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Project Overview The primary goal of our research is to conceptualize, develop, and evaluate a whole school, multi-component aggression and bullying prevention.

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Presentation on theme: "Project Overview The primary goal of our research is to conceptualize, develop, and evaluate a whole school, multi-component aggression and bullying prevention."— Presentation transcript:

1 Project Overview The primary goal of our research is to conceptualize, develop, and evaluate a whole school, multi-component aggression and bullying prevention program, called Partner for Prevention (P4P) across 4 SDP elementary schools over the 2013-2014, 2014-2015, and 2015-2016 school years. P4P will be developed in an iterative manner through community- based participatory research (CBPR). P4P is comprised of 4 components: (1) 20 session classroom program (PRAISE) for 3 rd -5 th graders; (2) Playground/lunchroom consultation (PLAYS) with all available lunch-recess staff; (3) Teacher consultation for those receiving PRAISE in their classroom; (4) Parent workshops for all families attending partnering schools. P4P contributes to SDP’s missions of a Safe Learning Environment and a Single School Culture, & promotes family-school engagement. Contributors/Stakeholders This work is based upon our earlier research funded by the NIH (R01MH075787) and is currently funded by Dept. of Ed. (R305A130175). 3 rd -5 th grade students, teachers, noontime aides, administrators, and parents at 2 schools have been engaged during the 2013-2014 and 2014-2015 school years in a series of interviews and focus groups in order to help us further develop and try out the 4 P4P components in a way that is maximally useful & sensitive to the urban school climate. Similar stakeholder groups in 2 different schools will receive & help us evaluate the fully developed program in the 2015-2016 school year. Implementation/Activities Year 1: Development Phase Stakeholder # Participants Activity 3 rd -5 th graders 62 2 focus groups Teachers 13 3 focus groups Admin/leaders 10 3 focus groups Lunch-recess staff 11 3 focus groups Parents 15 2 focus groups Focus group data was analyzed using Nvivo software and used to inform the development or adaptation of P4P components to best meet the needs of the District. Year 2: Try Out and Refinement Phase Stakeholder # Partic. Activity 3 rd -5 th graders 210 20 session PRAISE 40 4 focus groups Teachers 8 4 Consult sessions 8 2 feedback activities Lunch-recess staff 14 weekly PLAYS 14 2 focus groups Parents open to all 5 Workshops 5 focus groups Stakeholders are receiving services from all P4P components and participating in focus groups/feedback activities so we can learn how to adapt P4P for maximal effectiveness and feasibility. Manuals and integrity/fidelity monitoring procedures will be finalized. Year 3: Systematic Trial Phase We will partner with 2 new schools to implement all P4P components. All students and their teachers in selected 3 rd -5 th grade classrooms will receive PRAISE and consultation. All lunch- recess staff & students will receive PLAYS, and all parents in partnering schools are invited to workshops. Data will be collected to evaluate the effectiveness of P4P. Outcomes Prior studies suggest that PRAISE is acceptable & feasible in urban schools, improves students’ problem-solving skills, and decreases physical & relational aggression and feelings of loneliness. PLAYS has been shown to promote cooperative play and reduce rough physical play and aggression on the playground. We anticipate P4P to improve student problem solving, classroom climate, recess climate, and home-school partnerships. Anticipated long term outcomes are reduced aggression & bullying, and improved academic functioning. Partner for Prevention (P4P): Whole School Bullying Prevention Contact Information Name Stephen Leff, Ph.D. Organization Children’s Hosp. of Phil. Phone Number 215-590-7067 Email Address

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