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India under British Rule “Jewel in the crown”

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1 India under British Rule “Jewel in the crown”
Ms. Susan M. Pojer Horace Greeley HS Chappaqua, NY Modified by: Pamela Hammond Brantley County HS Nahunta, GA

2 Early European Control
Mughal Empire allows European to establish trading posts in India (Port, 1498 others follow) East India Companies are formed (joint stock companies) by Br, Fr, Du 1600s Br. Bombay, Calcutta, Madras Mughal Empire collapsing in 1707 Invasions by Iran further weaken Europeans see a lack of leadership move in to take advantage…. Br and Fr Seven Years War ( ) Fr loses most of its ports in India Br. EIC, under leadership of Robert Clive, win battles against Fr and seizes their ports (1856)

3 The British East India Company:

4 British East India Company
India was ruled not by Britain but by a corporation Trade not colonization was main goal Colonization developed over time to control trade in raw materials…. Employed Indians to serve in the army to protect company interests SEPOYS British rule over growing parts of India referred to as Raj (reign) Introduce “westernization, Anglicization, and modernization Supports “traditions”…shows favoritism toward some to gain favor and loyalty 1719 coin 1804 coin

5 India: 18c-early 19c

6 British East India Company Agents

7 Main export from India to Britain

8 Sepoy Mutiny Revolution of 1857
Sepoys concerned about EIC taking over so much land New cartridges introduced to soldiers for their guns…“bite the bullet”… coated with animal fat (Hindus afraid was beef, Muslims pork) EIC handle situation badly… jail those that refused to obey orders…Sepoys attack Delhi and spread rebellion north and central India EIC put down rebellion within a year Br. gov takes over rule of colony Damage done…nationalism rises

9 The Sepoy Mutiny: 1857

10 Execution of Sepoys: “The Devil’s Wind”

11 Areas of the Sepoy Mutiny, 1857

12 The Raj: "Jewel in the Crown" of the British Empire


14 1877: Queen Victoria Becomes “Empress of India”

15 Queen Victoria in India

16 Queen Victoria: Receiving the Crown of India

17 Positive effects of British Rule
Br build India’s infrastructure…3rd largest railroad network in world canals, telegraph lines, dams, bridges improve public health—sanitation, sewers (cholera) Education expands Bengal Medical Service, 1860

18 Darjeeling Railroad, 1880s

19 Negative effects of British Rule
Br. held most of the political and economic power…Indians locked out of Indian Civil Service India not allowed to manufacture own goods…could only supply raw materials had to buy Br. manufactured goods Emphasis on cash crops (tea, indigo, coffee, cotton, jute, opium) reduced land planted with food crops---famine Racism against Indians and their religious affiliations (Hindu, Muslim)

20 The Rise of Indian Nationalism

21 Indian Nationalism Grows
Rammohun Roy ( ) “Father of Indian Nationalism” promotes Pan-Indian Nationalism sees need to modernize and westernize…reforms some traditions sati, female infanticide, education (men and women). INDIAN NATIONAL CONGRESS formed in 1885 run by educated middle class angered over discrimination Called for shift in expenditures from military to alleviate poverty

22 the Indian National Congress
1885  The Indian National Congress was founded in Bombay. swaraj  “independence.” * the goal of the movement.

23 the Muslim League 1905  partition of Bengal based on religions and languages. 1906  creation of the Muslim League.

24 Britain’s Eastern Empire
Outside of India, Br was able to take control over Burma (1784) for rice and timber Singapore (1824) aid in trade with China (control straits)… Demands of IR and advances in technological revolution encourage colonization and makes traveling great distances much easier and faster. Plantations demand workers slavery abolished indentured servants recruited ship’s passage paid in return for 5-7 years work; paid small wage…Indians, Africans, and some Chinese take Br up on offer


26 Australia and New Zealand
James Cook explores and claims between 1769 & 1778 Better ships (clipper) make travel easier Encounter hunter gatherers in Australia and fishermen/farmers in New Zealand Br sees Australia as an outlet for overcrowded prisons…first settlers were 736 convicts…ill equipped and ignorant about farming, building….practically failed Treated Aborigines must like Amerinds treated in Americas diseases killed off, mistreatment, pushed off land (did not get rights until 20th century) Gold discovered in Australia in rush of immigrants—sheep herding, and industry grew in region New Zealand good waters for sealing and whaling….almost wiped out species Br. encouraged self-gov following Canadian model (1867)…feared independence movements like in US…1901 Australia become a federation w/n Br. Commonwealth, 1907 New Zealand becomes a self-gov dominion. Both areas first to grant women the right to vote (1894)

27 The Sun never set on the British Empire


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