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Proiect cofinanțat din Fondul Social European prin Programul Operațional “Dezvoltarea Capacității Administrative” în perioada 2007-2013 Improving the efficiency.

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Presentation on theme: "Proiect cofinanțat din Fondul Social European prin Programul Operațional “Dezvoltarea Capacității Administrative” în perioada 2007-2013 Improving the efficiency."— Presentation transcript:

1 Proiect cofinanțat din Fondul Social European prin Programul Operațional “Dezvoltarea Capacității Administrative” în perioada 2007-2013 Improving the efficiency of the electronic data monitoring of R&D activities and infrastructure by implementing modern ICT, in order to meet the informational needs of beneficiaries of the services offered by Ministry of National Education SMIS 37678

2 ERRIS Engage in the Romanian Research Infrastructures System The Booking Platform for Research Services

3 Context Context  Increasing the use of the research infrastructures is a challenge in general, not only in Romania.  The Romanian Research Infrastructures’ Registry platform is provided by the National RDI Strategy for 2014-2020. We really wanted to have more than a database!

4 Booking of research infrastructures services Booking of research infrastructures services

5 Users Organization Infrastructures Actors:

6 Service 1.1. Service 1.2. Service 1.3. Service 2.1. Service 2.2. Romanian Research Infrastructures Registry Infrastructure 1 Organization Infrastructure 2 One organization can hold several infrastructures, each one offering several services:

7 Each infrastructure has a dedicated page; The responsibility for the content is solely of the organization that holds the infrastructure.

8 Focus on the services offered by each infrastructure

9 Details on the equipment included in the infrastructure

10 Behind every infrastructure is a technical team

11 Users’ review is important

12 Why be in ERRIS? For infrastructure:  Global visibility;  Services offered. For users:  Swift identification potential in finding the infrastructures and services wanted;  Single access point to the services;  Making full use of the feedback offered by the users after experiencing the services.

13 Launching ERRIS - 25 th of June 2015 - National Institute for Statistics

14 ERRIS - October 2015 -

15 500 equipment 132 members 256 services

16 Facebook/ERRIS -Promoting the platform & research infrastructures -Facility that characterize ERRIS: promoting each research infrastructure on Facebook and LinkedIn

17 STATUS 20 collaborations initiated by ERRIS What we do?  Dialogue with members of ERRIS community - consultancy;  Promoting ERRIS: Facebook, national and international events;  Improving of the platform and adding new facilities.

18 Objectives  Encouraging the private and public infrastructures to join ERRIS;  Promoting the platform among the potential beneficiaries of the services;  Integration in BrainRomania 3.0;  Promoting the expansion of ERRIS in other countries.

19 BrainRomania A digital platform addressed to knowledge providers: researchers, professors and entrepreneurs. Asymmetric social network: Following (the knowledge providers) Followed (see how the epistemic community interacts with your profile: statistics on views, downloads and citations) Tabs / Roles: -Research -Teaching -Entrepreneur

20 Text mining Human validation process Machine learning NLP (Natural Language Processing) Collection of  500 000 news from  300 sources The newest and most disruptive happenings, especially in tech A Horizon Scanning Mechanism

21 First complex platform to promote the Romanian higher education internationally, attracting national and international students to the study programmes offered by Romanian universities. Concept: “A gateway to accessible quality Higher Education in EU” More than 725 study programmes in 12 languages are currently available Study in Romania

22 The higher education system in Romania Advantages for foreign students who study in Romania Study programmes taught in foreign languages Enrolment procedures Procedures for obtaining the study visa and residence permit Living conditions and facilities for international students in Romania The platform provides information on

23 Thank you, ERRIS team

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