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System RMPL Activity plan model Kirk Planner / Scheduler Plan Runner Schedulable / consistent planre-plan request commandsstatus update Compiler Converter.

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Presentation on theme: "System RMPL Activity plan model Kirk Planner / Scheduler Plan Runner Schedulable / consistent planre-plan request commandsstatus update Compiler Converter."— Presentation transcript:

1 System RMPL Activity plan model Kirk Planner / Scheduler Plan Runner Schedulable / consistent planre-plan request commandsstatus update Compiler Converter RMPL program HCA Model RRTPN graph Robot Interface Autonomous Vehicles Optimal RRTPN Search Fast planning Scheduling

2 Locations in RMPL/TPN can grow RRTs in effort to satisfy the location constraints Tell(Robot.location = C) (start) (goal) RRT If…Path Found -Return total time to travel from start to goal -Return cost of path If…No Path Found -Add a Tell( NOT( Blimp = location)) constraint -Or if total time exceeds bound Minimum and Maximum time to get to Location C. That is, it takes at least 95 units of time to get to location C and at most 105 units of time to get to location C total time = 100 [95,105] Tell(Not(Robot.location = C)) [95,105] Signal that Robot cannot be going to any other location during this time interval RRTPN RRTTPN planning model Location constraints Memory-bounded optimal plan search

3 Activity: ANW1. Apply_Controls ( control inputs ) [l,u] Tell(ANW1.location = daycare) [L,U] RRTPN RRTTPN planning model Location constraints Memory-bounded optimal plan search

4 Location Constraints 2. Simultaneously execute on-board activities and navigate 1. Make a robot go to a location RMPL (sequence ((ANW1.location = daycare) [10,20]) ) [10,20] Tell(ANW1.location = corridor) RMPL (parallel ((ANW1.location = corridor) [10,20]) (( ANW1.Take_Pictures()) ) RRTPN Take_Pictures( )[5,15] [10,20] Tell(ANW1.location = daycare) RRTPN [0,0] AND-start RRTTPN planning model Location constraints Memory-bounded optimal plan search AND-end

5 Location Constraints 4. Choose which location the robot should visit 3. To perform an activitiy require a robot to be at a location RMPL (if -thennext(ANW-1.location = lab) ((Lower_Chembots()) [15,30]) ) RRTPN RMPL (choose ((ANW-1.location = daycare) [10,20]) ((ANW-1.location = cafeteria) [15,28]) ((ANW-1.location = lab) [5,20]) ) [0,0] Ask(ANW1.location = lab) Lower_Chembots( ) [15,30] [10,20] Tell(ANW1.location = daycare) [5,20] Tell(ANW1.location = lab) [15,28] Tell(ANW1.location = cafeteria) RRTPN Decision (OR) node RRTTPN planning model Location constraints Memory-bounded optimal plan search

6 RMPL Mission Strategies Robot Models Strategy Selection Global Path Planning Kinodynamic Maneuver Planning

7 Search Building steps Enter building through windowI or windowII Fly to labA Deploy chem bots

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