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 List 5 types of information to record if a suspected IUU vessel is sighted.

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2  List 5 types of information to record if a suspected IUU vessel is sighted



5 How to determine if a vessel is fishing – stern trawler example Vessel speed 2-3 knots Minimal Bow wake Stern wake Warps in water Net reel empty

6 How to determine if a vessel is fishing – shrimp trawler example Vessel speed 2-3 knots Minimal Bow wake Stern wake Warps in water Outriggers extended nts/geology/people/bperry/geology30 3/geol303chapter9.html




10 Transshipment vessel  Also called tramper or reefer Many cranes / derricks

11 Transhipment vessel Photo: Gilles Hosch ( Large open deck Two large cranes

12 Pelagic longline vessel Gear deployment window Gear retrieval window Buoys, flags, radar deflectors

13 Describe vessel Is this vessel fishing? Vessel speed 2-3 knots Minimal Bow wake Stern wake Warps in water Outriggers extended



16 Longline vessel Bigaro – 27/2/10- monit/iuu-vess-09/bigaro.pdf

17 ©Chris Howell Gear deployment window Gear retrieval window Buoys

18 Refueling vessel © Tomas Østberg- Jacobsen

19 Know your flags?

20 1. 2. 3. 4.

21 5. 6. 8. 7.

22 9. 10. 11. 12.

23 13. 14. 15. 16.

24 17. 19. 18. 20.

25 1. Sierra Leone 2. Liberia 3. Cote d’Ivoire 3. Nigeria

26 5. European Union6. South Korea 8. Spain 7. China

27 9. Ghana10. Senegal 12. Costa Rica 11. Republic of China (Taiwan)

28 13. Panama14. Russia 15. Portugal 16. France

29 17. Equatorial Guinea 19. Republic of Congo 20. Dem.Rep. of Congo 18. Gabon

30  If you see a questionable vessel, what types of information should you record?  Do you need to complete the Vessel Sighting form for every trip?



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