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1.4 - Factoring Polynomials - The Remainder Theorem MCB4U - Santowski.

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1 1.4 - Factoring Polynomials - The Remainder Theorem MCB4U - Santowski

2 (A) Review to evaluate a polynomial for a given value of x, we simply substitute that given value of x into the polynomial. ex. Evaluate 4x 3 - 6x² + x - 3 for x = 2 we then have a special notations that we can write: for the polynomial; P(x) = 4x 3 - 6x² + x - 3 for substituting into the polynomial; P(2) = 4(2) 3 – 6(2)² + (2) - 3

3 (B) The Remainder Theorem Divide 3x 3 – 4x 2 - 2x - 5 by x + 1 Evaluate P(-1). What do you notice? if rewritten as 3x 3 – 4x 2 - 2x - 5 = (x + 1)(3x 5 - 7x + 5) - 10, notice P(-1) = -10 (Why?) Divide 6p 2 - 17p - 7 by 3p + 1 Evaluate P(-1/3). What do you notice? Rewrite the equation in “factored” form Divide 8p 2 - 11p + 5 by 2p - 5 Evaluate P(5/2). What do you notice? What must be true about (2p-5)? Divide x 2 - 5x + 4 by x - 4 Evaluate P(-4). What do you notice? What must be true about (x - 4)?

4 (B) The Remainder Theorem the remainder theorem states "when a polynomial, P(x), is divided by (ax - b), and the remainder contains no term in x, then the remainder is equal to P(b/a)

5 (C) Examples Find k so that when x 2 + 8x + k is divided by x - 2, the remainder is 3 Find the value of k so that when x 3 + 5x 2 + 6x + 11 is divided by x + k, the remainder is 3 When P(x) = a x 3 – x 2 - x + b is divided by x - 1, the remainder is 6. When P(x) is divided by x + 2, the remainder is 9. What are the values of a and b ?

6 (D) Internet Links Remainder Theorem and Factor Theorem from WTAMU The Remainder Theorem from The Math Page Remainder Theorem Lesson From Purple Math

7 (E) Homework Nelson text, page 50, Q2,3,4,9 (verify using RT), 10,11,14

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