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PRIME SUMMER 2011 Arlington Career Center Nancy Opsut Assistant Principal Becki O’Loughlin Teacher.

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Presentation on theme: "PRIME SUMMER 2011 Arlington Career Center Nancy Opsut Assistant Principal Becki O’Loughlin Teacher."— Presentation transcript:

1 PRIME SUMMER 2011 Arlington Career Center Nancy Opsut Assistant Principal Becki O’Loughlin Teacher

2 PRIME is an internship for rising gifted sophomore, junior and senior students. Its purpose is to provide students with an opportunity to work as unpaid interns in professional organi- zations related to their field of interest.

3 SUMMER PROGRAM n Student must be 16 when they begin the internship. n Student MUST have transportation to and from the internship site.

4 GRADING/CREDIT POLICY n Pass/Fail on their transcript n 140 hours equal 1 credit n Grade/credit appears on 2011-2012 transcript.

5 COURSE EXPECTATIONS n Maintain a reflective blog that is checked by Ms. O’Loughlin and Mrs. Opsut frequently. n Prepare a short paper at the end of the experience about the internship. n Attend a celebration at the end of the internship with their mentor and parents if available. n Complete a survey about their experience.

6 SOME PREVIOUS INTERNSHIP SITES *Engineering *Technology *Architecture*Public Information *Legal - Courts*Design & Construction *Medical*Music *TV Production*Animal Science *Education*Communication

7 Q and A

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