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Healthy Lifestyle because it’s good for you…. What is the "healthy lifestyle" exactly? Food Sport Water Air Relaxation.

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Presentation on theme: "Healthy Lifestyle because it’s good for you…. What is the "healthy lifestyle" exactly? Food Sport Water Air Relaxation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Healthy Lifestyle because it’s good for you…

2 What is the "healthy lifestyle" exactly? Food Sport Water Air Relaxation

3 Food The traditional Hungarian foods are full of meat and grease, but we don’t eat enough vegetables. The WHO recommends the vegetarian lifestyle: You shouldn't eat meat but you should eat some vegetables, fruits, eggs, and dairy products. Don’t forget: „You are what you eat.”

4 Sport The modern people are very lazy.The modern people are very lazy. It has a lot of wrong results, for example: Obesity, hypertension, diabetes.It has a lot of wrong results, for example: Obesity, hypertension, diabetes. Your body needs a little sport: Every day walk minimum one hour, or run some kilometers.Your body needs a little sport: Every day walk minimum one hour, or run some kilometers.

5 Water You have to drink 1,5-2 liters water/day! It’s very important. Researches show that the average person drinks half liter/day. It's not enough! The water safe your health, so drink every day 6 glasses of water.

6 Air Your organization require the fresh air every day. It's ensure your fresh mental and physical state. Three times every day, calm down and breathe for 1-2 minutes.

7 Relaxation You usually think: "I don't relax so I save a lot of time. How clever I am..." No, You aren't, because your organization needs to relax! You have to relax 6-8 hours a day. Sleeping is the most effective before midnight, so you should go to your bed around 10 pm. When your brain is fresh, then it's much faster!

8 Do it and save your health! Thank you for your attention!

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