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Your 2015-2016 PTA Board Welcomes You to Mill Creek!!! General Meeting August 17, 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Your 2015-2016 PTA Board Welcomes You to Mill Creek!!! General Meeting August 17, 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Your 2015-2016 PTA Board Welcomes You to Mill Creek!!! General Meeting August 17, 2015

2 Mill Creek Parent Teacher Association 2015 – 2016 MCE PTA Board  President – Laura Tucker  Secretary – Stephanie Wiggins  Treasurer – Gina Ridenour  VP Communication – Mary Milly  VP Membership – Marissa Bruce  VP Programs – Jenni Begich  VP Volunteers – Julie Williams  VP Ways & Means – Shannon Mullins

3 Back to School Bash  Thank you to all the volunteers!  Teachers  Madison Fire Department  JCHS Football players  Balloon artists from the Library  Nicole Radowski-Stanik, face painting  BaddNewz BBQ  Homemade Desserts  Stevie B’s  Big Kahuna Shaved Ice  Bounce About Party Rentals  Alexander’s Martial Arts  Boy Scouts  Madison City School Bus Transportation  Madison City School SROs

4 No-Hassle Fundraiser Why? - Provide New Chrome Books/ Charging Stations Provide New “Project Lead the Way” kits Support PTA and Student Programs Throughout School Year When? -Now through September 30 th Goal? -$40,000 !!! We will celebrate reaching our goal with a special “Maverick Mania Day” Donations of $50 to $99 will receive recognition on the PTA bulletin board $100 to $249 will receive recognition on the “Horse Shoe” recognition area $250+ will receive recognition in the 2015-2016 year book

5 Ways and Means - Earn Money for our School -  Box Tops  Labels for Education  Project A+  Coke Reward Points  Publix Key Tags  Restaurant Nights  Target Red Card  Red Robin Burgers for Better Schools  Kroger Community Rewards Upcoming Restaurant Night is August 20 th at Stevi B’s Pizza

6 Proposed Budget 2015 - 2016 MCE PTA Proposed Budget Carryover from 2015$27,468.76 Projected Income: $65,950.00 Less Expenses: Student Programs: ($3,625.00) Operating Expenses: ($1,050.00) Fund Raisers: ($55,093.50) PTA Programs: ($8,620.00) Carryover for 2016 ($25,000.00) Variance - unallocated revenue$30.26

7 Ways to Get Involved  Thank you to those that have already volunteered this year:  Back to School Bash  Open House  First Week of School  Library Volunteers  Current Opportunities to Volunteer:  If you want to be notified of any future opportunities, please fill out form tonight before you leave. Filling out the form does not obligate you to volunteer; it will just provide a way to notify you of any opportunities that arise throughout the year. Thanks to all who have and will volunteer this year! We couldn’t do it without you! Dibels Testing – August 18, Contact Julie Williams to Sign up

8 Upcoming Programs BUS SAFETY WEEK, September 8-11 National Theme: Be Smart – Be Seen, I Wait in a Safe Place! FIRE SAFETY WEEK, October 12-16 National Theme: Hear the Beep Where You Sleep: Every Bedroom Needs a Working Smoke Alarm RED RIBBON WEEK, October 26-30 National Theme: Respect Yourself. Be Drug Free REFLECTIONS National Theme: Let Your Imagination Fly

9 Committee Chairs  Bus Safety: Pamela Matheney  Fire Safety: Nicole Radowski-Stanik  Movie Night: Cristy Castleberry  Reflections: Amy Berry  Honor Roll: Becka Beane  New Family/Memorial: Jodi Meder  Teacher of the Month: Randa Harvey & Jessica Ahrens  Hospitality: Bryan Ridenour  Box Tops/Labels: Toni Apse  Restaurant Nights: Bryan Ridenour  Red Ribbon: TBD

10 PTA Membership Benefits Join PTA  --Cost is $5 per person  --Membership Discounts Include:  -Staples  -Boxed Wholesale  -LifeLock  -Sylvan Learning  -AARP, Hertz, and MetLife Home & Auto  --For a list of new offers, visit Please help us reach 100% Parent participation by joining PTA tonight!

11 MCES PTA Communications Website: FaceBook: Email: Please update your INOW accounts on Look for this icon to log in! INOW

12 Reminders, and LAST CHANCE!  Tonight is the LAST NIGHT to: Purchase our Spirit Wear Shirts! Size up to 2x - $12, 3x - $15  Stop by PTA table tonight to join PTA, purchase shirts, find out how you can help, or just say HI! No Hassle Fundraiser is underway through September! Help support the student PTA programs and help purchase Chrome books and project learning kits for the school. Remember, we would love to hear from you! You can email us at

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