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© Department of Statistics 2012 STATS 330 Lecture 19: Slide 1 Stats 330: Lecture 19.

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1 © Department of Statistics 2012 STATS 330 Lecture 19: Slide 1 Stats 330: Lecture 19

2 © Department of Statistics 2012 STATS 330 Lecture 19: Slide 2 Plan of the day In today’s lecture, we look at some general strategies for choosing models having lots of continuous and categorical explanatory variables, and discuss an example.

3 © Department of Statistics 2012 STATS 330 Lecture 19: Slide 3 General Principle For a problem with both continuous and categorical explanatory variables, the most general model is to fit separate regressions for each possible combination of the factor levels. That is, we allow the categorical variables to interact with each other and the continuous variables.

4 © Department of Statistics 2012 STATS 330 Lecture 19: Slide 4 Illustration Two factors A and B, two continuous explanatory variables X and Z General model is y ~ A*B*X + A*B*Z Suppose A has a levels and B has b levels, so there are a  b factor level combinations Each combination has a separate regression with 3 parameters –Constant term –Coefficient of X –Coefficient of Z

5 © Department of Statistics 2012 STATS 330 Lecture 19: Slide 5 Illustration (Cont) There are a  b constant terms, we can arrange them in a table Can split the table up into main effects and interactions as in 2 way anova Listed in output as Intercept, A, B and A:B

6 © Department of Statistics 2012 STATS 330 Lecture 19: Slide 6 Illustration (Cont) There are a  b X-coefficients, we can also arrange them in a table Again, we can split the table up into main effects and interactions as in 2 way anova Listed in output as X, A:X, B:X and A:B:X Ditto for Z If all the A:X, B:X, A:B:X interactions are zero, coefficient of X is the same for all the a  b regressions

7 © Department of Statistics 2012 STATS 330 Lecture 19: Slide 7 Model selection In these situations, the number of possible models is large Need variable selection techniques –Anova –stepwise Don’t include high order interactions unless you include lower order interactions

8 © Department of Statistics 2012 STATS 330 Lecture 19: Slide 8 Caution Sometimes we don’t have enough data to fit a separate regression to each factor level combination (need at least one more data point than number of continuous variables per combination) In this case we drop out the higher level interactions, forcing coefficients to have common values.

9 © Department of Statistics 2012 STATS 330 Lecture 19: Slide 9 Example: Risk factors for low birthweight These data were collected at Baystate Medical Center, Springfield, Mass. during 1986, as part of a study to identify risk factors for low-birthweight babies. The response variable was birthweight, and data was collected on a variety of continuous and categorical explanatory variables

10 © Department of Statistics 2012 STATS 330 Lecture 19: Slide 10 Variables age : mother's age in years, continuous lwt: mother's weight in pounds, continuous race: mother's race (`1' = white, `2' = black, `3' = other), factor smoke: smoking during pregnancy ( 1 =smoked, 0=didn’t smoke), factor ht: history of hypertension (0=No, 1=Yes), factor ui: presence of uterine irritability (0=No, 1=Yes), factor bwt: birth weight in grams, continuous, response Must be a factor!!

11 © Department of Statistics 2012 STATS 330 Lecture 19: Slide 11 Preliminary plots

12 © Department of Statistics 2012 STATS 330 Lecture 19: Slide 12 Plotting conclusions some relationships between bwt and the covariates –Slight relationship with lwt –Small effects due to the categorical variables On to fitting models……

13 © Department of Statistics 2012 STATS 330 Lecture 19: Slide 13 Factor level combinations There are 2 continuous explanatory variables, and 4 categorical explanatory variables, race (3 levels), smoke (2 levels) ht (2 levels) and ui (2 levels). There are 3x2x2x2=24 factor level combinations. 24 regressions in all !!

14 © Department of Statistics 2012 STATS 330 Lecture 19: Slide 14 Models The most general model would fit separate regression surfaces to each of the 24 combinations Assuming planes are appropriate, this means 24 x 3 = 72 parameters. There are 189 observations, so this is rather a lot of parameters. (usually we want at least 5 observations per parameter). In fact not all factor level combinations have enough data to fit a plane (need at least 3 points) The model fitting separate planes to each combination is bwt ~ age*race*smoke*ht*ui + lwt*race*smoke*ht*ui

15 © Department of Statistics 2012 STATS 330 Lecture 19: Slide 15 Fitting Can fit the model and use the anova function to reduce number of variables > births.lm<-lm(bwt~age*race*smoke*ui*ht +lwt*race*smoke*ui*ht, data=births.df) > anova(births.lm) Also use the stepwise function with the forward option > null.lm<-lm(bwt~1,data=births.df) > step(null.lm, formula(births.lm), direction="forward")

