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PX3012 The Solid State Course coordinator: Dr. J. Skakle CM3020 Solid State Chemistry Course coordinator: Dr. J. Feldmann.

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Presentation on theme: "PX3012 The Solid State Course coordinator: Dr. J. Skakle CM3020 Solid State Chemistry Course coordinator: Dr. J. Feldmann."— Presentation transcript:

1 PX3012 The Solid State Course coordinator: Dr. J. Skakle CM3020 Solid State Chemistry Course coordinator: Dr. J. Feldmann

2 SOLID STATE Crystals  Crystal structure basics  unit cells  symmetry  lattices  Some important crystal structures and properties  close packed structures  octahedral and tetrahedral holes  basic structures  ferroelectricity  Diffraction  how and why - derivation

3 Objectives By the end of this section you should: be able to identify a unit cell in a symmetrical pattern know that there are 7 possible unit cell shapes be able to define cubic, tetragonal, orthorhombic and hexagonal unit cell shapes

4 Why Solids?  most elements solid at room temperature  atoms in ~fixed position “simple” case - crystalline solid  Crystal Structure Why study crystal structures?  description of solid  comparison with other similar materials - classification  correlation with physical properties

5 Early ideas Crystals are solid - but solids are not necessarily crystalline Crystals have symmetry (Kepler) and long range order Spheres and small shapes can be packed to produces regular shapes (Hooke, Hauy) ?

6 Group discussion Kepler wondered why snowflakes have 6 corners, never 5 or 7. By considering the packing of polygons in 2 dimensions, demonstrate why pentagons and heptagons shouldn’t occur. Empty space not allowed

7 Definitions 1. The unit cell “The smallest repeat unit of a crystal structure, in 3D, which shows the full symmetry of the structure” The unit cell is a box with: 3 sides - a, b, c 3 angles - , , 

8  Seven unit cell shapes Cubica=b=c  =  =  =90° Tetragonala=b  c  =  =  =90° Orthorhombica  b  c  =  =  =90° Monoclinica  b  c  =  =90°,   90° Triclinica  b  c     90° Hexagonala=b  c  =  =90°,  =120° Rhombohedrala=b=c  =  =  90°

9 2D example - rocksalt (sodium chloride, NaCl) We define lattice points ; these are points with identical environments

10 Choice of origin is arbitrary - lattice points need not be atoms - but unit cell size should always be the same.

11 This is also a unit cell - it doesn’t matter if you start from Na or Cl

12 - or if you don’t start from an atom

13 This is NOT a unit cell even though they are all the same - empty space is not allowed!

14 In 2D, this IS a unit cell In 3D, it is NOT

15 All M.C. Escher works (c) Cordon Art-Baarn-the Netherlands. All rights reserved.

16 Summary  Unit cells must link up - cannot have gaps between adjacent cells  All unit cells must be identical  Unit cells must show the full symmetry of the structure  next section

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