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Together, we’re changing the world of 9-1-1 NG9-1-1 Deployments and Standards Nate Wilcox CTO.

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Presentation on theme: "Together, we’re changing the world of 9-1-1 NG9-1-1 Deployments and Standards Nate Wilcox CTO."— Presentation transcript:

1 Together, we’re changing the world of 9-1-1 NG9-1-1 Deployments and Standards Nate Wilcox CTO

2 Together, we’re changing the world of 9-1-1 Basics NG9-1-1 Requirements – basics: – ESInet – i3 functions ESRP, ECRF/LVF, BCF and accompanying protocols Mostly only ESInet’s (1 st step to i3) – Privately managed IP network intended for Emergency Services use (9-1-1 traffic etc.) to support NENA i3 functions “some” i3 components required Confusion on routing component

3 Together, we’re changing the world of 9-1-1 Not NG9-1-1 Non-i3 oriented solutions: – No ESRP, no ECRF, no LSRG etc Running an ESInet alone or on an ESnet is NOT NG9-1-1 Anything that still relies on ALI or an MSAG To date, there are NO complete i3 implementations in the US – Less than a year for the first few to hit

4 Together, we’re changing the world of 9-1-1 ECRF ESInet TRANSITION ALI Voice, Video, Text, Additional Info ESInet i3 ESRPBCF CAMA/E-MF ISDN BRI VoIP IP i2 VoIP LSRG IP Legacy PSAP TDM IP PSAP Legacy PSAP LIS ECRF LVF LPG ALI LSRG LPG TDM LNG VoIP LIS LPGLegacy PSAP ECRF SR LNG LSRGLPG ECRF LPG TDM SR LVF ESRP I3 PSAP BCF Transition and FE Relationships

5 Together, we’re changing the world of 9-1-1 08-751 NENA TSD/TRD’s IETF 3261 08-002 ECRIT WG 5222 5223 5031 Geopriv WG SIPCORE WGVoIP/Packet TC (VTC) ESIND Data TC 4119 Updated 08-003 Ops Cmte 71-001 71-002 ATIS Phone BCP ECRF/LVF Maint. ESIF VTC Network CPE 75-001 RFAI IMS 3GPP NG MSG * Not a COMPLETE picture Standards Dev and Relationships*

6 Together, we’re changing the world of 9-1-1 Implementation Challenges Voice Quality – Echo – Echo produced by the analog “hybrid” in almost ALL cases (2 to 4 wire conversion – w/an impedance mismatch). – Delays either in the ESInet or the PSTN side > 120 ms Multiple aspects can introduce delay – Transmission:100 miles = 1 msec – Gateways can introduce 50 msec – Etc – Fix – echo cancellation Well placed using G.168

7 Together, we’re changing the world of 9-1-1 Implementation Challenges Network specifics – Service SLA’s Typically little more than 2-9’s Network downtime results in a MRC discount Restrictions on network hosts (MAC specific) – Fix – Consider multiple network vendors Create SLA’s for them to consider Read and understand existing network contracts Determine acceptable failures as they relate to overall 5- 9’s

8 Together, we’re changing the world of 9-1-1 LIS ECRF/LVF VoIP Caller ESRP ECRF Legacy PSAP NG PSAP Carrier Proxy LNG ESRP PRF GIS Policy Store ESInet 1 Location Function ESInet 2 PSTN/CMRS Caller Call Interaction Location Related Interaction Provisioning LIS Provisioning Database Functional Element LPG BCFBCF BCFBCF i3 Architecture

9 Thank-You!

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