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Curriculum Night. Attendance It is very important that your child be at school everyday. If your child has a fever or has been vomiting then they need.

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Presentation on theme: "Curriculum Night. Attendance It is very important that your child be at school everyday. If your child has a fever or has been vomiting then they need."— Presentation transcript:

1 Curriculum Night

2 Attendance It is very important that your child be at school everyday. If your child has a fever or has been vomiting then they need to stay home. School doors open for breakfast at 8:30 (9:30 on Wednesdays) Classroom doors open at 8:45 (9:45 on Wednesdays) Be on time - Class starts at 9:00 am (10:00 on Wednesdays)

3 Behavior Expectations Be Safe Be Respectful Be Responsible These rules are followed school wide as well as in the classroom Teachers and students work very hard to make Cherry Park a calm and quiet place for learning

4 Five Classroom Rules Follow directions quickly Raise your hand for permission to speak Raise your hand for permission to leave your seat Make smart choices Make your dear teacher happy *There are times when rules are not enforced. Example: During work time students can talk in a soft voice or move around to stretch.

5 Positive Rewards Charger Coins (class) = whole class reward (extra recess, extra art time) Charger Cards (individuals) *cards go in a basket *teacher pulls 2 cards out and they are entered in a school-wide drawing on Monday morning *If names are drawn they get a little prize (pencil, etc). Cherry Park Charger Coin Cherry Park Charger Card Name : ____________ *Be Safe *Be Respectful *Be Responsible K 1 2 3 4 5 Teacher __________

6 Levels of Discipline Depending on the severity of the situation, the student would first be given a reminder or warning of the incorrect behavior. The student would be asked to move to another spot in the room or to take a short break in another classroom. If behaviors continue, a “minor” would be written. This is a way to communicate with you. Problems of a more severe nature would lead to a written referral.

7 Volunteer Opportunities We love volunteers! Volunteer request forms were sent home Once routines, schedules, and groups are formed we will be organizing our volunteers Thank you for your help

8 Student Progress *2 Report Cards/February and June *2 Parent-Teacher Conferences with Progress Reports: Nov. 23-25 th March 16-18 th

9 Report Card *Standards based *Designed from the Common Core Common Core is a standards based program that has been accepted by 39 other states. High level expectations College/career readiness

10 Grades are proficiency based. Students will get a number score.

11 Report Card Scoring Summary 5 = above grade level 4 = end of kindergarten goal 3 = making adequate progress 2 = below grade level 1 = proficiency not determined (absences, missing assignments) X = not taught or assessed

12 Reading Writing

13 Language Speaking & Listening

14 Mathematics

15 Content Areas: Science, Health, Physical Ed., Music

16 Life Skills

17 Attendance & Comments

18 ●Print Concepts: I can hold a book, turn pages, read left to right. ●Phonological Awareness: I can rhyme words, count syllables, isolate sounds ●Phonics and Word Recognition: I can name letters, name letter sounds, read sight words ●Fluency: I can read grade level text ●Comprehension: I can understand and retell stories Foundational Skills

19 Literature ●I can ask and answer questions about text ●I can identify characters, setting, and major events in a story ●I can retell a story ●I can identify unknown words (ask questions about unknown words) ●I can recognize common types of text (storybooks, poems, and plays) ●I can name the author and illustrator ●I can look at illustrations and tell what happened in the story ●I can compare and contrast characters ●I can engage in group reading activities

20 Informational Text (Non-Fiction) Example Learning Targets: ●I can read non-fiction of text ●I can identify non- fiction text features

21 Vocabulary: non-fiction, text, details, caption, title, author, illustrator, diagram, cover, spine, labels

22 Speaking and Listening Example Learning Targets: ●I can listen to others and share own ideas ●I can ask questions to get help ●I can take turns speaking Vocabulary: listen, speak, question

23 Counting and Cardinality Example of Learning Target ●I can count to 100 by 1s. ●I can represent a group of objects with a written numeral 0-20. ●I can compare two numerals between 1 and 10 and say which numeral has a greater value. Vocabulary: count, greater than, less than, equal

24 Operations of Algebraic Thinking Example Learning Targets: ●I can add and subtract number within 10. ●I can decompose (break apart) numbers to 10 using objects of drawings. ●I can record the answer using a drawing or equation. Vocabulary: Addition, add, subtraction, subtract, expression, equation, decompose, Make 10

25 Numbers and Operation in Base Ten Example Learning Targets: ●I can compose (put together) numbers 11-19 using a ten and some ones, and show my work with a drawing or and equation. ●I can decompose (take apart) numbers 11-19 into a ten and some ones, and show my work with a drawing or an equation. Vocabulary Compose, decompose, equation

26 Measurement and Data Example Learning Targets: ●I can describe measurable attributes of objects. ●I can sort (classify) objects into categories (groups) ●I can tell which object is longer (or shorter or taller) than the other by comparing them side by side. Vocabulary Longer, shorter, heavier, lighter, warmer, colder, sort, classify, categories, group

27 Geometry Learning Target Examples ●I can recognize and identify squares, circles, triangles, rectangles, rhombuses, hexagons, cubes, cones, cylinders, spheres ●I can describe the position of objects as above, below, beside, in front of, behind, and next to. ●I can compose a new or larger shape using more than one simple shape Vocabulary: Shapes, two-dimensional, three dimensional

28 Writing Pencil Grip *tripod grasp

29 Handwriting *Practice letter formation *Start letters at the top *Traditional Manuscript

30 Writing End of year goal: *3 complete sentences *topic, detail, conclusion

31 Examples:




35 Homework Expectations: *Look for the PURPLE Homework folder on Fridays. *Students should complete their homework by the following Friday. *Participation is required and marked on the report card.

36 Wednesday Folder *The weekly white folder goes home on Wednesdays. *Please sign and return it by Thursday morning. *Look for school and classroom news.

37 Teacher-Parent Connection Teachers are available to give ideas about how to help your child with academics at home. Parents are the first teachers so your partnership is important! Practice Literacy at Home: *Magnetic letters *Wiki Stix *Play-doh *Scissor and glue use *Paper and pencils for writing

38 Math at Home *Count How many doors? How many windows? Do you see any shapes at home? *Positional words Put objects on/in/over/under/behind/in front/next to

39 Resources * (reading) * (math) * (classroom)

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