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Who Stole My Cheese? English 9.

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1 Who Stole My Cheese? English 9

2 About the Book! We are going to read a book called Who Moved My Cheese? for Teens by Spencer Johnson, M.D. He wrote this book in 2002 for people who go through changes in their lives That’s pretty much everyone! He hopes this book will help us learn how to benefit from changes. Since change is something we can’t avoid in life, the author also hopes that we will not fear it, but instead make change work for us so we can become the person we want to be.

3 Do Now! To help us learn from Who Moved My Cheese? for Teens, we will be talking about changes in our own lives. Think about some changes you have experienced, big or small, which you would feel comfortable sharing in class.

4 Do Now! Make a list of 3 changes (big or small)
Now REFLECT on HOW these changes affected you in 1-2 sentences. Was it a good experience? Bad? For Example: Change: My dad moved out of my house and separated from my mom. Reflection: My family was torn apart, and I’m still very upset with both my mom and my dad. I want them to be together, but that obviously isn’t going to happen.

5 Vocabulary – pages 19-30 1. lousy – bad; awful
2. suspiciously – not trusting 3. nourish – to feed 4. possessing - owning 5. instincts – one’s “know how;” savvy 6. labyrinth – puzzle; maze 7. corridors- hallways

6 Vocabulary – pages 19-30 8. chambers – rooms 9. clouded – not clear
10. regarded – looked at; considered

7 Journal Prompt – Collaborize – Part 1
1. Who are you most like in “A Gathering” - Chris, Melanie, Peter, Kerry, Ana, Carl or Josh? Why? 2. How did Hem and Haw act differently after they found the Cheese at Cheese Station C? Explain your answer.

8 Vocabulary – pages 31 - 46 1. waddle – to walk by swaying side to side
2. sniffed - smelled 3. scurried – run quickly using short steps 4. inevitable – guaranteed; for sure 5. hollered - shouted 6. immobilized – not moving 7. scoffed – to make fun of

9 Vocabulary – pages 31- 46 8. irritable – moody; unhappy
9. nurturing – beneficial; helping 10. reluctantly – not willing 11. folly – silliness 12. emaciated – very thin

10 Journal Prompt – Collaborize – Part 2
1. Give an example of when you are active, when you really want to be productive. 2. Would you rather yell, “It’s not fair!” if someone “moved your cheese,” or would you be like the mice, and immediately start to look for New Cheese?

11 Vocabulary – pages 47 - 68 1. peered – looked at
2. invigorating – to give strength or energy to 3. agility – being quick and nimble 4. embraced – accepted and welcome; hug 5. captive - prisoner

12 Journal Prompt – Collaborize – Part 3
1. Re-read p. 70. What did Hem do that made him change and want to find New Cheese? Explain why. 2. Why do you think it is important not to overanalyze or overcomplicate things?

13 Vocabulary – pages 69 - 76 1. startled – surprised; scared
2. inhibitor – something that prevents something from moving or working 3. irrational – not logical 4. hemmed – inhibited; when you can’t change because of fear 5. predicament – trouble; bad situation

14 Journal Prompt – Collaborize – Part 4
1. Give an example of when you are active, when you really want to be productive. 2. Would you rather yell, “It’s not fair!” if someone “moved your cheese,” or would you be like the mice, and immediately start to look for New Cheese?

15 Vocabulary – pages 77 - 94 1. skeptical – not believing
2. arrogant – feeling like you are more important than others 3. groaned – a noise of pain 4. hassle – trouble 5. savor – taste and enjoy

16 Journal Prompt – Collaborize – Part 5
1. Re-read p. 70. What did Hem do that made him change and want to find New Cheese? Explain why. 2. Why do you think it is important not to overanalyze or overcomplicate things?

17 Learning Points “The Brain”
1. Having a brain allows you to do better than others without. 2. With a brain, you’re able to envision yourself in realistic detail – finding something better, much better. 3. You can reflect on mistakes and use them to plan for the future. You LEARN to DEAL with CHANGE. 4. With a brain, you CAN be aware of the need to keep things simple, be flexible, and move quickly.

18 Learning Points “The Brain”
5. You don’t need to overcomplicate matters or confuse yourself with fearful beliefs. 6. You CAN notice when the little changes begin so that you can better prepare for the big changes that might come. 7. Know when to adapt quickly, for if you don’t adapt in time, you might not adapt at all.



21 Writing on the Wall 1. Change Happens 2. Anticipate Change
3. Monitor Change 4. Adapt to Change Quickly 5. Change 6. Enjoy Change 7. Be Ready to Change Quickly and Enjoy it Again and Again!

22 Collaborize - Final 1. What does Haw do at the end of the story to prevent falling into the old life of Hem? 2. In life, how is it possible to be some or all of the characters in the story?

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