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The Microdata Analysis System (MAS): ACS Pilot Amy Lauger and Tiffany Julian State Data Centers Steering Committee Meeting 4/15/2015 Disclaimer: The views.

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Presentation on theme: "The Microdata Analysis System (MAS): ACS Pilot Amy Lauger and Tiffany Julian State Data Centers Steering Committee Meeting 4/15/2015 Disclaimer: The views."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Microdata Analysis System (MAS): ACS Pilot Amy Lauger and Tiffany Julian State Data Centers Steering Committee Meeting 4/15/2015 Disclaimer: The views expressed are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the U.S. Census Bureau.

2 Microdata Analysis System  Successor to Advanced Query System (AQS) developed after Census 2000  Web-based tool for creating customized tables and other data products  Estimates will be based on the full, internal microdata  Estimates will be consistent with production estimates 2

3 Key Capabilities  Dynamic creation of user-defined estimates and tabulations  Dynamic application of disclosure avoidance methodology  User-defined geographies, as aggregated from smaller allowed geographies  Dynamic variance estimation 3

4 MAS Pilot  A publicly available pilot is under development  Developed as a custom hot report in DataWeb  Will introduce the customization features and provide an opportunity for public comment  Will use ACS 5-year microdata  Staged in multiple releases as further development occurs 4

5 Pilot Limitations  Real-time disclosure avoidance will not be a part of the pilot  All created estimates will be already published explicitly or by derivation  Estimates will be limited to one- or two-way tables of five ACS variables 5

6 Pilot Review Plans  Development – almost complete  Internal review  Limited release for external review  Release to the public 6

7 Pilot Interface Demo  Tiffany Julian – Dataweb and Applications Staff tmlInterface.html 7

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