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ISLLC Standard #1 Implementing a Shared Vision Name Workshop Facilitator.

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Presentation on theme: "ISLLC Standard #1 Implementing a Shared Vision Name Workshop Facilitator."— Presentation transcript:

1 ISLLC Standard #1 Implementing a Shared Vision Name Workshop Facilitator

2 Welcome  Name of Superintendent  Welcome  Why Important © AZ Board of Regents, All rights reserved, 2012.

3 Overview & Introductions  Name of Facilitator  Introductions  Overview / Agenda  Guiding Questions  Targeted Objectives  ISLLC Standards © AZ Board of Regents, All rights reserved, 2012.

4 Proposed Norms & Expectations  Stay focused and fully engaged  no competing conversations please  Participate to grow  share openly and monitor your listening  Be a learner  create your own meaning and application  Get your needs met  ask questions that benefit the group  personal questions on breaks  Housekeeping  silence cell phones  handle business later  share ONE point …then next person

5 Leadership Model A Systems Thinking Approach: ISLLC Standards and improvement strategies are managed through Key Processes Student Achievement Teacher Quality Instructional Leadership ImplementingMonitoring Supporting CommunicatingAdvocatingPlanning

6 ISLLC Standards  A principal may choose to implement specific strategies to meet the ISLLC Standards and/or improve his/her performance relevant to the ISLLC Standards. The standards are: 1.Facilitating the development, articulation, implementation, and stewardship of a vision of learning 2.Advocating, nurturing, and sustaining a school culture and instructional program conducive to student learning and staff professional growth 3.Ensuring management of the organization, operation, and resources for a safe, efficient, and effective learning environment 4.Collaborating with faculty and community members, responding to diverse community interests and needs, and mobilizing community resources 5.Acting with integrity, fairness, and in an ethical manner 6.Understanding, responding to, and influencing the political, social, economic, legal, and cultural context

7 Application Focus

8 At the conclusion of this module you will identify key concepts and plan your application focus In the column labeled “Current Reality” –Rate yourself on a scale of 1-5  5 = Highly effective  3 = Satisfactorily Effective  1 = Ineffective –Describe the evidence that supports your application of this concept

9 Implementing a Shared Vision Guiding Questions  Why is a Shared Vision essential to effective school improvement?  How do the key steps for successful implementation of improvement plans impact a shared vision?

10 Word Splash  Locate in your handouts “Word Splash”  Select a recorder  In your table groups determine together what each of those words or phrases has to do with Implementing school change.  Which of your responses do you feel most confident is right on the money?  Which of your responses are you less confident about?

11 Video Clip on Implementing School Change  View video on “Setting Up for Success- Implementing School Change” by Todd Whitaker 

12 Word Splash  Review your Word Splash responses and make any changes you wish.  As individuals, select 3 or 4 of the words or phrases on the word splash and construct a sentence. Share your sentence with your table group.  Think about how you can relate this information to your staff and how it might impact implementing your school improvement plan.  Share your ideas regarding how to take this information to staff and how it might impact implementation of school improvement plans.

13 NEA Keys - The KEYS-CSI Model

14 Read the Article “KeysStep7”  Jigsaw the article. Create 3 groups.  In your like groups, use Focused Reading to engage with the text. means I got it. I know or understand this ! Means this is really important or interesting ? I don’t understand this or this does not make sense.  In your like groups, each member share:  one of your ?’s. Can your help each other create understanding?  Share two of your ✔ ’s. Any commonalities?  Share three of your !’s. Talk about why you believe this to be important.  Decide what you will with your base group.

15 Discuss the Article “KeysStep7”  Return to your Base Group  Share the selected key points with your base group.  Talk as a group about:  The area of implementation you believe will be most difficult at your school.  Why a shared vision is essential.  Select a representative from your group to briefly summarize your discussion. 

16 Carousel of Ideas  On the chart paper provided list 2 or 3 big ideas from each section of the article:  Detailed Planning for Implementation  Monitoring of Implementation  Continuing Professional Development  Strategic and Flexible leadership  You will have 3 to 5 minutes to make your list.

17 Carousel of Ideas  NOW - Add insights from your own experience on HOW you have engaged staff and/or resources to accomplish each:  Detailed Planning for Implementation  Monitoring of Implementation  Continuing Professional Development  Strategic and Flexible leadership  What other strategies might you like to try based on your learning?  Add these new ideas to the chart paper.  Volunteers share an idea that you want to use.

18 Multiple Choice Quiz on Implementation  Create teams of 4. Select people with whom you have not worked.  Once your team is selected stand with them against the wall around the room.  You will be asked questions one at a time.  As a team determine your response and why you chose that response.  One of you will be asked to leave the group and move to the next group to present your response and your reasoning.  Rehearse with your own group your response before moving. You will be told when to move to the next group.  http://quizlet,cin/11401160/test/?matching=multi_choice=on&prompt-def=1&limit=20

19 Statement # 1  Why is it necessary to involve others in developing and implementing a vision and goals? A. School community members learn more about the importance of having a school vision and goals. B. It will engage staff and community members in the vision and goals process giving them a team mentality C. It will involve many diverse perspectives ensuring the needs of all groups are met. D. The responsibilities of implementation are dispersed among more stakeholders.

20 Next Step  As a team, select your response  Determine why that is the best response  Person #1 will move to the next group.  Rehearse your response with your group  Move to the next group when told  Present your response to your new group.

21 Statement # 2  Why is it important to develop and implement a shared vision and goals? A. A plan can be developed with high measurable expectations for students and educators. B. Valued areas can be identified and targeted for improvement. C. Input from key stakeholders will ensure buy-in to the shared vision and goals.

22 Next Step  As a team, select your response  Determine why that is the best response  Person # 4 will move to the next group.  Rehearse your response with your group  Move to the next group when told  Present your response to your new group.

23 Statement # 3  In creating a shared vision, why is it necessary to engage staff and resources in the use of data? A. Discussion of measurable benchmarks can ensure success. B. The use of data ensures vision and goals are aligned with the actual needs of the students and educators. C. Engaging everyone in data collection during the implementation process increases the likelihood of success of the implementation.

24 Next Step  As a team, select your response  Determine why that is the best response  Person #2 will move to the next group.  Rehearse your response with your group  Move to the next group when told  Present your response to your new group.

25 Application Focus  Consider the guiding question, and think about connects between the ISSLC Standard and workshop’s key concepts  Use column labeled “Strategies/Ideas”  List at least THREE things per box  Pair Share ONE strategy you learned today and how you plan to use it at your school. 25

26 Workshop Closure  Review the following…  ISLLC Standard (Elements, Criteria, or Targeted Behavior list on Application Focus)  Next Steps  What additional data do you need?  Who will you involve in process?  What resources do you need?  Application Focus  Do what?  By when?

27 Workshop Closure  Please complete “Participant Feedback” form  Grant research  Improve future workshops  Thanks for your hard work!

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