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Northeast Wisconsin Technical College

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1 Northeast Wisconsin Technical College
Fire Safety Thematic Handout Northeast Wisconsin Technical College Chelsy DeLaney

2 Rational While working at Head Start, I observed children that were frightened by the fire drills, I believe this was due to not being informed and educated on what a fire drill is and why we have them. I have also observed many young children who are fascinated with firemen, police officers, and others with heroic careers. I find that many young children, when asked, “what do you want to be when you grow up?” reply with, “a fireman.” Many young children are not taught about fire safety at home, and do not know the proper ways to react during a fire. Therefore I think the topic of fire safety is age Appropriate and will be beneficial and interesting to most young children.

3 Fire Safety Introduction
I will introduce the topic of fire safety with a book called Fire! Fire! By: Gail Gibbons. This book is chosen because it is age appropriate, for children ages 4+. I would sit down with my pre-school class and talk with them about what they know about fires, and what they think my book may be about. I will then explain to my class that this week we will be talking about fires, firemen, and how to be safe in the event of a fire; and continue with the reading of Fire! Fire! I would use this thematic handout during fire safety week, October 9th-October 13th, Each year the dates may differ.

4 KWL Chart What do we already KNOW about fire safety?
What do we WANT TO LEARN about fire safety? What have we LEARNED about fire safety? Fire is HOT and will BURN! Firefighters ride in fire trucks. Fire trucks are red. -Firefighters put out the fires. -Stay as far away from a fire as possible. -Fire trucks have sirens. -STOP! DROP! & ROLL! -How do you become a firefighter? -What should I do if I have a fire at my house? -How does a firefighter know where to go, to get to the fire? -What is inside a fire truck? -How is a fire put out? -How does a fire start?

5 “BIG IDEAS” from the KWL Chart
What is safe to do in the case of a fire How the fire is put out Fire Safety Evacuation Plan Fire trucks Firefighters

6 Fire Safety Web of Activities & Ideas
How fires are put out What do in if there is a fire Fire Trucks Fire Safety Evacuation Plan Firefighters Fire extinguisher Firefighters STOP! DROP! & ROLL! Save people in fires Put out fires Ride in fire trucks Are brave Wear special uniforms Call 9-1-1 Get off of burning building STOP! DROP! & ROLL! Practice Plan Follow Plan Know Plan Create a location to hang the plan where everyone knows where it is. Are red Have Sirens Fight Fires Drive fast Rescue People

7 Library/Writing/Listening
WMELS Planning Form Teacher(s): Chelsy DeLaney Week of: October 7th- 13th NATIONAL FIRE PREVENTON WEEK Observation Focus: Fire Saftey Individual Goals/Child Initials: HM: Letter recognition, letters J,K,L,&M. TJ: Socializing with peers. SF: Number recognition, numbers 5-10 Group Goals: Social Development- C.EL. 3 Engages in social interaction and plays with others. Mathematical Thinking- B.EL. 1 Demonstrates understanding of numbers and counting Planning for Interactions & Routines Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Large Group Time/Activities Read the Story Fire! Fire! By: Gail Gibbons Firefighter Hat Project STOP! DROP! & ROLL! By: Margery Cuyler Story & Visit from a Firefighter Fire Truck Art Project Fire Station Field Trip Small Group Time/Activities Firefighter Clothes Fire Blocks Activity Fire Safety Game Fire truck Prop Fire Counting Cards Outdoor Time/Activities STOP! DROP! & ROLL Activity Fire Safety Evacuation Routine Fire Safety Scavenger Hunt Firefighter Activity Course Fire truck races w/ Tricycles Self Care & Other Daily Routines SNACK: Fire Snack-Cheddar cheese cut it to shapes of flames, pretzel sticks as the logs. Firefighter Punch-Red Juice/Kool-Aid LUNCH: Safety Dogs-Hot dogs for lunch. Fire truck Treats- Cracker with red frosting and mini Oreo wheels. Fire fighters chili Planning for the Environment: Child initiated Choices/Center Activities Dramatic Play -Firefighter Clothes & Hats -Fire Truck Prop made of cardboard -Fake fire with paper, on the wall. -Add a hose to put out the fire Sensory Table -Fill table with sand or wood chips -Add fire trucks Library/Writing/Listening -Fire Themed books -Fire Safety themed coloring sheets Table Toys/Math -Fire Counting Cards -Counting with dice Science -Watch a video on how a fire is made. -Paint bags, with red, yellow, and orange, it will look like a fire when students mush them together with their hands. Music -Fire Safety songs with CD player and head phones Art -Fire safety themed art projects Blocks -Have blocks with fire drawn or made with paper on the blocks -Add fire truck -Little People firemen Computer -Fire Safety computer games - Outdoors -Turn tricycles into fire trucks with cardboard -Have hoses for the children to play with and pretend.

