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ARI-PAL PD from Flawless Consulting--2/4/2010 Flawless Consulting : Getting Past Resistance ARI-PAL Network Meeting Cohort B February 4, 2010 ARI-PAL Networking.

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Presentation on theme: "ARI-PAL PD from Flawless Consulting--2/4/2010 Flawless Consulting : Getting Past Resistance ARI-PAL Network Meeting Cohort B February 4, 2010 ARI-PAL Networking."— Presentation transcript:

1 ARI-PAL PD from Flawless Consulting--2/4/2010 Flawless Consulting : Getting Past Resistance ARI-PAL Network Meeting Cohort B February 4, 2010 ARI-PAL Networking Cohort III

2 Quick Write Good morning! Please find your seat, take an index card, and write your response to the following quote on an index card and drop it in the basket: “Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.” -- Maria Robinson “Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.” -- Maria Robinson ARI-PAL PD from Flawless Consulting--2/4/2010

3 Ice Breaker ARI-PAL PD from Flawless Consulting--2/4/2010

4 Learning Outcomes 1. Identify and “name” the types of resistance you encounter in your work. 2. Respond to identified forms of resistance. 3. Practice using Block’s three steps for handling resistance.

5 Before: “Have You Ever?” Self-Reflection ARI-PAL PD from Flawless Consulting--2/4/2010

6 Faces of Resistance Agenda Outcome: Identify and “name” the types of resistance you encounter in your work.  Before: “Have You Ever?” Self-Reflection  During: Jigsaw  After: “Have You Ever?” Reflection ARI-PAL PD from Flawless Consulting--2/4/2010

7 What Is Resistance?  Define resistance  Identify the four skills in dealing with resistance: Identify when the resistance is taking place. Identify when the resistance is taking place. View it as a natural process and a sign that you are on target. View it as a natural process and a sign that you are on target. Support the client in expressing resistance. Support the client in expressing resistance. Quit taking it personally. Quit taking it personally.  Learn about the types of resistance. ARI-PAL PD from Flawless Consulting--2/4/2010

8 During: Jigsaw  Participants meet in “expert groups” to read assigned chunks. Take margin notes as you read. Take margin notes as you read. Discuss each type of resistance. Discuss each type of resistance. Make a connection by describing a scenario from your school for each type of resistance. Make a connection by describing a scenario from your school for each type of resistance.  Return to “home groups” and teach your types of resistance. ARI-PAL PD from Flawless Consulting--2/4/2010

9 How often do you meet these? (pp. 141-147, Flawless Consulting) Faces of Resistance Give me more detail Flood you with detail TimeImpracticality I’m not surprised AttackConfusionSilence Intellectual- izing MoralizingComplianceMethodology Flight Into health Pressing For solutions 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 13

10 After: “Have You Ever?” Reflection  Return to your “Have You Ever?” Reflection.  Think about the resistant teachers in your school and name their resistance.  Circle the number that identifies the frequency of resistance you encounter from teachers at your school. ARI-PAL PD from Flawless Consulting--2/4/2010

11 Faces of Resistance Agenda Outcome: Identify and “name” the types of resistance you encounter in your work.  Before: “Have You Ever?” Self-Reflection  During: Jigsaw  After: “Have You Ever?” Reflection ARI-PAL PD from Flawless Consulting--2/4/2010

12 “Steps for Handling Resistance” Agenda Outcome: Respond to identified forms of resistance. Practice using Block’s three steps for handling resistance.  Before: Interview Response  During: Margin Notes with mini-lecture and Graphic Organizer  After: Quick Write ARI-PAL PD from Flawless Consulting--2/4/2010

13 Before: Interview Response  Interview three people and get their responses to the following question: “How have you handled resistance in “How have you handled resistance in the past?” the past?”  Return to your table and share responses with colleagues. ARI-PAL PD from Flawless Consulting--2/4/2010

14 Consultant’s Goals (See pp. 19-20, Flawless Consulting)  Goal Number 1 To establish a collaborative relationship To establish a collaborative relationship  Goal Number 2 To solve problems so that they stay solved To solve problems so that they stay solved  Goal Number 3 To ensure that attention is given to both the To ensure that attention is given to both the technical problem and the relationships technical problem and the relationships and ALWAYS DEVELOPING CLIENT COMMITMENT

15 ARI-PAL PD from Flawless Consulting--2/4/2010 Review of the Four Practices Associated with Dialogue  Listening  Respecting  Suspending judgment  Voicing

16 ARI-PAL PD from Flawless Consulting--2/4/2010 Three Steps for Handling Resistance Step 1: Identify in your own mind what form the resistance is taking. Step 2: State (in a neutral, non-punishing way) the form the resistance is taking. This is called “naming the resistance.” The skill is to find the neutral language. Step 3: Be quiet. Let the client respond to your statement about the resistance.

17 What are you really saying? From Hitch, starring Will Smith ARI-PAL PD from Flawless Consulting--2/4/2010

18 Step 1: Picking Up the Cues  Pay attention to nonverbal messages.  Listen to yourself.  Be alert to certain phrases: You have to understand that... You have to understand that... Let me explain something to you. Let me explain something to you. I want to make sure this isn’t an academic exercise. I want to make sure this isn’t an academic exercise.

19 ARI-PAL PD from Flawless Consulting--2/4/2010 Step 2: Naming the Resistance When the resistance takes this form: Block suggests saying: How would you rephrase this if talking to one of your teachers? 1. Client’s avoiding responsibility “You don’t see yourself as part of the problem.”

20 ARI-PAL PD from Flawless Consulting--2/4/2010 Step 3: Being Quiet, Letting the Client Respond Questions: Why do most of us tend to keep on talking? Why do most of us tend to keep on talking? Why is silence so difficult? Why is silence so difficult?

21 After: Quick Write Think about times that teachers have appeared resistant to working with you or to specific suggestions you’ve made. Think about times that teachers have appeared resistant to working with you or to specific suggestions you’ve made. How did they communicate this resistance; that is, what specifically did they do to cause you to conclude that they were resistant? How did they communicate this resistance; that is, what specifically did they do to cause you to conclude that they were resistant? Jot down your thoughts on the top portion of the graphic organizer. Jot down your thoughts on the top portion of the graphic organizer. ARI-PAL PD from Flawless Consulting--2/4/2010

22 “Steps for Handling Resistance” Agenda Outcome: Respond to identified forms of resistance. Practice using Block’s three steps for handling resistance. Before: Interview Response During: Margin Notes with mini-lecture and Graphic Organizer After: Quick Write ARI-PAL PD from Flawless Consulting--2/4/2010

23 Networking

24 Remember....  Don’t take it personally.  Defenses and resistance are a sign that you have touched something important and valuable.  Most questions are statements in disguise.

25 ARI-PAL PD from Flawless Consulting--2/4/2010 Resistance is like ___________ because __________________. Water Wind Wind Fire Earth Earth

26 ARI-PAL PD from Flawless Consulting--2/4/2010 Homework Assignment  Between now and the next Network meeting on April 29, be mindful of the resistance you are encountering.  Bring an artifact that describes, demonstrates or “performs” that resistance.

27 ARI-PAL PD from Flawless Consulting--2/4/2010

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