bib library for PDA/DDA discovery records Continued manual cleanup of records – Duplicate OCLC number report and cleanup for FCS – Completion of Aleph Duplicate Spreadsheet for SUS – Additional cleanup projects as identified by Technical Services Standing Committee – Ad hoc cleanup of records reported to UPD Y implementation for SUS Move to next-gen ILS may offer other solutions 15

16 E-Resources Members Council recommended FLVC license one high-impact database across FCS and SUS for 2015 Developing impact statements for release in April 2014 New legislation 16

17 E-Resources HB 5101: “For purposes of licensing electronic library resources from funds appropriated to the Complete Florida Plus Program, those resources licensed for 4- year degree-seeking students shall be made available to all 4-year degree-seeking students in the Florida College System and the State University System.” Reduction in e-resources funding of ~$245,000 Currently clarifying intent and determining impact Working with the Collection Management and E- Resources Standing Committee Will take recommendation to the June 10 MCLS meeting 17

18 Linda McCarthy Assistant Director, Library Support and Training FLA President-Elect Customer Support

19 Help Desk Consolidation Implemented Microsoft Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system – Replaced legacy call tracking systems (HEAT and RT) in February – Will build out other features (e.g., reports, registration system, knowledge base) over the next year Enhanced queuing system and call management for routing Help Desk calls 19

20 New Customer Support Portal 20

21 Library Staff Resources Legacy web pages remain available for staff to access reports, documentation, FAQs, and other tools Access via Pages will be consolidated in the future 21

22 Meet the Help Desk Staff

23 Contact the Help Desk Help Desk Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. ET Contact the Help Desk: – E-mail: – Phone: 1-877-506-2210 (M-F, 8-5 ET) – After-hours emergency pager: 1-866-200-3929 – Support Portal: 23

24 Don Muccino Executive Director Organizational Update

25 FY 2013-14 Activities Dedicated to building key foundational elements that will support the next generation of services Library services Customer support services Distance learning catalog Common web platform and site updates Promotion of services 25

26 Legislative Actions New legislation repeals the statute establishing FLVC and establishes two new organizations – one for distance learning/student support services and one for library automation services – housed within University of West Florida Establishes the Complete Florida Plus Program Renames Complete Florida Degree Program to Complete Florida Degree Initiative 26

27 New Organizations Complete Florida Plus Program Will provide distance learning/student support services similar to those currently provided by FLVC, along with the Complete Florida Degree Initiative and a K-20 student advising program Florida Academic Library Services Cooperative Will provide library support services similar to those currently provided by FLVC Overseen by a director who reports to Complete Florida Plus Program Open e-text provisions for library services 27

28 Transition All FLVC contracts, personnel, and funds transferred to UWF Staff become UWF employees by December 31, 2014 Non-recurring $5M reduction in annual funding Reduction of ~$245,000 to e-resources funding Must use NWRDC for data center services Termination of UF services contract in December 2014 28

29 Transition Goals Continuity and quality of services Stability of the organization Delivery of the organization as an ongoing operation that is positioned to support the next generation of services to our students, faculty, and staff 29

30 Questions?

31 Exhibit Hall Booth #305

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