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Interview Skills Workshop. Today’s objectives BP Schools Link – Interview Skills (Workshop) Look at some important qualities BP looks for in all its recruits.

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Presentation on theme: "Interview Skills Workshop. Today’s objectives BP Schools Link – Interview Skills (Workshop) Look at some important qualities BP looks for in all its recruits."— Presentation transcript:

1 Interview Skills Workshop

2 Today’s objectives BP Schools Link – Interview Skills (Workshop) Look at some important qualities BP looks for in all its recruits Practice demonstrating these qualities in a mock interview Think about how to make a good first impression 2

3 Interested in… BP Schools Link – Interview Skills (Workshop) 3 Science? Engineering? Business?

4 Why have interviews? BP Schools Link – Interview Skills (Workshop) BP recruits people into lots of jobs, in lots of places and situations To get any role in BP or any company you’ll probably attend an interview - or maybe several We want employees in all roles to share some skills and qualities that we think are vital to our business 4

5 Why have interviews? BP Schools Link – Interview Skills (Workshop) You have to be able to show that you have these skills and qualities during your interview You must give examples from your own experience either at school or at home eg: work experience or volunteering We will help you prepare for an interview and give you some techniques to practice 5

6 What BP is looking for BP Schools Link – Interview Skills (Workshop) 6 Successful application Passion for knowledge and learning Can learn and apply knowledge Good problem-solving Analytical Creative Technical excellence Knowledge and expertise at a specific job or task Can develop new ideas relating to the field of work Drive for excellence Shows determination to do things well Doesn’t give up easily Does things before being told to Plans well and meets deadlines Relating to people Communicates well Builds good relationships Shows empathy towards others Can be a team player or a leader

7 Prepare for your interview BP Schools Link – Interview Skills (Workshop) Think of a specific example of how you have demonstrated: - Your drive for excellence - Your ability to build relationships - Your passion for knowledge and learning Some examples might cover all three attributes 7

8 Prepare for your interview BP Schools Link – Interview Skills (Workshop) Your examples should mention… - Situation – the context in which you acted - Task – what you had to do - Action – how you responded to the task - Result – what you achieved Write some notes on how you would talk about your examples 8

9 How will you come across? BP Schools Link – Interview Skills (Workshop) Body language – how you shake hands, how you sit, whether you fidget Voice – how quickly or loudly you speak, not just what you say but how you say it Eye contact – whether you give the impression of being honest and direct Appearance – whether you make a good impression 9

10 Practise an interview BP Schools Link – Interview Skills (Workshop) Groups of three - Interviewer: use your script - Interviewee: use your notes - Observer: use the scorecard 10

11 Watch out for … BP Schools Link – Interview Skills (Workshop) Body language Voice Eye contact Appearance Answers 11

12 Reflection BP Schools Link – Interview Skills (Workshop) What did you learn? What went well? What was hard? What do you need to practice? 12

13 How can I find out more? BP Schools Link – Interview Skills (Workshop) 13 Read about the types of jobs available to you Learn about the specific training and development program Read the profiles of recent graduates now working with BP Find out more about the recruitment process

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