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Mother Earth Water Walk Walk from the 4 directions bringing healing salt water to Lake Superior.

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Presentation on theme: "Mother Earth Water Walk Walk from the 4 directions bringing healing salt water to Lake Superior."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mother Earth Water Walk Walk from the 4 directions bringing healing salt water to Lake Superior

2 Giganawendamin Nibi We must all take care of the water and the food that grows on the water like Mahnomen Only 1 percent of the earth’s water is drinkable It has been foretold that soon, water will be more expensive than oil or gold.(Phillip Deere & Baudwaywidun)

3 How can I help? Be conservative in your use of water Drink water from the tap/ use a re-useable bottle for drinking water Wash laundry only when you have a complete load. Remember all the chemicals you use in your house, on your lawn or garden, go into the rivers and streams.

4 What can we do? We can talk to the water and tell the water “thank you, migwetch” We can sing to the water and tell her we love her. We can sing to the water and tell her we respect her

5 Plants need water

6 The whales need clean water

7 The artic ice caps are melting

8 The White Bear, our relative, who sits in the north, needs our help!

9 Practice our Teachings Women care for the water

10 Acknowledge the power of the water

11 Water is essential to life

12 7 Teachings for Anishinabe Humility - Dabasendizowin Truth - Debwewin Courage -Zoongide’iwin Honesty- Gwayakwaadiziwin Respect - Manaji’idiwin Love - Zaagi’idiwin Wisdom - Nibwaakaawin

13 Mother Earth Water Walk Southern Direction The truth is 1% of the water on the earth drinkable Courage to take a stand Honesty is what we need to share with the people about the water Respect for the water Love for the people through this work; you will gain knowledge and knowledge leads to wisdsom Humility to take up the work for the water

14 Sing for the Water Nibi Gizahgayigoo Giimigwetch awayngimigoo Gizhaywaygimigoo

15 The next generations are counting on us! Send checks or money orders: Indigenous Peoples Task Force 3019 Minnehaha Ave. S. Mpls, Mn 55406 or Migwetch!

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