16 © Department of Statistics 2012 STATS 330 Lecture 19: Slide 16 Results: anova Analysis of Variance Table Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F) age 1 806927 806927 2.0610 0.153251 race 2 4456772 2228386 5.6916 0.004167 ** smoke 1 7098861 7098861 18.1314 3.674e-05 *** ui 1 6513795 6513795 16.6370 7.414e-05 *** ht 1 2458238 2458238 6.2786 0.013317 * lwt 1 2779537 2779537 7.0993 0.008579 ** age:race 2 368694 184347 0.4708 0.625420 age:smoke 1 2220991 2220991 5.6727 0.018520 * race:smoke 2 1085210 542605 1.3859 0.253374 age:ui 1 187617 187617 0.4792 0.489886 race:ui 2 774013 387006 0.9885 0.374625 smoke:ui 1 43060 43060 0.1100 0.740641 age:ht 1 1573461 1573461 4.0188 0.046844 * race:ht 2 318415 159207 0.4066 0.666639 smoke:ht 1 115215 115215 0.2943 0.588322 race:lwt 2 1008962 504481 1.2885 0.278798 smoke:lwt 1 86923 86923 0.2220 0.638215

17 © Department of Statistics 2012 STATS 330 Lecture 19: Slide 17 Results: anova (cont) Analysis of Variance Table Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F) ui:lwt 1 196810 196810 0.5027 0.479457 ht:lwt 1 1145508 1145508 2.9258 0.089300. age:race:smoke 2 1063946 531973 1.3587 0.260218 age:race:ui 2 108742 54371 0.1389 0.870455 age:smoke:ui 1 533 533 0.0014 0.970632 race:smoke:ui 1 617235 617235 1.5765 0.211272 age:race:ht 2 1220320 610160 1.5584 0.213948 age:smoke:ht 1 406773 406773 1.0389 0.309752 race:smoke:lwt 2 1052747 526373 1.3444 0.263898 race:ui:lwt 2 786735 393367 1.0047 0.368668 smoke:ui:lwt 1 1128102 1128102 2.8813 0.091744. race:ht:lwt 1 435519 435519 1.1124 0.293310 age:race:smoke:ui 1 2544108 2544108 6.4980 0.011832 * race:smoke:ui:lwt 1 150811 150811 0.3852 0.535806 Residuals 146 57162471 391524

18 © Department of Statistics 2012 STATS 330 Lecture 19: Slide 18 Results: stepwise (forward/both) Step: AIC= 2451.34 bwt ~ ui + race + smoke + ht + lwt + ht:lwt + race:smoke Df Sum of Sq RSS AIC 73000256 2451 - race:smoke 2 1657370 74657625 2452 + ui:lwt 1 304152 72696104 2453 + smoke:ht 1 168685 72831571 2453 - ht:lwt 1 1397486 74397742 2453 + age 1 149901 72850355 2453 + smoke:lwt 1 11843 72988412 2453 + race:ht 2 497275 72502981 2454 + race:lwt 2 441336 72558920 2454 - ui 1 6968046 79968302 2467

19 © Department of Statistics 2012 STATS 330 Lecture 19: Slide 19 Comparisons 3 models to compare –Full model –Model indicated by anova (model 2) bwt ~ age +ui + race + smoke + ht + lwt + age:ht + age:smoke, –Model chosen by stepwise (model 3) bwt ~ ui + race + smoke + ht + lwt + ht:lwt + race:smoke,

20 © Department of Statistics 2012 STATS 330 Lecture 19: Slide 20 ModelAdj R2R2 Param- eters AIC Full 0.2633 0.4279 422471 Model 2 0.2393 0.2757 92449 Model 3 0.2327 0.2694 92451 Additive model 0.19570.221372457 extractAIC(model3.lm)

21 © Department of Statistics 2012 STATS 330 Lecture 19: Slide 21 Deleting? Point 133 seems influential – big Cov ratio, HMD Refitting without 133 now makes model 3 the best – will go with model 3 Could also just use a purely additive model (i.e parallel planes) - but adjusted R 2 and AIC are slightly worse.

22 © Department of Statistics 2012 STATS 330 Lecture 19: Slide 22 Summary Model 3 Coefficients: Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) (Intercept) 3158.801 267.867 11.792 < 2e-16 *** ui1 -548.459 133.567 -4.106 6.12e-05 *** race2 -561.784 187.680 -2.993 0.003152 ** race3 -500.440 133.004 -3.763 0.000228 *** smoke1 -529.973 133.865 -3.959 0.000109 *** ht1 -1978.134 711.642 -2.780 0.006026 ** lwt 2.426 1.788 1.357 0.176520 ht1:lwt 10.236 4.535 2.257 0.025217 * race2:smoke1 255.066 300.258 0.849 0.396750 race3:smoke1 510.755 244.031 2.093 0.037768 *

23 © Department of Statistics 2012 STATS 330 Lecture 19: Slide 23 Interpretation (cont) Other things being equal: Uterine irritability associated with lower birthweight Smoking associated with lower birthweight, but differently for different races Hypertension associated with lower birthweight Race associated with lower birthweight –Black lower than white –“Other” lower than white Higher mother’s weight associated with higher birthweight, for hypertension group Smoking lowers birthweight more for race 1 (white). These effects significant but small compared to variability.

24 © Department of Statistics 2012 STATS 330 Lecture 19: Slide 24 Interpretation of interactions WhiteBlackOther Smoke No0-561-500 Smoke Yes-530-836-580 -836 = -530 -561 + 255

25 © Department of Statistics 2012 STATS 330 Lecture 19: Slide 25 Diagnostics for model 2 Check for high-influence etc Point 133 !!

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