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Making your practice compliant, efficient and profitable 0845 450 5555 Welcome Efficient management of information in an onscreen world.

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Presentation on theme: "Making your practice compliant, efficient and profitable 0845 450 5555 Welcome Efficient management of information in an onscreen world."— Presentation transcript:

1 Making your practice compliant, efficient and profitable 0845 450 5555 Welcome Efficient management of information in an onscreen world Presented by: Adrian Gibbons (SWAT UK) Mark Worsey (Buzzacott) Ross Cocker (Clement Keys)

2 2 Efficient management of information in an onscreen world

3 3 How to use a computer to remind you of things!!!

4 4 Efficient management of information in an onscreen world How good are the IT skills in your office? Attachment to paper

5 5 Two key barriers Training Poor skills in using the software ‘The software does not work!’ I cannot make the software do what the paper documents used to do’ It is not an age thing

6 6 Two key barriers Attitude Need to think paperless It is not about just replicating the paper file The software presents a new tool for managing information

7 7Hardware You need use to the right kit to be efficient and effective

8 8 Communication On screen files offer the opportunity for teams to communicate in different ways This has both pluses and minuses

9 9 Putting the client at the centre Paperless systems enable the approach to be tailored for the client What benefits does the client expect?

10 10 Benefits of paperless files Management of background information Recording internal controls Preliminary Analytical Review Prepopulating forms with information

11 11 Conclusion

12 12 Conclusion If you would like the notes with comments from Mark and Ross on then please email me:

13 Making your practice compliant, efficient and profitable 0845 450 5555 This course was: Efficient management of information in an onscreen world Presented by: Adrian Gibbons (SWAT UK) Mark Worsey (Buzzacott) Ross Cocker (Clement Keys)

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