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Next Practices Summary Southern California Sessions 2009 Ed Cohen & Scott Hamilton Conference Call January 27, 2009 Southern California Sessions 2009 Ed.

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Presentation on theme: "Next Practices Summary Southern California Sessions 2009 Ed Cohen & Scott Hamilton Conference Call January 27, 2009 Southern California Sessions 2009 Ed."— Presentation transcript:

1 Next Practices Summary Southern California Sessions 2009 Ed Cohen & Scott Hamilton Conference Call January 27, 2009 Southern California Sessions 2009 Ed Cohen & Scott Hamilton Conference Call January 27, 2009

2 Next Practices Summary What HR and other organization practices will take us to dramatically improved outcomes (factor of 10%plus )- driving success in lean times? Initial next practice initiatives were considered in the areas of communications, customer relations and regulatory issues. Translation of these practices will require the concerted effort of our entire organization teams- working in the context of our own strategic objectives, markets and culture.

3 What are the current issues (PAINS)? Adapting to a market in turmoil Constant, negative change Meeting regulatory requirements Relocation costs Accurate planning Restructuring Emotional strain on the organization Fluctuating currency markets War for talent (yes, it still exists)

4 Next Practices- Regulatory Work closer with internal and external legal affairs dept/counsel- Mid urgency Revise talent evaluation processes- hire t “true” contributors- High urgency Raise awareness of threats by external third parties (unions) Exposure- Mid urgency/ Need for proactive program – High urgency Engage teams to regulatory challenges- cross function not be silo (the norm) Mid to High urgency

5 Next Practices- Communications Improve global organization decision making skills- leverage existing technology better – High urgency Break down organization silos- increase the number of cross functional project teams that are chartered directly from the strategic plan- High urgency 10 X employee input to all aspects of organization operations, markets and direction- Mid to high urgency

6 Next Practices- Customer Service Terminate inside-out views of the customer and create customer co- located and customer centric teams Develop “self assessments” for employees and customers alike so that they tell you what is most important Turn employees into pro-active marketers, not passive order takers (all of these were High urgency initiatives)

7 What are Your Next Steps? Re-group the executive team- what are your core strengths, areas where you can be aggressive in the market Pull next practice thinking throughout the organization (tap the collective IQ) Engage to value, not to legacy ideas Resist status quo – move forward, assess, move forward For depth results-

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