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Literary Devices - Figures of Speech Foldable 1. Here is the answer: repeating the first sound in words. What is the question?

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Presentation on theme: "Literary Devices - Figures of Speech Foldable 1. Here is the answer: repeating the first sound in words. What is the question?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Literary Devices - Figures of Speech Foldable 1

2 Here is the answer: repeating the first sound in words. What is the question?

3 Here is the answer: repeating the first sound in words. What is the question?

4 1. Use hamburger fold.

5 2. Fold edges down to fold.

6 3. Fold in each side to make thirds.

7 4. Unfold to reveal 12 squares.

8 5. Fold in each side.

9 6. Cut each fold of flaps to make 6 doors.

10 7. Write “alliteration” on top left door. alliteration

11 8. Inside top left door, write “repeating the first sound in words.” repeating the first sound in words

12 9. Inside top left flap, write “Example” and list one. repeating the first sound in words Example: Sally sells seashells.

13 10. Write “hyperbole” on top right door. alliteration hyperbole

14 11. Inside top right door, write “exaggeration”. exaggeration

15 12. Inside top right flap, write “Examples” and list some. exaggeration Example: I’ve told you a million times! Example: I’ve got a ton of homework.

16 13. Write “simile” on middle left door. alliteration hyperbole simile

17 14. Inside middle left door, write “comparison using like or as”. comparison using “like” or “as”

18 15. Inside middle left flap, write “Examples” and list some. Example: He’s as big as an elephant. comparison using “like” or “as” They fight like cats and dogs. He‘s as light as a feather.

19 16. Write “metaphor” on middle right door. alliteration hyperbole similemetaphor

20 17. Inside middle right door, write “implied comparison of two unlike things” (no like or as). implied comparison of two unlike things (no “like” or “as”)

21 18. Inside middle right flap, write “Examples” and list some. Examples: He’s a chicken on the edge of the diving board. implied comparison of two unlike things (no “like” or “as”) The stars are diamonds in the sky.

22 19. Write “personification” on lower left door. alliteration hyperbole similemetaphor personification

23 20. Inside lower left door, write “to give human qualities to an animal or object”. to give human qualities to an animal or object

24 21. Inside lower left flap, write “Example” and write one. to give human qualities to an animal or object Example: The car’s headlights winked at me.

25 22. Write “onomatopoeia” on lower right door. alliteration hyperbole similemetaphor personificationonomatopoeia

26 23. Inside lower right door, write words that sound like their meaning “words that sound like their meaning”.

27 24. Inside lower right flap, write “Examples” and list some. words that sound like their meaning Examples: zoom, buzz, snap

28 25. Put definition and your name on the back. A literary device is a figure of speech. first + last name Examples are alliteration, hyperbole, simile, metaphor, personification, + onomatopoeia.

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