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What are they? Where do they come from? How do I make them go away? 1.

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Presentation on theme: "What are they? Where do they come from? How do I make them go away? 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 What are they? Where do they come from? How do I make them go away? 1

2 P-Card expense is posted to the university financials the month after the purchase was made. Make a p-card purchase in August Transaction posts to Works for allocation by cardholder Sign off due by Sept 5th Department approvers signs off on expense as approved for posting to university financials Sign off due by Sept 15th P-Card expense is extracted from Works for upload to university financial report Transactions sweep begins Sept 16 th (If department completes sign off by due date) Grant expense is reviewed by Sponsored Projects, all expense is budget checked. After all errors have been corrected, August p-card expense posts in September by month close (if departments respond promptly to budget correction requests) P-CARD EXPENSE SIGN OFF CYCLE- 2

3 Department have to allocate and sign off on their expense before it can be uploaded to university financial reports. Sign off can be completed as soon as the transaction appears in Works, but most departments finalize sign off in the month following the expenditure:  Cardholders: Complete sign off of previous month expense by the 5th of the month-  Approvers: Complete expense allocation review of previous month expense and sign off by the 15th of the month-  Transactions are swept from Works for upload to university financial reports on the 16th (if departments meet their deadline) Example: August p-card expense is signed off by the Works approver on or by September 15 th and swept for upload to university financial reports beginning on the 16 th of September. August p-card expense won’t be reflected in university financial reports until September. Late sign off by departments, last minute corrections, lack of funds in budgets can slow down the upload of transactions to university financial reports. Some expense may not post for 2 months due to unresolved budget errors. Please Note: Works approver due dates are earlier in Nov, Dec, and June due to Thanksgiving, Winter Break, and Fiscal Year End. 3

4 Department staff responsible for overseeing budgets and expense can request access to Works for running reports, viewing or editing of transactions by contacting the university p- card administrator. Roles available for managing p-card expense in Works:  Works Reconciler role allows a staff member to be assigned allocate/edit/sign off transactions for one or more cardholders. Reconcilers can run Works reports for accounts assigned to them.  Works Scoped Accountant role will allow the ability to run reports; view and edit transactions in Works.  Works Scoped Auditor role will allow the user to run reports and view transactions detail. No allocation editing of accounting detail is allowed (this is a view only role assigned to expense auditors). 4

5 Works provides transaction detail reports which can be run on demand or scheduled to run automatically. The following reports are good tools for budget management:  Works Cycle to Date Transaction Detail Report (XLS format) provides transaction detail for the current month.  Works Transaction Detail Report (XLS format) provides transaction detail for the previous month. (Similar to the Works Sign Off Status Report). Works reports are fully customizable: Works reports include filters which allow users to create custom reports to capture different date ranges, accountholders, or fund use. 5

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8 Budget and Review Tip:  Save the report to your desktop or file to for review or budgeting purposes.  Add a new worksheet each month to maintain all your p-card purchases for the fiscal year in one worksheet. 8

9 Future Plans: The university is currently testing a p-card encumbrance process that will allow departments to view p-card expense as an encumbrance line in university financial reports. If you’re interested in participating as a test group, email Systems Processes & Improvement @ For Works reporting guides, View report-guides/ report-guides/ For more information on work roles or utilizing Works reports, contact: Anna Pollworth, P-Card Administrator Phone (208) 426-1795 9

10 Purchasing makes purchases for the campus community when they exceed predetermined limits. This is usually done by initiating a requisition. Once Purchasing receives the requisition, they contact the vendor and issue a Purchase Order (PO). At the time the PO is issued, the funds to pay for the purchase are encumbered. Once items are received, contact your buyer to tell them it is OK to pay. 10

11  Encumber – Takes the amount needed for the purchase and deducts it from the available balance. This insures the funds are available when the request for payment is received. DescriptionEncumbExpenseAvailable Balance Current Available Balance$6000.00 PO encumbered 2000.00$4000.00 PO encumbered 3000.00$1000.00 PO released-2000.002000.00 PO released-3000.003000.00 $1000.00 The available balance will not reduce twice. Holding the funds until the purchase is received and payment initiated 11 *Keep in mind, encumbrances may not show directly over one another in the encumbrance line.

12 12 This is the total amount currently encumbered in this budget roll-up (OE) FYI: Pending EX Jrnl Expenses are amounts waiting for the overnight process to run.

13 This is the breakdown of the amount showing on the Detail General Ledger Report as Pending Expenses. This information will only be available until the over night process is run. After the process runs, these will show as encumbrances. 13 If you see a rollup account with “Pending EX Journal Expenses” on the Detail GL Report, look at the.out version and you will pull up this report.

14 Encumbrances that are not yet expensed show in the Encumbrances column (amounts may be split into the line items from the requisition). This item matches the total encumbrance s 14 FYI: The four-digit number at the end of the Pcard description is a specific identifier for the transaction (not part of the Pcard number).

15 15 You should see an in and out in the encumbered column, but you should only see the purchase hit the expense column once.

16 What If I need more information? 16 To Run a Budget Overview Report, go to PeopleSoft Financials, Commitment Control, Review Budget Activities. Click on “Budgets Overview” and select an existing Run Control or create a new Run Control.

