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Wellness Presentation

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1 Wellness Presentation
The Campbell Teams

2 START ON TIME Hello. My name is ________________
START ON TIME Hello! My name is ________________. Thank you for joining us. This is a Wellness Presentation and that’s exactly what we’ll be focusing on tonight –wellness. I believe we are living at the beginning of a wellness revolution – people want to be well but we live in a country filled with illness and disease. You can’t open a magazine or newspaper today without seeing articles like this (READ COVERS).

3 Americans Aren’t very Healthy
1 in 3 women; 1 in 2 men will have cancer in his/her lifetime 1 in 8 American women will be diagnosed with breast cancer 27% have Cardiovascular Disease 24% of Americans have hypertension 33% of Americans suffer from arthritis 19% are Pre-Diabetic; 10% are Diabetic Read slide SOURCES: (In case you are asked) + 1 in 3 women and 1 in 2 men will have cancer in the their lifetime • American Cancer Society + 1 in 8 American women will be diagnosed with breast cancer + Heart Disease and Stroke Statistics, American Heart Association 2007 for all of the rest

4 “This generation of children has a shorter life expectancy than their parents.” Dr. David Katz (2004), Yale University Dr. David Katz of Yale says Read quote

5 Our Children are Unhealthy Too
Cancer kills more children than any other disease 1 in 3 children born in 2000 will develop diabetes Asthma, up 232% over the last 40 years By age 3, children have fatty deposits in their arteries. By age 12, 70% have developed beginning stages of hardening of the arteries. READ SLIDE then say Type 2 Diabetes used to be called Adult Onset Diabetes and they had to change the name because it’s hurting so many children under 18 SOURCES: (In case you are asked) + Cancer kills more children than any other disease. • Children’s Environmental Health Network & Gale Encyclopedia of Children & Adolescents +1 in 3 children born in 2000 will develop diabetes U.S. CDC & Prevention June 2003 + Over 8 million children have asthma, up 232% in the last 30 years. • Center for Disease Control and Prevention + By age 3, children have fatty deposits in their arteries. • Bogulusa Heart Study + By age 12, 70% have developed beginning stages of hardening of the arteries.

6 Obesity is an Epidemic “45% of U.S. adults are overweight or obese.” American Heart Association “1/2 of all U.S. children will be obese by 2010.” Am. College of Pediatrics Read Slide

7 For every 40 pounds overweight we are, we increase our chances of…
Heart attack by 360% Cancer by 80% Type II diabetes by 2060% High blood pressure by 260% Degenerative arthritis by 400% Dying by 110% Read Slide

8 Why are we so unhealthy? Poor food choices Not drinking enough water
Lack of Exercise Stressful Lifestyles Sleep Deprivation Environmental Factors Approach to Medicine: “Treatment instead of Prevention” Read slide – Let’s talk about poor food choices for just a moment…

9 Food either strengthens or weakens the immune system.
Show old fast food meal and say – This is “2” years old – and it hasn’t spoiled. There’s not a lot of real food in here – “if it doesn’t rot or sprout – throw it out.” (Optional: Could explain transfat/partially hydrogenated oil and show examples like good peanut butter vs. bad/margarine vs. real butter which doesn’t contain transfat) NOTE: Take off McDonald’s wrappers from the fast food meal– we want to keep it generic so we don’t offend people who may work for these companies Food either strengthens or weakens the immune system.

10 How much sugar is in a soda?
Hold up a 20 oz. orange soda and say This is how much sugar is in this soda - 22 teaspoons of sugar (Hold up sugar packets taped together). Sugar harms the body in many ways – most importantly it suppresses your immune system. (Optional info: Share sugar alternatives – sucanat, stevia, agave nectar syrup etc.) NOTE: Take off Sunkist wrapper from the orange soda – we want to keep it generic so we don’t offend people who may work for these companies

11 Here’s the Good News “70% of disease is preventable through good nutrition.” Dr. William Sears, Pediatrician Read slide and then say Dr. Paul Stricker (pediatrician) says “We don’t just have a nutritional gap, it’s more like the Grand Canyon.”

