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Asbestos: health effects and risk Peter Franklin Senior Scientific Officer Environmental Health Directorate.

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Presentation on theme: "Asbestos: health effects and risk Peter Franklin Senior Scientific Officer Environmental Health Directorate."— Presentation transcript:

1 Asbestos: health effects and risk Peter Franklin Senior Scientific Officer Environmental Health Directorate

2 What is asbestos  Naturally occurring mineral that has crystallised to form long thin fibres and fibre bundles (silicate fibres) Two main types (6 specific materials) Amphibole – crocidolite (blue asbestos) amosite (brown) (tremolite, actinolite, anthophylite) Serpentine – chrysotile (white)  Used extensively because of its flexibility, tensile strength, insulation from heat and electricity, and chemical inertness

3 Why does it cause disease? Disease is caused by the inhalation of asbestos fibres  Fibre shape and size  Thin fibres that can penetration deep into the lung  Persistence in the lungs  Cant be broken down  Difficult to clear from the lungs

4 Asbestos-related Diseases (ARD) Diseases caused by asbestos exposure  Malignant (cancers)  Mesothelioma  Lung cancer  Other cancers (laryngeal, colo-rectal, ovarian)  Non-malignant  Asbestosis  Diffuse pleural thickening  Pleural plaques

5 Disease risk  Most ARD have been due to occupational exposure BUT is now as much a public as occupational health concern  Risk of disease increases with level of exposure  For mesothelioma (and other cancers?) there is no known ‘safe’ threshold  For other ARD (eg asbestosis) high levels of exposure are required (but a lot of uncertainty) Mesothelioma rate (per 100,000) Cumulative exposure (f/ml-yrs) Dose-response for asbestos exposure and disease

6 Non-occupational exposure scenarios  Around the home  Weathered/Broken asbestos containing material (ACM)  DIY Renovations  Pressure Cleaning  In the community (built environment)  Dumping  Contaminated Land  Fire damage buildings  Dodgy Demolitions  Other concerns  C&D Recycling  Mining Activities

7 Mesothelioma and non-occupational exposure Mesothelioma is a specific outcome of asbestos exposure There is no other known cause of mesothelioma WA Mesothelioma Registry Includes all mesotheliomas in WA (1960 – present) Assigns a primary route of exposure based on occupational and non-occupational history

8 Mesothelioma cases in WA: 1960 - 2014 * Still ~ 100 new cases per year

9 DIY and Mesothelioma 153 cases since 1981, BUT 152 cases were exposed before asbestos was banned Most recent exposure was in 1991 More renovations (↑ risk) Greater precaution (↓ risk) Occupational DIY

10 Non-occupational fibre levels  Background levels  <0.0001 f/mL (workplace standard 0.1 f/mL over 8hrs)  Near weathering ACM  0.0004 – 0.006 f/mL (decreases with distance from ACM)  In buildings  0.00059 (ACM in good condition)  0.00073 (with damaged ACM)  Renovation activities Hand sawing ACM sheet 1 – 4 f/mL Jigsaw 2 – 10 Circular saw10 – 20 Sanding vinyl tiles ~1 Removing pipe insulation 2 – 6 ACM removal ~1.5

11 Risk of developing Mesothelioma  Very rare cancer  Background rate: 1-2/1,000,000/yr  Background rate possibly due to either background or unknown exposures  Risk from (unprotected?) home renovation  Hard to determine - no idea of number of people exposed  (Very crude) estimate: 5-10X above background  Still very low (Witt miners ~2000/1,000,000pyr)  DIY exposures likely to be much > than other non-occupational exposures (  risk from other exposures is much lower)

12 Concluding remarks  Risk of ARD from non-occupational exposures is very low  Just because you are exposed to asbestos DOES NOT mean you will get an ARD BUT  there is no known safe threshold level of exposure  the consequences are very high  there is no way of determining who will develop an ARD Asbestos needs to be managed with extreme caution

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