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GASBO Legal Issues Update November 5, 2015 Presented by: Brian C. Smith Cory O. Kirby Harben, Hartley & Hawkins, LLP Gainesville, Georgia 1.

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Presentation on theme: "GASBO Legal Issues Update November 5, 2015 Presented by: Brian C. Smith Cory O. Kirby Harben, Hartley & Hawkins, LLP Gainesville, Georgia 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 GASBO Legal Issues Update November 5, 2015 Presented by: Brian C. Smith Cory O. Kirby Harben, Hartley & Hawkins, LLP Gainesville, Georgia 1


3 What must be reported? Districts must file two documents with the IRS: –A “return” to the IRS for each full-time employee. Form 1094-C –A “statement” to each individual who is listed in the return filed with the IRS. Form 1095-C 3

4 Penalties Two different penalties for not offering coverage to full-time employees A big penalty for not offering coverage to 95% of an employer’s full-time employees and their dependents. A smaller penalty when a full-time employee receives a premium tax credit. 4

5 Calculating Big Penalty Applies when an ALE does not offer coverage to 95% of full-time employees (and their dependents) AND at least one full-time employee receives the premium tax credit. –70% threshold for 2015 only. Payment equal to the number of full-time employees employed for the year (minus up to 30), multiplied by $2,000. –Calculated separately for each month, if applicable –Subtract 80 for 2015 only if 100+ full-time employees 5

6 Calculating Lesser Penalty Applies when ALE offers coverage to at least 95% of full-time employees (and their dependants) AND at least one full-time employee receives a premium tax credit. –70% threshold for 2015 only Calculated monthly: number of full-time employees who received a premium tax credit for that month multiplied by 1/12 of $3,000. 6

7 Who gets a statement? Any employee who was considered “full-time” under the ACA during any month of the calendar year. Full-time: employed an average of 30 hours of service per week Two methods for determining full-time status: –Monthly Measurement Method –Look-Back Measurement Method 7

8 Substitute Employees Substitute employees are considered “temporary” and are therefore not eligible for SHBP. If substitutes become “full-time” you will not be in compliance with the ACA for those employees. –You cannot offer SHBP coverage to substitutes who work full-time. –Only options: potential penalty or private market insurance. 8

9 9

10 Line 14: Enter code for correct Offer of Coverage for each calendar month (or just for “All 12 Months” if all are the same code). 10

11 “Offer of Coverage” An employer offers health coverage for a month only if it offers health coverage that would provide coverage for every day of that calendar month. 11

12 Line 14 Codes – Most Likely Used 1A. Qualifying Offer: Minimum essential coverage providing minimum value offered to full-time employee with employee contribution for self-only coverage equal to or less than 9.5% mainland single federal poverty line and at least minimum essential coverage offered to spouse and dependent(s). –SHBP should provide minimum essential coverage and minimum value. 12

13 Line 14 Codes – Most Likely Used 1H. No offer of coverage (employee not offered any health coverage or employee offered coverage that is not minimum essential coverage, which may include one or more months in which the individual was not an employee). 1I. Qualifying Offer Transition Relief 2015: Employee (and spouse or dependents) received no offer of coverage; received an offer that is not a qualifying offer; or received a qualifying offer for less than 12 months. 13

14 Line 15: Only used if code 1B, 1C, 1D, or 1E is entered anywhere on Line 14. 14

15 Line 16: Safe-Harbor Codes Sometimes, more than one code may apply in a given month –Only one code may be used per month –Code 2C trumps all others, where applicable 15

16 Line 16 Codes – Most Likely Used 2A. Employee not employed during the month. –Not employed on any day of the calendar month. 2B. Employee not a full-time employee. –Employee not full-time for the month and did not enroll in minimum essential coverage, if offered for the month; or –Employee full-time for month, but offer of coverage ended before last day of month due to termination; 16

17 Line 16 Codes – Most Likely Used 2C. Employee enrolled in coverage offered. –Used for any month the employee enrolled in health coverage offered by the employer for each day of the month. –Use regardless of any other applicable Series 2 Code. 17

18 Line 16 Codes – Most Likely Used 2D. Employee in a section 4980H(b) Limited Non-Assessment Period. –First Calendar Month of Employment (if not first day of calendar month). 18

