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Are you ready to PLAY…. Jeopardy ???? Fourth Grade.

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2 Are you ready to PLAY…. Jeopardy ???? Fourth Grade

3 Scientific Method Scientists Magnetism and electricity Salmon Relation- ships of living things 100 200 300 200 300 400 500 JEOPARDY! Geology FINALJEOPARDYFINALJEOPARDY

4 Scientific Method - 100 Measurement of the pull of gravity acting on an object Answer

5 Answer Scientific Method - 100 What is weight Return to start

6 Scientific Method - 200 A scientist’s expected results for an experiment Answer

7 Scientific Method - 200 What is an hypothesis Return to start

8 Scientific Method - 300 Appropriate tool and units for measuring volume Answer

9 Answer : Scientific Method - 300 What are a graduated cylinder and ml Return to start

10 Scientific Method - 400 Type of graph which is appropriate for showing change over time Answer

11 Answer: Scientific Method - 400 What is a line graph Return to start

12 Scientific Method - 500 Part of an experiment which allows you to compare results with normal conditions Answer

13 Answer : Scientific Process - 500 What is the control group Return to start

14 Scientists -100 Scientists who’s outlandish theory that the earth revolves around the sun got him placed under house arrest Answer

15 Answer : Scientists - 100 Who is Galileo Galilei Return to start

16 Scientists - 200 Discovered that by heating milk, bacteria can be killed off and made safer to drink answer

17 Answer : Scientists - 200 Who is Louis Pasteur Return to start

18 Scientist - 300 Scientist Ms. Cooper’s rabbit is named after. Invented hair products for African American women. Answer

19 Answer : Scientists - 300 Who is Madame C.J. Walker Return to start

20 Scientists - 400 First woman to receive the Nobel Prize. Received for her work in discovery of radon Answer

21 Answer : Scientists - 400 Who is Marie Curie Return to start

22 Scientists - 500 Renaissance artist inventor and scientist who’s anatomical work made it possible for doctors to clearly understand the layout of the human body Answer

23 Answer - Scientists 500 Who is Leonardo da Vinci Return to start

24 Electricity and Magnetism - 100 Poles of a magnet which will attract Answer

25 Answer : Electricity and Magnetism -100 What are the opposite poles Return to start

26 Electricity and Magnetism - 200 The name for the area in which a magnetic force will leave a magnet Answer

27 Answer : Electricity and Magnetism - 200 What is the magnetic field Return to start

28 Electricity and Magnetism - 300 Allows you to stop or start the flow of electricity Answer

29 Answer : Electricity and Magnetism - 300 What is a switch Return to start

30 Electricity and Magnetism - 400 Type of electricity caused by a build up of electrons in one place Answer

31 Answer : Electricity and Magnetism - 400 What is static electricity Return to start

32 Electricity and Magnetism - 500 The unit for measuring the force of electrons in a current Answer

33 Answer : Electricity and Magnetism - 500 What is a volt Return to start

34 Salmon - 100 Name of the stage of a salmon after hatching from an egg. These small guys continue to feed on their yolk sac for a few weeks. Answer

35 Answer : Salmon - 100 What is an alevin Return to start

36 Salmon - 200 Three conditions which much be exactly right for an egg to survive Answer

37 Answer : Salmon - 200 What are temperature, oxygen level, and speed of water, size of gravel Return to start

38 Salmon - 300 Reason why turning off your lights can help salmon Answer

39 Answer : Salmon - 300 What is conserving electricity means less dams must be built which block salmon spawning grounds Return to start

40 Salmon - 400 Name for all fish which change physically in order to survive first in fresh water and then in salt Answer

41 Answer : Salmon - 400 What is anadromous Return to start

42 Salmon - 500 Three of the many reason salmon have a small chance of survival Answer

43 Answer : Salmon - 500 What are: Eggs crushed Siltification and pollution Poaching Dams Natural predators Habitat distruction Return to start

44 Daily Double!! On to the question

45 Relationships - 100 How energy is passed from one organism to another Answer

46 Answer : Relationships - 100 What is the food chain Return to start

47 Relationships - 200 Four components of a habitat Answer

48 Answer : Relationships -200 What are Food, water, shelter, and space Return to start

49 Relationships - 300 A special relationship that exists between two organisms in order to survive Answer

50 Answer : Relationships- 300 What is symbiosis Return to start

51 Relationships - 400 Changes an organism makes over time in order to increase the chances of survival in a given environment Answer

52 Answer : Relationships - 400 What are adaptations Return to start

53 Relationships - 500 Term for events which causes the population of a species to decrease Answer

54 Answer : Relationships - 500 What is a Limiting Factor Return to start

55 Geology - 100 Rocks caused by volcanic activity Answer

56 Answer : Geology - 100 What are igneous rocks Return to start

57 Geology - 200 The hardest mineral that exists on earth Answer

58 Answer : Geology - 200 What is diamond Return to start

59 Geology - 300 This occurs when the molecules in a mineral line up in a perfect pattern Answer

60 Answer : Geology - 300 What is a crystal? Return to start

61 Geology - 400 Hardness: 7 Crystal: six sided prism Color: purple Answer

62 Answer : Geology - 400 What is amethyst Return to start

63 Geology - 500 Never-ending process by which rocks are changed from one type to another Answer

64 Answer : Geology - 500 What is the Rock cycle Return to start

65 Scientists Make your wager!! And the question is…..

66 And the question is… Scientists, author and naturalist who developed the theory that Yosemite Valley was formed by glaciation.

67 Who is John Muir


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