12 Eat More Whole Foods Whole Grains Nuts Seeds Beans Fruits Vegetables
Read slide than say, Let’s talk for a moment about fruits and vegetables…

13 “The News Isn’t that Fruits and Vegetables are good for you
“The News Isn’t that Fruits and Vegetables are good for you. It’s that they are so good for you they could save your life.” Oct., 2003 Read quote

14 Even the American Cancer Society recommends eating FRUITS AND VEGETABLES to reduce your risk of cancer – why is this?

15 FACT: The U.S. government has spent billions trying to find the cure for heart disease, cancer…
Their Conclusion Disease is easier to prevent than it is to cure. Their Recommendation Eat 7-13 servings of fresh, raw fruits and vegetables every day. The Problem: Almost no one does. Here’s the fact… Read slide and say Why are health authorities recommending raw fruits and vegetables to prevent disease? Let’s compare our bodies to a car – just like a car needs fuel so do our bodies – just like a car burns fuel so do we and the byproduct of that burning is called OXIDATION. Every day each cell in our body takes 10,000 oxidative hits per day. Oxidation comes from just breathing, poor eating habits, stress and even exercising. “Anti”oxidants fight oxidation and protect the cells. Antioxidants are found in FRESH, RAW FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. And we need a lot of fruits and vegetables every day to get what we need. THE PROBLEM – almost no one does.

16 The average multiple vitamin has 31 total
Whole Food vs. Vitamins! The average multiple vitamin has 31 total isolated nutrients. An apple alone has over 10,000 phytonutrients. Only 400 are listed here! So to compensate for a poor diet – Americans have always turned to vitamins. But science has discovered that we need to get our vitamins and other nutrients from whole food because of the “BALANCE.” Here’s what I mean…This page lists just 400 of the 10,000+ ingredients in an apple and we need ALL of these working together. That’s why health authorities recommend that we eat so many fruits and vegetables. We don’t have a vitamin deficiency in America, we have a fruit and vegetable deficiency.

17 This mother is challenged trying to feed her family fruits and vegetables (pause for laughter). I can send you home now to feed your family 7-13 servings of fruits and vegetables everyday. And you may do well for about 2 weeks (laugh). That’s why I’m so excited to share something with you called Juice Plus- I learned about Juice Plus… Tell your Juice Plus story.

18 Largest Selling Nutritional Product in a Capsule!
Read: Introducing Juice Plus+..the next best thing to fruits and vegetables…whole food based (CLICK) It even has a food label (Click) and is the largest selling nutritional product in a capsule! Food Label!

19 What’s in Juice Plus+® ? Vine-Ripened Juiced & Dried
Apples Oranges Peaches Pineapple Papaya Acerola Cherries Cranberries Kale Parsley Beets Broccoli Cabbage Tomatoes Carrots Spinach What’s in Juice Plus? In the Orchard Blend there are 7 fruits (READ THEM) – and in the Garden Blend there are 10 different vegetables and grains (READ THEM – comment on Kale being a decoration at the grocery store - ha). CLICK FOR EFFECT and read Vine-Ripened, Juice & Dried, Pesticide and virtually Sugar Free . Pesticide & Sugar Free Rice Bran & Oats

20 Published Research (13) Research is a key factor that separates Juice Plus+® from everything else in the marketplace and why this product has such strong support from the medical community. There are 13 published independent peer-reviewed research studies. (SHOW ACTUAL JOURNALS and invite them to look at them after presentation) OPTIONAL: You may wish to PLAY a DVD NOW (Suggested DVD is Power Behind Juice Plus by Dr. Richard Dubois or Prescription for a Healthier Life by Dr. Jan Roberto)

21 7 are randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled “gold standard” clinical investigations
Journal of Nutrition (2007)—Medical University of Graz, Austria Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition (2007)-Tokyo Women’s Medical University of Japan Journal of Nutrition (2006)-University of Florida Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise (2006)-University of N. Carolina, Greensboro Journal of the American College of Nutrition (2004)-Medical University of Vienna, Austria Journal of Nutrition (2003)-University of Sydney, Australia Journal of the American College of Cardiology (2003)-University of Maryland School of Medicine READ: 7 of them are randomized, double-blind, placebo controlled GOLD STANDARD (within the medical community) clinical investigations! (CLICK as you go along and each study will come up one by one)

22 Nine Clinical Studies Show
Juice Plus+® delivers key phytonutrients that are absorbed by the body. Read Slide

23 Three Clinical Studies Show
Juice Plus+® helps support a healthy immune system. Read Slide

24 Two Clinical Studies Show…
Juice Plus+® helps protect DNA. Read Slide

25 Five Clinical Studies Show
Juice Plus+® positively impacts several key indicators of cardiovascular wellness. Read Slide

