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 Page 115  Draw an outline of the map of Africa.  Add locations, major bodies of water, mountains, rivers, key countries etc.

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2  Page 115  Draw an outline of the map of Africa.  Add locations, major bodies of water, mountains, rivers, key countries etc.


4  Cape  Compass Rose  Drought  Strait

5  Congo RiverCape of Good Hope  Zambezi RiverNile River  Lake VictoriaLake Tanganyika  Mt. KilimanjaroEthiopian Highlands  SahelSahara  Niger RiverCongo Basin  Lake ChadAtlas Mtns.  Kalahari Desert


7  BotswanaMadagascar  GabonNigeria  MaliSouth AFrica  SenegalTunisia  Democratic Rep. of Cong  LiberiaUganda  MoroccoSudan  Somolia  Egypt


9  What is Africa formed from?  What are the 2 main mtn. regions in Africa?  What marks Eastern Africa? What is the landscape like? Name some features.  What is the area between Guinea and Madagascar called? What marks this landscape?

10  Second longest river in Africa.  People use the river for fishing and to irrigate their crops.  Lies near the equator. Very hot Surrounded by tropical rain forests.

11  Third longest river in Africa.  2,000 miles long.  A major oil producer.

12  Longest river in the world. (4,135 miles)  Lake Victoria and Lake Tana are its main sources.  Flows south to north.

13  Has shrunk from around 9,900 square miles to about 580 square miles since the mid-20 th century.

14  Has a coastline of over 2,000 miles.  Largest lake in Africa.  Sources is the Nile River.  One of the most densely populated regions in Africa.

15  Made up of several ranges, including the High Atlas, Tel Atlas, and Saharan Atlas mountains.  Serves as the barrier to the Sahara and is a water tower.

16  Home to 80% of Africa’s tallest mountains.  Droughts and famine have plagued this area for years.

17  Covers about 360,000 miles.  Basin like plain with desert scrub.

18  Largest desert in the world; cover 25% of Africa.  Main economic activity is nomadic herding.  Lowest population densities in the world.

19  Second largest river basin in the world.  Occupies 60% of Congo.  Some 150 ethnic groups live in this basin and represents the hunter/gather lifestyle.  Rich in wood, oil and minerals…like diamonds and gold.

20  Boasted some of Arica’s most influential civilizations.  Now one of the poorest and most environmentally damaged.  In the ’70s drought and famine killed almost 200,000 people.  Many have moved out of this region to find better work.

21  Highest mountain in Africa.  Considered the highest freestanding mountain in the world.  Composed of 3 distinct volcanoes.  Has 2.2 square kilometers of glacial ice.

22  Has thick tropical rainforest.  Lies on the equator.  Third largest country.  Around 250 ethnic groups with over 700 languages.  One of the lowest living standards in the world. (GDP=$600)

23  Only receives one inch of rain a year.  Single source of foreign income is tourism.  Controls the Suez Canal…the shortest sea link btw. the Indian Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea.  2 nd most populous country.  95% of population live along the Nile.

24  Rainforest and tropical climate.  Rich oil and mineral reserves.  Earns one of the highest per capita incomes in Africa.  Subsistence farming.

25  Freed American slaves began settling here in 1820.  In 1847 declared an Independent Republic…Africa’s first.  Coastline has lagoons, mangrove swamps, and sandbars.

26  Fourth-largest island in the world.  First settlers were African and Asian origin.  Depend on subsistence farming.  Exposed to tropical cyclones.

27  Has many natural resources, including gold, salt, and uranium. Major gold exporter.  Landlocked  Desert/semi desert

28  Dominated by the Atlas mtns.  99% of population practice Islam.  Ruled by a king….only 3 in Africa.  Primarily a nation of farmers. Many emigrate to EU nations.

29  Oil-rich Niger delta in the south, rain forest and savanna plateaus in the north.  Population giant…130 million people!  Unhealthy dependence on oil. 98% of export earnings.

30  Gold and diamonds.  Has the largest and most developed economy.

31  A fertile country. Many lakes and rivers  Landlocked  Savanna Plateaus.  “The Pearl of Africa Winston Churchill

32  Where the Atlantic and Indian Ocean meet.  The Sahara Desert could hold the USA.

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