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 1790-1860. Newspaper editor John O’Sullivan claimed, it is ‘our manifest destiny to overspread the continent allotted by Providence for the free development.

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Presentation on theme: " 1790-1860. Newspaper editor John O’Sullivan claimed, it is ‘our manifest destiny to overspread the continent allotted by Providence for the free development."— Presentation transcript:

1  1790-1860

2 Newspaper editor John O’Sullivan claimed, it is ‘our manifest destiny to overspread the continent allotted by Providence for the free development of our yearly multiplying millions.’ (1845)

3  Early 1800s, Spain controls much of North America  Spanish colonists and Indians living together o Tejanos o Native Americans o Mestizos Which group of people held the highest status in society?

4  1810: poor American Indians and mestizos revolt against Spanish rule o Leader- Miguel Hidalgo, Mexican Catholic Priest Killed in 1811 o Fighting to: abolish slavery, end unfair taxes, take from rich and give to poor  1821: Mexico wins Independence from Spain  1824: Constitution drafted, Mexico became a republic What is a republic?

5  Mexico wants settlers in Texas o Few Tejanos (Spanish settlers in Texas) o Fear of American Indian attacks  Empresarios- agents paid to bring American settlers to Texas o Promise of free or cheap land o 20,000 Americans by 1834 (Gone to Texas!) o Requirements: Become Mexican citizens Obey Mexican laws Support the Catholic Church  Population shift and worries! o 25,000 Americans vs. 4,000 Tejanos (1830) 1829- slavery banned in Mexico When people move to a new country, should they be required to follow the laws?

6  Stephen F. Austin (empresario 1822): 1833, Austin petitions for self-government o Jailed o 1 ½ years later… released and starts a revolution  1833-General Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna- elected president of Mexico  Battles: o Gonzales o Alamo (“Remember the Alamo!”) 1836 Old Spanish mission 189 Texans vs. 3000 Mexicans 13 day stand off o Declaration of Independence! How might the story of the Alamo affect public opinion of this conflict?

7  Sam Houston elected President  Andrew Jackson recognizes Texas as independent nation, 1837 o No war or new slave state- NO ANNEXATION  Population boomed in 1830s and 1840s  Slavery was legal  1844- Texas and Mexico sign peace treaty What are the unresolved issues of this conflict?

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