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Light For All Program MINISTRY OF MINES AND ENERGY Secretariat of Energy Jarbas Raimundo de Aldano Matos.

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Presentation on theme: "Light For All Program MINISTRY OF MINES AND ENERGY Secretariat of Energy Jarbas Raimundo de Aldano Matos."— Presentation transcript:

1 Light For All Program MINISTRY OF MINES AND ENERGY Secretariat of Energy Jarbas Raimundo de Aldano Matos

2 What is the Light For All Program A government policy to reduce poverty and hunger using electricity as the development vector

3 Before the Light For All Program, 10 million people living in rural areas had no access to electricity and were mostly in places with lower HDI. ( Human Development Index ) A Social Inclusion Program

4 How Extension of the network, with low cost technology Descentralized generation system, preferably from local and renewable sources

5 Total planned investment: US$ 12 billion Executors * CDE RGR States Sectorial Funds - 71,5% CDE: Funding RGR: Financing and Funding Participation of the States - 13% Participation of 15.5% Resources

6 Operational Structure National Universalization Comission National Management Committee Regional Coordinators State Management Committee Partners

7 Profile of families attended 90% of families have family income below three minimum wages Of these, 33% earn less than one minimum wage

8 Realizations (to March 2010) Connections Investments (contracts signed) Persons Benefited (thou.) 2,31111,556 Homes Electrified (thou.) US$ billion Federal Government 7 Executor Agent 2 State Government 1 Total investment 10 Funds released by the Federal Government US$ 5 billion Funds paid for by the Federal Government US$ 4 billion

9 Job Generation Equipment and materials Estimate Materials used 5,800,000 posts 852,000 transformers 1,117,000 Km of cables (23 times around the Earth) Jobs generated 346,000 direct and indirect

10 Source: IPEA 2006 (May - June) Purchase of appliancess Type of appliance Percentage growth Number sold (units) Television79,3 %1.6 million Refrigerator73.3 %1.4 million Music system45.4 %908,000 Blender39 %780,000 Highlights of the Program

11 Objective To ensure the countryside electrification effort through the Light for All Program resulting in higher agricultural production, adding value to production, rising demand for electricity, increased income and social inclusion of the population benefited. What it is CPC - unit consisting of a set of the machines and equipment for the finishing, processing, conservation and storage of agricultural products, using appropriate technologies and safely and efficiently powered by electricity. Participants Rural community organizations duly ordered and established in places already served or prioritized for Light for All Program. Productive Use of Power Community Production Center - CPC

12 Quilombolas (ex-slave communities) Alcântara Municipality - MA Productive Use of Electricity

13 Indigenous villages Terena village Dois Irmãos do Buriti Municipality - MS Productive Use of Electricity

14 Rural settlements (Area of land of limited size, subdivided into lots or rural plots to settle families of peasants with little or no land) Santo Antônio do Leverger Municipality - MT Productive Use of Electricity

15 Rural Cooperatives Coqueiral Municipality - MG Productive Use of Electricity

16 Careiro Castanho - AM CHALLENGES

17 TECHNOLOGICAL OPTIONS Mini-Hydroelectric  Micro-Hydroelectric  Hydrokinetic systems  Biofuel or natural gas generation  Photovoltaic Solar generation  Windmills  Hybri Systems SPECIAL PROJECTS

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