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NCDXF-standard.ppt 18-Sep-2005 The Northern California DX Foundation Prepared by Tim Totten, N4GN NCDXF Director.

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Presentation on theme: "NCDXF-standard.ppt 18-Sep-2005 The Northern California DX Foundation Prepared by Tim Totten, N4GN NCDXF Director."— Presentation transcript:

1 NCDXF-standard.ppt 18-Sep-2005 The Northern California DX Foundation Prepared by Tim Totten, N4GN NCDXF Director

2 2 NCDXF-standard.ppt 18-Sep-2005 Outline u NCDXF background u NCDXF leadership u Recent DX operations supported by NCDXF u DXpedition grant process u NCDXF worldwide beacon system u Other NCDXF activities u How can YOU help? u Summary

3 3 NCDXF-standard.ppt 18-Sep-2005 NCDXF Background u Founded in 1972 u Significant initial capital donation from Lee Shaklee, W6BH u Key revenue sources today: 1. Contributions from members (~75%) 2. Interest income from the corpus (~25%) u NCDXF is a not-for-profit organization operating under section 501(c)(3) of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code ► All contributions are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law for United States taxpayers ► Very low overhead expenses Ÿ No paid staff Ÿ No compensation for officers, directors or advisors

4 4 NCDXF-standard.ppt 18-Sep-2005 NCDXF Background (cont.) u Although the words “Northern California” still appear in its title, the activities of the Foundation are international in scope, rather than regional u It's not just a W6 thing! ► More than 700 active members ► Members live in more than 45 different countries! ► ~25% of NCDXF members live outside the U.S.

5 5 NCDXF-standard.ppt 18-Sep-2005 NCDXF Leadership Board of Directors: u Len Geraldi, K6ANP, President u Al Burnham, K6RIM, Vice President u Tom McShane, NW6P, Secretary u Bruce Butler, W6OSP, Treasurer u Rusty Epps, W6OAT u Dave Pugatch, KI6WF u Chuck Ternes, N6OJ u Glenn Vinson, W6OTC u Steve Merchant, K6AW u Ken Anderson, K6TA u Tim Totten, N4GN Advisors: u Bob Fabry, N6EK u Charles Mason, W4NJK u Dave Leeson, W6NL u Bob Ferrero, W6RJ u Steve Thomas, N6ST u Peter Jennings, VE3SUN/AB6WM/C31LJ u Lou Beaudet, K6TMB u Howard Brainen, WZ6Z u Dick Wilson, K6LRN u Steve Lund, K6UM

6 6 NCDXF-standard.ppt 18-Sep-2005 Recent DX Operations Supported by NCDXF u STØRY u SV2ASP/A u VU4NRO/VU4RBI u TJ3SP/TJ3FR u FT5XO u ZK3SB u YI9ZF u TX9 u YVØD u A52CDX u 3B9C u T33C u ZL7II u 6OØG/6OØCW u CYØAA u K7C Coming up: 3YØX and much more!

7 7 NCDXF-standard.ppt 18-Sep-2005 DXpedition Grant Process 1. Applicant fills out and submits web form detailing operational plans, radio equipment, antennas, transportation, licensing, other permits, budget and requested grant amount 2. Applicant also agrees to NCDXF terms regarding QSLing, operating practices and other matters 3. NCDXF President assigns a liaison from the BoD to communicate directly with the applicant 4. For large scale operations, applicant typically submits additional supporting material and/or presents their request at a BoD meeting 5. Lots of discussion, possibly including questions to the applicant 6. BoD votes 7. Applicant is notified of the result

8 8 NCDXF-standard.ppt 18-Sep-2005 NCDXF Worldwide Beacon System

9 9 NCDXF-standard.ppt 18-Sep-2005 Other NCDXF Activities u World Radiosport Team Championship (WRTC) ► NCDXF has long supported this top-notch international event ► Directed donations to WRTC can be made through NCDXF u NCDXF Scholarship Program ► Started in 1997 with a $20,000 donation from W6EEN ► To date, $19,000 has been awarded, while the corpus has remained at or above the $20,000 level u DX video library ► Very large selection of DXpedition and other videos ► Available for club meetings, hamfests, etc. u New and improved newsletter sent to all members twice a year

10 10 NCDXF-standard.ppt 18-Sep-2005 How Can YOU Help? u Annual membership donations ► Basic membership level is $50/year ► Average annual contribution is ~$75/year ► You can sign up on-line: u Equipment donations ► Equipment is either sold or forwarded to deserving DX stations ► Contact Chuck, N6OJ ( for details u Stock donations--great tax benefits! u Estate donations--name NCDXF in your will! u Club donations ► A growing number of DX clubs are making annual contributions to NCDXF ► More efficient than managing their own internal programs for supporting DXpeditions with limited funds u Contact Bruce, W6OSP ( with any questions regarding donations

11 11 NCDXF-standard.ppt 18-Sep-2005 Summary u NCDXF helps make DX magic happen u NCDXF needs the support of DXers--it needs YOUR support--to do its work! u See for more information, or to make your donation THANKS!

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