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SDLG WHEEL LOADERS SDLG LG938L vs. SDLG LG936L vs. Foton FL936F vs. Case W20E For dealer sales personnel

3 Contents Background Objectives Specifications
Productivity and fuel efficiency test Test set-up Results Conclusion Summary Operability Feature comparison

4 Background SDLG brand is facing many Chinese competition in the Latin American market . This competitive comparison test is an investment by Global organization to provide the dealer network with sales arguments against these competitors in this size class in Latin America market. This test was performed in collaboration between Global Marketing and Region Americas – Hub Latin America. This test was done at Volvo CE Demo Center in Curitiba, Brazil.

5 Objective To compare cycle times, productivity and fuel efficiency levels To understand the operability of the main systems, such as drive train, engine and hydraulics To compare features side by side

6 Specifications & configuration
SDLG LG936L SDLG LG938L Foton FL936L Case W20E

7 Specifications & configuration
SDLG LG938L SDLG LG936L Foton FL 936F Case W20E Operating hours: 33 h 83 h 1044 h 2432 h Bucket volume: 1,8 m3 1,9 m3 Tires: L3 Tire pressure, front: 4,8 bar Tire pressure, rear: 4,00 bar 4,2 bar 4,3 bar Operating weight 11000 kg 10089 kg 10080 kg

8 Specifications – Load receiver
Body height: 2400 mm Operating weight: 9760 kg Body capacity: 15 m³

9 Productivity and Fuel Efficiency Test

10 Test Set-up Short cycle Loading Load and Carry Level
Load and Carry Uphill

11 Test set-up Short Cycle Loading
Face loading Volvo truck with aggregate of an average density 1,840 kg/m3 Test duration: 2 hours Load and Carry, level Fill bucket with aggregate of an average density (Rainy) 2,100 kg/m3 and carry 180 m and dump in a truck to simulate feeding hopper. Load and Carry, uphill Fill bucket with gravel of an average density (Rainy) 2,200 kg/m3 and carry 180 m 5% slope and dump in a truck to simulate feeding hopper. Test duration: 3 hours Transport test Drive machines at the same time for one hour with an average speed of 30 km/h Idling test Let machines – engines run idle for one hour Notes: Test is done with productivity in focus (ton/h)

12 Test set-up Measurements taken in each test:
Truck payload [kg] measured using a weight scale. Loader cycle time [s] Number of passes Fuel consumed [l] measured by weight difference. Based on measurements, these results were calculated and compared: measurements Fuel efficiency (t/l) Productivity (t/h) Bucket fill factor (%)

13 Results Results are presented with SDLG LG938L as a reference (100%)
Cycle time and fuel consumption – lower is better Productivity, fuel efficiency and bucket fill factor – higher is better

14 Results – Short cycle loading
Lower is better Higher is better

15 Results – Load and carry flat
Lower is better Higher is better * LG936L could not be tested in LCF because of machine breakdown (flat tire)

16 Results – Load and carry uphill
Lower is better Higher is better

17 Summary - Test results Short Cycle Loading
LG936L did the best results in cycle times, followed by FL936F and LG938L and W20E. LG936L beat in less fuel consumption, followed by FL936F and LG938L and W20E. Productivity, LG936L did the best results, followed by LG938L, then FL936F and W20E. For fuel efficiency, LG936L won, followed by FL936F, W20E and LG938L. Load and Carry Flat LG938L did great in cycle times, followed by W20E and FL936L. FL936L beat in less fuel consumption, followed by LG938L, then by W20E. Productivity, W20E did the best results, then LG938L and after FL936F. Looking for fuel efficiency, W20E won, followed by LG938L and after, FL936L Load and Carry Uphill FL936F beat in less fuel consumption, followed by LG936L, W20E and LG938L. Productivity, LG936L did the best results, followed by LG938L, then W20E and FL936F

18 Operability

19 Operability After each test, operator’s feedbacks around operability and comfort of each machine under each application is collected Two very experienced operators are used These feedbacks are summarized in the following slides

20 Operator’s feedback Notes:
1. SDLG LG936L  Although having only 2 gear speeds, the machine did very well in all applications. 2. Case W20E  Despite having good speed, at full throttle in LCU application, the torque converter overheating warning shown up  Hydraulics are slow, and it was needed to raise at high rpm to get enough power.  Not good in breakout force  Poor serviceability  lack of handrails, steps and gauges. Poor access to the engine compartment 3. Foton FL936L  Fast machine with 4 gear speeds, but inconvenient way to select 3rd and 4th gears. A heavy lever was needed to be switched to select the gears.  Hydraulic levers with poor sensibility  Lack of handrails to do daily maintenance  Operator seat with few adjustments, that left the operator far from the steering wheel and hydraulic levers.

21 Feature Comparison

22 Cab – Design SDLG LG938L / LG936L Foton FL936L Case W20E
FL936F Case W20E Certification ROPS/FOPS - Position Rear chassis Front chassis Visibility +++ + Access ++ SDLG LG938L / LG936L provides best visibility, largest size and most comfortable cab

23 Cab – Hydraulic Levers SDLG LG938L / LG936L Foton FL936L Case W20E
FL936F Case W20E Ergonomics +++ + Controllability ++ Only SDLG LG938L / LG936L offers single lever hydraulic control as standard with a precise control.

