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Classroom Management 101 Behavior Improvement Plans And Positive Reinforcement Behavior Improvement Plans And Positive Reinforcement.

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Presentation on theme: "Classroom Management 101 Behavior Improvement Plans And Positive Reinforcement Behavior Improvement Plans And Positive Reinforcement."— Presentation transcript:

1 Classroom Management 101 Behavior Improvement Plans And Positive Reinforcement Behavior Improvement Plans And Positive Reinforcement

2 Behavior Improvement Plans  When do you use a BIP?  After 2-3 weeks of consistent documentation of behavior  When a child needs far more structure/guidance than the regular plan in place - in other words, a plan specifically designed for him or her  When do you use a BIP?  After 2-3 weeks of consistent documentation of behavior  When a child needs far more structure/guidance than the regular plan in place - in other words, a plan specifically designed for him or her

3 BIPS  What needs to be done to implement a BIP for a student?  2-3 weeks of solid documentation - showing numerous specific examples of the problem  Show how you’ve tried to make the regular classroom plan work w/ those consequences  Communication has already been on-going w/ parents through the behavior log - no surprises  Create the personalized BIP w/individualized rules  Communicate everything to principal, get BIP approved  What needs to be done to implement a BIP for a student?  2-3 weeks of solid documentation - showing numerous specific examples of the problem  Show how you’ve tried to make the regular classroom plan work w/ those consequences  Communication has already been on-going w/ parents through the behavior log - no surprises  Create the personalized BIP w/individualized rules  Communicate everything to principal, get BIP approved

4 BIPS  After extensive documentation, and informing the principal of the plan, call a parent conference.  BOTH parents have to attend- make available any time they desire  Inform them over the phone exactly what you mean to discuss - a plan to help improve Johnny’s behavior, in which you need their help  After extensive documentation, and informing the principal of the plan, call a parent conference.  BOTH parents have to attend- make available any time they desire  Inform them over the phone exactly what you mean to discuss - a plan to help improve Johnny’s behavior, in which you need their help

5 BIPS- Parent Conference  Alert principal of parent conference and start of BIP  Have ALL documentation in line for conference  Meet with parents first, no child  Go over classroom expecations/rules, and then show documentation of how those rules are not being followed  Ask for input, “Do you see similar behavior at home?”  Alert principal of parent conference and start of BIP  Have ALL documentation in line for conference  Meet with parents first, no child  Go over classroom expecations/rules, and then show documentation of how those rules are not being followed  Ask for input, “Do you see similar behavior at home?”

6 BIPS-Parent Conference  Show them BIP, clearly laying out the specific, individualized specs  Explain that you are partners that communicate constantly. You will set up a goal w/ the child. When goal is met - parents reward w/ a special treat. When goal is not met, negative consequence is enforced - AT HOME.  Child now is a part of the conference. Parents, teacher, and child set a goal number of stamps per day. Parents sign the BIP folder EVERY NIGHT. If a child fails to reach the daily goal, the negative consequence occurs at home EACH DAY.  When the goal is met each week- the special treat happens.  Show them BIP, clearly laying out the specific, individualized specs  Explain that you are partners that communicate constantly. You will set up a goal w/ the child. When goal is met - parents reward w/ a special treat. When goal is not met, negative consequence is enforced - AT HOME.  Child now is a part of the conference. Parents, teacher, and child set a goal number of stamps per day. Parents sign the BIP folder EVERY NIGHT. If a child fails to reach the daily goal, the negative consequence occurs at home EACH DAY.  When the goal is met each week- the special treat happens.

7 BIPS-Conference  If there are 12 time spaces a day, a reasonable first week goal- may be 7 stamps a day, for a total 35 stamps a week for a goal.  A child may have a bad day, but could still win the goal for a week. A bad day, emphasizes the need to really try hard the next day. Also, the child won’t give up on earning the reward for the week.  If there are 12 time spaces a day, a reasonable first week goal- may be 7 stamps a day, for a total 35 stamps a week for a goal.  A child may have a bad day, but could still win the goal for a week. A bad day, emphasizes the need to really try hard the next day. Also, the child won’t give up on earning the reward for the week.

