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ERGONOMICS in the UB Workplace: Intervention Study Summary Sponsored by Health Science Chapter, UUP.

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Presentation on theme: "ERGONOMICS in the UB Workplace: Intervention Study Summary Sponsored by Health Science Chapter, UUP."— Presentation transcript:

1 ERGONOMICS in the UB Workplace: Intervention Study Summary Sponsored by Health Science Chapter, UUP

2 Summary of Study Methods  Survey of HSC members to identify range and severity of symptoms across body regions.  Recruit eight subjects with highest combined scores.  CAT team visits each subject to assess workstation interface, seating and body positioning.  Subjects visit CAT to try and select from a range of interface adaptations.  Selected equipment installed and subject trained on use and related ergonomic strategies.  Symptoms reported for six months post-intervention.

3 Subject 1. Greatest improvement in eye, head and general fatigue, with substantial improvement in neck and shoulder symptoms.

4 Subject 2. Substantial alleviation across all reported symptoms, accompanied by onset of general fatigue.

5 Subject 3. Total elimination of most symptoms with substantial reduction on remaining two.

6 Subject 4. Minor to no improvement in some symptom with exacerbation of others.

7 Subject 5. Substantial reduction in most symptoms, with eventual extinction of some.

8 Subject 6. Substantial reduction of symptom severity in every body system.

9 CONCLUSIONS  UB faculty and staff are working with a wide range of symptoms and a high level of severity.  Many are intensively using newer computer workstations combined with older office furniture designed for using pencil and paper or typewriters.  Proper seating, positioning and interface technologies can greatly reduce the number and severity of symptoms.  Benefits include higher productivity, reduced accumulated trauma injuries, fewer absences and longer careers.  Wellness in the workplace includes proper ergonomics.

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