17 17

18 18 Budget Overview report is view only. It shows up to the minute information and your current available budget. Hyperlinks are in blue and can be used to drill down to additional information.

19 19 This shows the individual Purchase Orders and expenses. Clicking on the magnifying glass symbol takes you to the next level of detail on a specific expense.

20 20 This level shows the Purchase Order information including PO number, dept ID and account, and whether or not the PO was valid and passed budget check. Click on the menu symbol to find additional information.

21 Click on “Go to Source Inquiry” 21

22 22 Here are the PO details with more blue hyperlinks to drill down on each item on the PO. If your investigation shows this PO is encumbered to the wrong dept ID or if you still have questions, contact Purchasing.

23  Purchasing  426-1283  information 23

24  When an individual is going to travel on University business, they are required to initiate a Travel Authorization (TA) (if the travel is outside of 100 miles from the University).  Travel within 100 miles is done as Vicinity Travel.  Expenses, that will be reimbursed to the traveler after their trip, are encumbered when the TA has been submitted.  When an individual is going to travel on University business, they are required to initiate a Travel Authorization (TA) (if the travel is outside of 100 miles from the University).  Travel within 100 miles is done as Vicinity Travel.  Expenses, that will be reimbursed to the traveler after their trip, are encumbered when the TA has been submitted. Where do they come from? 24

25  After travel has occurred, the Expense Report will be initiated and this will unencumber the funds from the TA. DescriptionEncumbExpenseAvailable Balance Current Available Balance$500.00 TA encumbered100.00$400.00 TA encumbered200.00$200.00 TA released-100.00 TA released-200.00 ER (paid travel)100.00 ER (paid travel)200.00 $200.00 The available balance will not reduce twice. Holding the funds until the purchase is received and payment initiated 25 Keep in mind that encumbrances may not show directly over one another in the encumbrance column.

26 This shows a Travel Authorization that was processed and the amounts to be reimbursed to the traveler have been encumbered. 26

27 Multiple TA Encumbrances Notice that no TA encumbrances have been released on this Dept. 27

28 28 The total amount encumbered for Travel shows in the Travel budget section of the GL Detail. Each expense code shows a total encumbered under that expense.

29 29 Each of the blue figures are hyper-links. You can use these to drill down to obtain more information.

30 30 This shows the individual expenses that make up the total amount encumbered. Click on the magnifying glass symbol next to the amount you would like to investigate.

31 31 This shows what TA the line item belongs to. Click on the ledger Icon to drill down farther. This shows what TA the line item belongs to. Click on the ledger Icon to drill down farther.

32  Now that you have found the information to verify, you can compare the Travel Authorization (TA) with any Expense Reports (ER) that have cleared.  This is how you can determine if the TA was not carried into the ER resulting in your budget being hit twice. 32

33 Click on details 33

34  Once a traveler returns, an expense report will need to be initiated. It is important to link the TA (Travel Authorization) for the travel to the ER (Expense Report) for that traveler’s reimbursement. By linking the TA to the ER, the encumbrances for the travel will be released. Go to Travel & Expense Expense Reports Create Report Enter employee Information Then choose the Add a New Value tab 34

35 In the Create Expense Report Screen:  Start Your Report  Click the Drop Down Menu  Choose “A Travel Authorization ” In the Create Expense Report Screen:  Start Your Report  Click the Drop Down Menu  Choose “A Travel Authorization ” 35

36 This screen will show those authorizations that are associated with this particular traveler. 36 Na Name This individual does not have any Travel Authorizations. If she did, they would be listed and the preparer could click on a TA to link it to the ER.

37  Travel  426-4360  information 37

38 Purchase Orders  After the year end AP processing deadline and the PO deadline, Purchasing runs a query in PeopleSoft that identifies all open PO lines (unpaid lines).  Then a multi-step process closes out the encumbrances for the end of that fiscal year and rolls the encumbrances into the next fiscal year.  Reports are run to verify that the encumbrances have transitioned properly. Purchase Orders  After the year end AP processing deadline and the PO deadline, Purchasing runs a query in PeopleSoft that identifies all open PO lines (unpaid lines).  Then a multi-step process closes out the encumbrances for the end of that fiscal year and rolls the encumbrances into the next fiscal year.  Reports are run to verify that the encumbrances have transitioned properly. 38

39 Travel and Expense  After all year end Travel and Expense reports have processed, the remaining encumbrances will be released back into the Departments budgets.  Appropriated Dept. ID--If any encumbrances happened to not carry forward or release, the amounts would be added to the new fiscal year budget.  Any travel that had encumbered amounts will now come from the beginning budget for the new year. Travel and Expense  After all year end Travel and Expense reports have processed, the remaining encumbrances will be released back into the Departments budgets.  Appropriated Dept. ID--If any encumbrances happened to not carry forward or release, the amounts would be added to the new fiscal year budget.  Any travel that had encumbered amounts will now come from the beginning budget for the new year. 39

40 If you have questions for the Budget Office: Call 426-1273 Email : Go to the Budget Office Website at: 40

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