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1 Aging Healthy APS Healthcare Southwestern PA Health Care Quality Unit (HCQU) 10-6-05/lo.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Aging Healthy APS Healthcare Southwestern PA Health Care Quality Unit (HCQU) 10-6-05/lo."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Aging Healthy APS Healthcare Southwestern PA Health Care Quality Unit (HCQU) 10-6-05/lo

2 2 Disclaimer "Information or education provided by the HCQU is not intended to replace medical advice from the consumer's personal care physician, existing facility policy or federal, state and local regulations/codes within the agency jurisdiction. The information provided is not all inclusive of the topic presented." "Certificates for training hours will only be awarded to those who attend a training in its entirety. Attendees are responsible for submitting paperwork to their respective agencies."

3 3 Objectives List some changes that happen to your body when you get older. Name a way to improve your appetite. Understand what healthy aging is.

4 4 Aging Healthy Aging begins when we are born. Aging is NOT a disease. Our bodies change as we grow older.

5 5 Aging Healthy List of changes Normal part of aging Tips

6 6 Height Get shorter

7 7 Height Tip Strengthening Exercises Stretching Exercises

8 8 Weight Change in weight Gain or lose

9 9 Weight Tip Exercise Eat healthy food

10 10 Appetite Loss of taste Loss of smell Not hungry

11 11 Appetite Tip Eat meals with friends Eat small meals

12 12 Bladder Bladder gets smaller Go to bathroom more often

13 13 Bladder Tip Drink water during the day. Do not drink fluids before bedtime.

14 14 Hearing Loss Difficult to hear in a noisy area

15 15 Hearing Tip Have a doctor check your hearing every year. Hearing Aid

16 16 Heart Slows down May get dizzy

17 17 Heart Tip Listen to doctor’s orders when taking heart pills.

18 18 Immune system Harder to fight diseases. Easier to catch the flu or colds.

19 19 Immune system Tip Healthy diet Sleep Less stress Exercise

20 20 Kidney Size of kidney gets smaller

21 21 Kidney Tip Drink 6-8 glasses of water each day Check with your doctor first to make sure it is alright to drink this amount of water each day

22 22 Lungs Harder to catch your breath Less oxygen in your body

23 23 Lungs Tip Exercise every day

24 24 Memory Small changes

25 25 Memory Tip Make lists Use calendars to remember important days. Stay involved with the community. Keep active. Stay in touch with your friends.

26 26 Muscles Become smaller Loss of strength

27 27 Muscles Tip Exercise every day

28 28 Skin Gets thinner Easier to get cuts and bruises

29 29 Skin Tip Keep your skin clean all of the time Use moisturizer Use sun block if outside

30 30 Sleep Problems sleeping Less sleep

31 31 Sleep Tip Take naps during the day Exercise during the day Keep a routine

32 32 Stomach Constipation (Difficulty having a bowel movement) Thirsty

33 33 Stomach Tip Drink 6-8 glasses of water every day Eat a lot of fruits, vegetables, and cereals

34 34 Teeth Loss of teeth Hard to chew and swallow

35 35 Teeth Tip Visit the dentist each year

36 36 Vision Not able to see in the dark May need glasses

37 37 Vision Tip More lights in the home Visit doctor each year for eye exam Wear your glasses

38 38 THANK YOU!

39 39 References Healthy Aging. Retrieved May 2005 from World Wide Web www Healthy Aging. Retrieved May 2005 from World Wide Web The National Council On The Aging. Retrieved May 2005 from World Wide Web

40 40 For more information on this or any other physical or behavioral health topic, please visit our website @

41 41

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