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2 2 DESIRED END STATE Committed, focused, aligned workforce that will drive the performance of the organization toward the statement of purpose, vision and corporate strategic goals. This will allow the organization to: move faster and more efficiently - guide decisions on a day-to-day basis - reduce teams working at cross purposes - help ensure teams work on the right things have increased team member commitment to the company help attract and retain team members who fit with the corporate culture

3 3 HOW WILL THE VALUES BE USED? In performance planning and evaluation As communication themes in executive speeches and Corporate communications As the basis in reward and recognition programs (formal and informal) As decision criteria on a day-to-day basis As part of orientation materials for new employees As part of corporate lexicon As a hiring criteria To help define the nature of our relationships (internal and external)

4 4 SUCCESS CRITERIA Senior Leadership Team participation, buy-in and demonstration of Values on an on-going basis Involvement of all layers of the organization Broad accountability to demonstrate the Values through work (built through HR systems - e.g. compensation, performance planning and review, promotion) Long term support for the Values demonstrated through leadership and corporate communications Each employee needs to understand and internalize the Values so that the Values become ingrained in their working behaviour Leverage change management concepts - e.g. build a burning platform

5 Employee workshops to develop Value concepts & language for the Values Senior/Middle Management Conference Communications Roll Out - CEO kickoff - VP/Director meeting - Manager-Team meetings Build into Performance Planning & Compensation - Incorporate into current HR form Build into Hiring Criteria - Generic competencies Build into Recruitment Process - Screening tool Meeting to review employee input/language and formulate a set of Values TEAM Values DEVELOPMENT PROCESS 5 TBD 4 Weeks DEFINING VALUE SENIOR TEAM VALIDATION & REFINEMENT SHARING VALUES BUILDING VALUES INTO HR SYSTEMS CASCADING VALUES MEASURE Team Opinion Survey Performance Plans 1/2 Day1 Day4-6 Weeks DayTBDAs Required

6 6 DEFINING THE VALUES Objective Identify the key Values essential to achieving the vision How? - employee workshops to identify the Values and the language used to describe the Values Who? - cross section of employees from various functions - 10 to 12 individuals - level 6/7/8

7 7 SENIOR MANAGEMENT REFINEMENT & VALIDATION Objectives Ensure senior management’s ownership of the Values Ensure the Values fit with senior management’s assessment of what Values are essential to support the vision How? - 2-3 hour meeting to review a strawdog, discuss options and finalize the core set of Values Who? - Officer team

8 8 SHARING THE VALUES - TEAM Values CONFERENCE Objectives To obtain broad leadership buy-in (all managers and up) To allow management to internalize the implications of the Values for themselves and their teams How? - One day conference Who? - VPs - Directors - Senior Managers

9 9 CASCADING THE Values Objectives Communicate Values to all team members Provide a mechanism for individuals to internalize Values and understand what they mean in their day-to-day working lives Provide the necessary level of of understanding to allow team members to build into their performance plans How? - CEO kick-off communication - Cascading series of meetings to: - present Values - talk about implications with the department/business unit - identify what needs to change/stay the same - identify road blocks for implementing the Values - Use existing Team Meetings wherever possible Who? - VPs to Directors - Directors to Managers - Managers to Teams

10 10 BUILD THE VALUES IN THE SYSTEMS Objective Reinforce the Values so that they strengthen over time How? - Build into the Performance Planning and Review Process - add a section to PPR form for plans and assessment - Build into Hiring Criteria - e.g. generic competencies - Build into Recruitment Process - e.g. develop screening tool - Review Bonus Pay Criteria to ensure they don’t conflict with Values and that they support the Values Who? - HR - All Managers - MORs

11 11 MEASURES Objectives Reinforce Team Values Assess degree of integration of the Values into the culture How? - Team Opinion Survey - add/refine questionnaire to incorporate objectives - Review of Performance Plans by MORs/HR - assess degree of integration in the performance planning and evaluation system Who? - HR - MORs

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