8 BIPS  Goals will continue to become more difficult, because it is your ulitmate goal to have the child off the BIP and back with the regular class. Stress this point to both the child and the parents.  Contact parents weekly on progress and reset goal, when necessary  Goals will continue to become more difficult, because it is your ulitmate goal to have the child off the BIP and back with the regular class. Stress this point to both the child and the parents.  Contact parents weekly on progress and reset goal, when necessary

9 BIPS  When do BIPS not work?  Parents don’t do their end of the bargain. If a child refuses to use proper behavior and it is documented all that you’ve tried, they may be considered for an AEP.  A child is out of control due to a chemical irregularity - ADHD for example or mental/emotional health disorder  Extremely turbulent home-life-almost always due to major upheaval through a death, divorce, new child, etc.  When do BIPS not work?  Parents don’t do their end of the bargain. If a child refuses to use proper behavior and it is documented all that you’ve tried, they may be considered for an AEP.  A child is out of control due to a chemical irregularity - ADHD for example or mental/emotional health disorder  Extremely turbulent home-life-almost always due to major upheaval through a death, divorce, new child, etc.

10 Positive Reinforcement  Token system  Used to highlight great behavior  Can be given out individually or to a group -kids are in groups - w/ desks -groups can be numbered or named - kids can come up with group names  Kids can accumulate and ‘purchase’ treats OR you can make a contest out of it, and tokens are tallied at the end of each week. A winning group is named and can pick a prize - prize board or prize box. Switch groups often - twice a month, for example.  Token system BB should be where all students can reach it themselves and be near the rules and consequences.  Token system  Used to highlight great behavior  Can be given out individually or to a group -kids are in groups - w/ desks -groups can be numbered or named - kids can come up with group names  Kids can accumulate and ‘purchase’ treats OR you can make a contest out of it, and tokens are tallied at the end of each week. A winning group is named and can pick a prize - prize board or prize box. Switch groups often - twice a month, for example.  Token system BB should be where all students can reach it themselves and be near the rules and consequences.

11 Token System  Card system (individual, group)  Need at least 6 decks and bin to keep them in  Laminated BB with a separate pocket for each group in which to keep the cards  Prize box or reward poster. I recommend a reward poster - can offer some meaningful rewards -I.e. lunch w/teacher  Card system (individual, group)  Need at least 6 decks and bin to keep them in  Laminated BB with a separate pocket for each group in which to keep the cards  Prize box or reward poster. I recommend a reward poster - can offer some meaningful rewards -I.e. lunch w/teacher

12 Individual Rewards  Sticker grids  Pertaining to followed individual routine, such as signing behavior folder each week or turning in homework  Can lead to 6/9 weeks party, popcorn, movie, extra recess -those who fill their grid may attend. Or a reward, could be to pick from the prize box or prize board.  Sticker grids  Pertaining to followed individual routine, such as signing behavior folder each week or turning in homework  Can lead to 6/9 weeks party, popcorn, movie, extra recess -those who fill their grid may attend. Or a reward, could be to pick from the prize box or prize board.

13 Whole class Rewards  Class game time  Extra Recess  Light homework  Popcorn/movie  Special snack/drink day  Slippers day/stuffed animals  Class game time  Extra Recess  Light homework  Popcorn/movie  Special snack/drink day  Slippers day/stuffed animals

14 Self-manager Program  Individual  Zero folder signatures for 10 days straight  Carry a badge w/ name and picture  Special priviledges  Special lunch w/ teacher once a week  Permitted to dismiss themselves for all transitions, I.e. lunch and first at recess  Opportunities to bring special snacks or drinks  Special surprises - slipper day, work on pillows for the day, sit at teacher’s desk (draw name out of SM’s)  Individual  Zero folder signatures for 10 days straight  Carry a badge w/ name and picture  Special priviledges  Special lunch w/ teacher once a week  Permitted to dismiss themselves for all transitions, I.e. lunch and first at recess  Opportunities to bring special snacks or drinks  Special surprises - slipper day, work on pillows for the day, sit at teacher’s desk (draw name out of SM’s)

15 Self-manager Program  The Self-manager program is great to implement because it highlights the whole purpose of a strong discipline program - the ability/goal/desire to create children who manage their own behavior - not in need of constant supervision, because they are equipped with how to handle situations and know how to make good choices.

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