19 Line 16 Codes – Most Likely Used IF employee offered coverage by first day of month following end of period: –MMM Waiting Period: Period beginning with first full calendar month otherwise eligible for coverage and ending no later than two full calendar months after the end of that first calendar month. –LBMM Initial Measurement Period and Administrative Period (if variable hour/seasonal/part time). –LBMM Waiting Period (when reasonably expected to be full time): begins on start date, ends no later than third full calendar month of employment. 19

20 20

21 Example: Ongoing Teacher Qualifying Offer for all 12 months of year 21

22 Example: New Teacher Line 14: No offer of coverage through September; Qualifying Offer beginning in October 22

23 Example: New Teacher Line 16: Not employed any day of month through June; July-Sept is Limited Non-Assessment Period –Work began during month of July and two full calendar month Waiting Period under Monthly Measurement Method; –OR Waiting Period under Look Back Measurement Method ending no later than end of third full calendar month of employment. 23

24 Example: Substitute Teacher (Monthly Measurement Method) Never offered coverage Didn’t work any days in June, July, or December Worked part-time every other month except March. March will result in penalty 24

25 Part 3 Only used when employer provided self-insured coverage. School Districts do not. 25

26 26

27 Authoritative Transmittal There must be only one Authoritative Transmittal filed for each employer, which reports the aggregate employer-level data for the employer. Requires completing Parts II, III, and IV to the extent applicable 27

28 Line 20: Total number of 1095-C forms that will be filed by employer –Includes those filed with this transmittal and for any filed with a separate transmittal Line 21: Aggregated ALE Group? –No. Everyone is employed by the same Board of Education. 28

29 Line 22: Certifications of Eligibility When eligible, each may provide some varying “relief” from some reporting or notification requirements. May be eligible for more than one. 29

30 A. Qualifying Offer Method Employer certifies that a qualifying offer was made to one or more full-time employees Qualifying offer must: –Be an offer of minimum essential coverage providing minimum value at an employee cost for employee-only coverage not exceeding 9.5% of the mainland federal poverty level, and –Include an offer of at least minimum essential coverage to the employee’s spouse and dependants, if any. 30

31 A. Qualifying Offer Method For those employees for whom a qualifying offer was made for all 12 calendar months, the employer may do simplified reporting –Form 1094-C with employer level data –A Form 1095-C with an indicator code to show a qualifying offer was made –A copy of Form 1095-C or a statement furnished to the employee with information that the employee and his or her spouse and dependants are ineligible for a premium tax credit for the calendar year, plus contact information for the ALE member’s contact. 31

32 B. Qualifying Offer Method Transition Relief For 2015 only, full reporting will not be required for employees who do not receive a qualifying offer for all 12 calendar months if the ALE member: –Certifies it made a qualifying offer to at least 95% of its full- time employees; –Files Form 1094-C; and –Files Form 1095-C using an indicator code to report that the employee who did not receive a qualifying offer (or received no offer) may be entitled to the premium tax credit for one or more months and the employer may provide the employee with a letter with the same information, including contact information for the ALE member’s contact person, or a copy of Form 1095-C. 32

33 C. Section 4980H Transition Relief Different relief available for ALEs with 50-99 full-time employees or those with 100 or more full-time employees 33

34 D. 98% Offer Method ALE Members are still required to report for all full-time employees If the employer does not want to determine who their full-time employees are per month: –The employer can certify that it offered coverage to at least 98% of the employees for whom it is filing a 1095-C –Coverage must be minimum essential coverage providing minimum value, and providing minimum essential coverage to dependents. 34

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36 (a) Minimum Essential Coverage Offer Indicator –If minimum essential coverage offered to at least 95% of full-time employees and dependants for entire calendar year, then “Yes” for “All 12 Months” –If offered to 95% only for certain calendar months, check each “Yes” or “No,” as applicable 36

37 (b) Full-Time Employee Count for ALE Member –Not required if eligible for 98% Offer Method –Otherwise, for every month, enter total number of full-time employees (not counting those in Limited Non-Assessment Period). 37

38 (c) Total Employee Count for ALE Member –Total number of full-time and non-full-time employees and employees in a Limited Non- Assessment Period, for each month –Must choose which day to determine number of employees per month: First day of each month Last day of each month First day of the first payroll period that starts each month Last day of the first payroll period that starts each month 38

39 (d) Aggregated Group Indicator –Only if “Yes” checked on Line 21 in Part II (e) Section 4980H Transition Relief Indicator –If applicable, “A” for 50-99 full-time employees, and “B” for 100 or more full-time employees 39

40 Not Applicable 40


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