26 Cardiovascular Wellness
f f In one of the cardiovascular studies, Juice Plus+® reduced the adverse effects of a eating a high fat meal. And this study was published in one of the most prestigious cardiology journals, The American College of Cardiology, May, Let’s look at this study for a moment. At the beginning of the study - all of the groups had more than 40% constriction in the arteries which means the blood flow was reduced. Since blood carries oxygen and nutrition to every cell in the body…this is not good. And this blood vessel constriction usually continues anywhere from 4-6 hours after eating a high fat meal. So the researchers created three groups; a placebo group, a Juice Plus+® Orchard and Garden Blend group and a third group taking Juice Plus+® Orchard, Garden AND Vineyard which is an additional blend of 8 berries and concord grapes. The graph shows Day 28 and you can see that the placebo group still had more than 40% constriction. (CLICK FOR EFFECT) Now you see that the Juice Plus+® Orchard and Garden group has 68% LESS constriction of the blood vessels. Then, the combination of orchard, garden and Juice Plus+® Vineyard, (CLICK) shows almost NO CONSTRICTION AT ALL! Juice Plus+® virtually eliminated the detrimental effect of the high fat meal! It was almost as if they had not eaten the high fat meal at all!

27 Juice Plus +® Children’s Health Study
After 1 year on Juice Plus… 73% Eating less fast food 62% Eating more fr and veg 65% Fewer doctor visits 59% Less prescriptions 58% Missed less school 92% Some Positive Benefit 90% Care more about health There is also a Child Study ongoing and children between the ages of 6 to 15 can receive JP free for up to 3 years and results show... READ SLIDE

28 Continuing Research Commitment
Periodontal (gum) health Pregnancy health Endothelial function in insulin-resistant adults Oxidative stress due to environmental factors Exercise related muscle fatigue Systemic inflammation Nutritional status, quality of life and markers of cell health in cancer survivors

29 Juice Plus+® Clinical Research Affiliations
Brigham Young University Georgetown University King’s College, London, England Medical University of Graz, Austria Medical University of Vienna, Austria Tokyo Women’s Medical University, Japan University of Arizona University of Birmingham, England University of California, Los Angeles University of Florida University of Maryland School of Medicine University of Milan, Italy University of Mississippi Medical Center University of North Carolina-Greensboro University of South Carolina University of Sydney, Australia University of Texas Health Science Center University of Texas/MD Anderson University of Würzburg, Germany Vanderbilt University School of Medicine Wake Forest University (with the NCI-National Institutes of Health) Yale University-Griffin Hospital Prevention Research Center Wow! All of these have either completed research on Juice Plus or are currently doing research. Even the National Institutes of Health is funding a research study on Juice Plus.

30 Juice Plus+® Is Cost Effective
$41.50 per month or about $1.38 per day Less than a cup of gourmet coffee You receive a 4-month supply but only pay one month at a time It’s less expensive to prevent disease than to treat it Read Slide then say, Eating Juice Plus+® is kind of like going to the gym for the first time. You may not necessarily see or feel a difference overnight but BE CONSISTENT because you know it’s good for you. That’s why Juice Plus ships in a 4 month supply - Good health is a process just like disease is a process, and Juice Plus+ is great nutrition that works over time. That is why we’ll be on Juice Plus for life. Aren’t YOU worth $1.38 per day?

31 Add Juice Plus to your grocery list!
So eat as many fruits and vegetables as possible -(CLICK FOR EFFECT) and make life a little easier - add JP to your grocery list! What a wonderful safety net!

32 Cross Specialty Credibility
ABC News/Oprah Magazine Medical Editor I take JuicePlus+. My family takes it. My grandchildren take it, too. It’s the closest thing that I know to fresh fruits and vegetables. Dr David Katz is a fan and friend of Juice Plus Read Dr Rosenfeld’s quote - in 30 years of practicing medicine he has never recommended a product until JP – BECAUSE OF THE RESEARCH! Read Dr. Sears quote – Dr Sears is a world renowned pediatrician and a huge advocate of Juice Plus Read Dr Seas and maybe mention that he also recommends JP Complete too Dr. Isadore Rosenfeld Parade Magazine Medical Editor

33 And if you’re not impressed by clinical research, JP+ was in O Magazine (laugh)! Oprah hired to test nutritional products to see if what the companies said was in them was actually in them – only 7 passed the test - and JP was one of the 7 (CLICK FOR EFFECT)

34 Making a difference with whole food based nutrition
Juice Plus+® I hope you feel like you have some helpful information to begin living healthier lives. And I know some of you are ready to get started on Juice Plus right away. If you order the Orchard and Garden blend capsules today you’ll receive a 5 day supply free (hold up pill box with 5 day supply). It’s very simple to get started on Juice Plus+®. Let me pass around some order forms and I will explain them briefly (Review order forms as a group). There are also Brochures, CD’s and DVD’s on the table, Research Summary in the back and Flyers for Upcoming Events. If you’d like to do one of these presentations at your Home or office please see me after. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR COMING. Making a difference with whole food based nutrition

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