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The Tempest ELA Vocabulary List 2. peerless  Adjective  Without equal; unrivaled; nothing/no one better.

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Presentation on theme: "The Tempest ELA Vocabulary List 2. peerless  Adjective  Without equal; unrivaled; nothing/no one better."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Tempest ELA Vocabulary List 2

2 peerless  Adjective  Without equal; unrivaled; nothing/no one better.

3 sinews  Noun  Tendons or ligaments.

4 surfeited  Adjective  Having consumed too much of something; full, satisfied.

5 vigilance  Noun  The action or state of keeping careful watch for possible danger or difficulties; watchfulness.

6 abstemious  Adjective  Not self-indulgent, especially when eating and drinking; moderate, sparing.

7 barren  Adjective  Infertile; (of land) too poor to produce much or any vegetation.

8 compensation  Noun  Repayment; something, typically money, awarded to someone as a recompense for loss, injury, or suffering.

9 deity  Noun  A god or goddess; divine status, quality, or nature.

10 disdain  Noun  Scorn; the feeling that someone or something is unworthy of one's consideration or respect; contempt.

11 mute  Adjective  Unable or unwilling to speak; refraining from speech or temporarily speechless.

12 oracle  Noun  A fortune-teller; a priest or priestess acting as a medium through whom advice or prophecy was sought from the gods in classical antiquity.

13 rabble  Noun  Unruly and disorderly crowd; a mob.

14 vexed  Adjective  Troubled; annoyed, frustrated, or worried.

15 auspicious  Adjective  Favorable; a sign of future success; lucky.

16 chastise  Verb  To scold or upbraid; to rebuke or reprimand severely.

17 discourse  Noun  Conversation; discussion; written or spoken communication or debate.

18 promontory  Noun  Cliff or point of high land that juts out into a large body of water; a headland.

19 rapier  Noun  A small dagger; a thin, light, sharp-pointed sword used for thrusting.

20 score  Noun  Twenty of something.

21 nuptial(s)  Noun  A wedding or marriage.

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