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Social Analytics

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1 Social Analytics

2 Social analytics 1 The practise of Social Analytics is to report on tendencies of the times

3 Attensity 1 'Attensity' provides social analytics and engagement applications for social customer relationship management (social CRM). Attensity's text analytics software applications extract facts, relationships and sentiment analysis|sentiment from unstructured data, which comprise approximately 85% of the information companies store electronically.

4 Attensity 1 As part of the 2012 election campaign, Attensity partnered with Yahoo! to provide social analytics around the televised GOP debates. Attensity also provided research on customer sentiment on campaign issues to media outlets such as USA Today.

5 ColdFusion - Development Roadmap 1 Adobe announced new features for ColdFusion including (but not limited to); Mobile - Streamlined Mobile Application Development, Revamped and new PDF functionalities, Enabling Enterprise to easily integrate with Social Media Streams, Enterprise mobility, Support for responsive multi screen content, Digital Marketing – Web, Mobile Social Analytics and Customizable Enterprise Video Portal

6 List of wiki software - Java-based 1 * IBM Connections is an Enterprise Social Software made by IBM which combines Wikis, Blogs, Files, Forums, Microblogging, Social Analytics, and Document Management.

7 SEOmoz - History 1 Marrying SEO and Social Analytics Tools

8 Telligent Community - History 1 It was one of the first analytics suites for enterprise collaboration software, and provides social analytics including sentiment analysis, Social Fingerprints, and buzz analysis on social networking sites such as Twitter. prise-20/telligent-updates-and-rebrands- community-solutions-new-analytics- solution-004889.php

9 Telligent Community - History 1 Telligent rebranded all of its products on June 23, 2009 at the Enterprise 2.0 conference when it launched its new [ Evolution platform] product suite. Community Server became known as Telligent Community, Community Server Evolution became known as Telligent Enterprise and the underlying platform that both run on is now referred to as Telligent Evolution. The Social Analytics suite was renamed Telligent Analytics.

10 Memeticist - Applications 1 Research methodologies that apply memetics go by many names: Viral marketing, cultural evolution, the history of ideas, social analytics, and more

11 Topsy (analytics) - Acquired by Apple Inc. 1 *Apple has confirmed that it’s purchased Topsy Labs, a social analytics firm that tracks trending topics on Twitter and other social media networks, in a deal the Wall Street Journal says is valued at more than $200 million. Topsy, one of Twitter’s biggest partners, analyzes ”the half a billion messages sent over Twitter every day and has indexed every tweet ever sent and has made them searchable, much like Google does for the web,” adds the New York Times.

12 Jodee Rich 1 'John David Jodee Rich' (born 1960) is an Australian businessman, the CEO and founder of social analytics and Social influence|influence measurement provider PeopleBrowsr and the creator of new TLDs dotCEO, dotBest and dotKred

13 For More Information, Visit: m/the-social-analytics- toolkit.html m/the-social-analytics- toolkit.html The Art of Service

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