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Integrating Data, Statistics, and Probability into other Content Areas Justin Hose Tres Wells Virginia Math Specialist Conference.

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Presentation on theme: "Integrating Data, Statistics, and Probability into other Content Areas Justin Hose Tres Wells Virginia Math Specialist Conference."— Presentation transcript:

1 Integrating Data, Statistics, and Probability into other Content Areas Justin Hose Tres Wells Virginia Math Specialist Conference

2 Who are we? Justin Hose Elementary Math Specialist (K-5) Frederick County Public Schools PhD Candidate Performs Professional Development Teaches courses for teacher recertification Previous Experience as Fifth Grade Teacher Tres Wells Middle School Teacher Albemarle County Public Schools Math Specialist Certified National Board Certified Experience teaching grades 5-12

3 Objectives Identify Data, Statistics, and Probability SOL Examine reasons for teaching cross curricular activities Apply math lessons in Language Arts, Science, and Social Studies

4 Data, Statistics, and Probability SOLs Data and Statistics Tallies Picture Graphs Tables Object Graphs Pictographs Bar Graphs Stem-and-leaf plot Line graphs Mean Median Mode Range Circle Graphs Probability Predict Outcomes Probability on a line between 0 and 1 Sample Space Dependent Events Independent Events Combinations?

5 Why teach Cross-Curricular Lessons? Connections Connects to students’ prior knowledge Makes the learning meaningful Learning is not done is isolated subjects Application Allows students to participate in applying concepts in different situations Mirrors real world uses of academic knowledge Think Da Vinci Saves Time

6 Social Studies, Language Arts, and Math Cryptography What is Cryptography? Crypto- Hidden -graphy - writing Why Teach Cryptography? Social Studies Rome – Julius Caesar World War II – Enigma Language Arts Patterns in words Letter combinations Computer Programming

7 Transposition Rearranging the letters of plain text the teh, het, hte, eth, eht amht nocpesct cna eb ndofu ewryevehr! Math concepts can be found everywhere!

8 Simple Substitution Cipher When one letter is replaced by another letter in the alphabet. Can be organized Caesar Cipher Keyword or Keyphrase Cipher Or the letters can be random Chasing Vermeer by Bleu Balliet

9 Frequency Analysis What letters are used most frequently in the English language? ABCDEFGHIJKLM NOPQRSTUVWXYZ Compiled by H. Becker and F. Piper – Cipher Systems: The Protection of Communication

10 Science, Social Studies, Language Arts, Math Weather Temperature Humidity Air Pressure Precipitation Wind Speed

11 Winchester, Beijing, Buenos Aires

12 Fairness What does fair mean? Is fair always equal? What does it mean if we say that a game is fair? What is fair pay?

13 Games Is each game fair? Rock, Paper, Scissors Odd person out Horse Race

14 Contact US Email: Twitter: @TwoGuysMath Facebook: Two Guys Math Productions Google+: Two Guys Math Productions

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