8 Activity Description Firefighter’s Dress Up Clothes & Props- I will provide a fireman’s jacket and hat for the students to dress up and pretend to be firefighters. I will also have a fire made of paper on the wall and a fire hydrant made of a box and paper with a hose coming out in the dramatic play area. Fire truck prop- Will be made out of cardboard and will also be available in the dramatic play area. Fire! Fire! By: Gail Gibbons Story- I will read the story as an introduction to Fire Prevention week. This story will then go in our classroom library for the students to read/look at as they want.

9 Activity Description Firefighter Hat Project- Students will create firefighter hats out of paper plates. The students will paint a paper plate red, cut the centers of the plate out half way around, and fold the part that was cut up to make the front of the hat, the students will then be given a firefighter badge sticker to put on the front. (Similar to the image) Fire Counting Cards- To help students learn to count and recognize numbers the fire counting game is great, students will each be given up to 10 red “fire balls” and one fire cut out, along with 10 number cards, numbers Students can practice this at home with parents, in small groups, or even as a class.

10 Activity Description Fire Truck Art Project- Students will create their very own fire truck. The images will be pintables, and the students will be able to cut them out and glue them on the the fire truck STOP! DROP! & ROLL Story By: Margery Cuyler- I will read this story to the class as a large group, we will then discuss what we learned about fire safety and the proper way to evacuate a fire, or how to react if we catch fire. We will then follow with the … STOP! DROP! & ROLL Practice Activity- Outside, each student who completes and understands STOP! DROP! & ROLL! will receive a STOP! DROP! & ROLL! certificate.

11 Activity Description Fire Station Field Trip- As a class we will walk to the local fire station. The children we will meet the firefighters and get to look inside a real fire truck, and hear the fire alarm. Fire Blocks Activity- In the block area there will be blocks with fire on them, using paper or drawn on, there will also be a fire truck for children to pretend fight fire.

12 Activity Description Fire Safety Game- The first safety game is done with partners and each partner takes a turn rolling a dice, and each number moves them that many places, until the first one reaches the fire truck. Fire Evacuation Routine- Outside we will practice the routine of a fire drill, we will practice listening for the alarm (whistle, since we are practicing as a class outside), getting into a line, finding our partner, and walking as a class to our safe spot, and waiting for an okay to re-enter our school.

13 Activity Description Fire Safety Scavenger Hunt- Students will get into pairs, each will have a sheet of paper with the name as well as a picture, to help with letter and word recognition, of items such as a fire, hose, fire hydrant, fire hat, and other fire safety related items, the items will be placed outside ahead of time by a classroom teacher, and hidden for the children to find during outside play. Firefighter Activity Course- Outside there will be an activity course set up for the children, using the outside equipment, there will be a start and finish place with arrows point the students in the right direction, this will include, climbing up the jungle gym, running across the bride, sliding down the fire pole, and walking the balance beam. Fire Truck Races- The tricycles outside will be transformed into fire trucks using cardboard and paint. There will then be a race of 4 students at a time, around the tricycle track outside.

14 Activity Description Fire Snack- Fire snack is made up of cheddar cheese and pretzels to create a snack that looks like a fire. The cheese is cut into shapes to look like a flame, the pretzel sticks are the fire logs. Firefighters Punch- Is a red juice or kool-aid drink, called firefighters punch, the students will the love the name twist on this classic favorite drink. You could do this with a strawberry smoothie to make it a breakfast treat as well. Safety Dogs- Are just simply hot dogs for lunch, calling them safety dogs after scrappy the firefighting hero (dog). Fire Truck Treats- Is a cracker painted with red frosting, with mini Oreos as the wheels, they will look just like a fire truck when done. Children love them and what a great snack to tie I the theme. Firefighters Chili- Is just that, chili, with a fun name for the children, and being it is called firefighters chili, you may get students who wouldn’t normally try a chili, actually try it, great way to add in veggies!

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