24 Cab – Steering wheel SDLG LG938L / LG936L Foton FL936L Case W20E
FL936F Case W20E Tiltable Yes No Only SDLG LG938L / LG936L offer a steering wheel with adjustment capabilities

25 Cab – Instrument Panel and Control switches
SDLG LG938L / LG936L Foton FL936L Case W20E SDLG LG936L / LG938L Foton FL936F Case W20E Instrument panel +++ ++ + SDLG LG938L / LG936L instrument panel offers a much better functionality. Instrument panel and control switches are ergonomically designed and easy access of all switches.

26 Cab – Pedals/Acceleration and brake
SDLG LG938L / LG936L Foton FL936L Case W20E SDLG LG936L / LG938L Foton FL936F Case W20E +++ ++ SDLG LG938L / LG936L offers an additional break pedal. The break pedals are ergonomically placed in the cab

27 Cab – Air circulation SDLG LG938L / LG936L Foton FL936L Case W20E
FL936F Case W20E +++ ++ + SDLG LG938L / LG936L provides more air vents to all directions for the operator’s comfort .

28 Cab – Front visibility SDLG LG938L / LG936L
+++ SDLG LG938L / LG936L provides excellent front visibility

29 Cab – Front visibility at maximum dump height
SDLG LG938L / LG936L Foton FL936L Case W20E SDLG LG936L / LG938L Foton FL936F Case W20E Visibility ++ +++ Dump height + Case W20E provides better visibility in maximum dump height, but less dump clearance. SDLG LG936L / LG938L and Foton FL936F provides good visibility

30 Cab – side visibility SDLG LG938L / LG936L Foton FL936L Case W20E
FL936F Case W20E Visibility +++ + ++ SDLG LG938L / LG936L provides excellent side visibility. On Foton and Case this visibility is partially blocked by a panel extending to the cab post

31 Cab – Rear visibility SDLG LG938L / LG936L Foton FL936L Case W20E
FL936F Case W20E Visibility +++ + ++ SDLG LG938L / LG936L offers excellent rear visibility. Rear visibility on Foton and Case is poor mainly due to too big engine hood.

32 Cab – Entrance step SDLG LG938L / LG936L Foton FL936L Case W20E
FL936F Case W20E Access +++ ++ SDLG LG938L / LG936L have really good and safe entrance step and handles compare to Foton and Case

33 Cab – Platforms SDLG LG938L / LG936L Foton FL936L Case W20E
FL936F Case W20E +++ ++ + SDLG LG938L / LG936L provide more platforms around the machine. It is easier and safer to clean the front and the back window.

34 Electrical system – Fuse and relay
SDLG LG938L / LG936L Foton FL936L Case W20E SDLG LG936L / LG938L Foton FL936F Case W20E Fuse and relays +++ ++ Fuses and relays are inside the cab, well protected from dust and moisture on all machines but the location is better on SDLG LG938L / LG936L.

35 Could not find the main battery switch on the Foton machine
Electrical system – Main switch Could not find the main battery switch on the Foton machine SDLG LG938L / LG936L Foton FL936L Case W20E SDLG LG936L / LG938L Foton FL936F Case W20E Access +++ - ++ Main battery switch on the SDLG LG938L / LG936L is located directly next to the battery. The battery main switch is well protected and easily to access while on the Case the main switch is placed close to the engine and is not protected very well. Foton does not offer any battery main switch

36 Electrical system – Instrument panel and display
SDLG LG938L / LG936L Foton FL936L Case W20E SDLG LG936L / LG938L Foton FL936F Case W20E Instrument panel and displays +++ ++ + SDLG LG938L / LG936L instrument panel offers much better functionality. All gauges and switches are easy to access and clearly arranged.

37 Engine – specifications
SDLG LG938L / LG936L Foton FL936L Case W20E SDLG LG938L LG936L Foton FL936F Case W20E Brand Dongfeng- Cummins Weichai- Deutz Deutz Cummins Power [kW] 97 92 113 Torque [N.m] 560 500 564

38 Engine – Hood SDLG LG938L / LG936L Foton FL936L Case W20E
FL936F Case W20E Engine hood +++ ++ SDLG LG938L / LG936L have gull-wing style engine access doors, that offer really good access to the engine compartment and the cooling system (easy service) Foton offer a one part cover (really heavy, two people needed to open the hood, bad access to cooling system). Case does not have any hood to open. Engine compartment is just protected by grids. Bad access to the engine compartment, dirt easily entering the engine compartment

39 Engine – Filter locations
SDLG LG938L / LG936L Foton FL936L Case W20E SDLG LG936L / LG938L Foton FL936F Case W20E ++ Service points are centralized on one side of the engine on all

40 Engine – Engine oil dipstick access
SDLG LG938L / LG936L Foton FL936L Case W20E SDLG LG936L / LG938L Foton FL936F Case W20E Engine oil dipstick +++ ++ + Access to engine oil dipstick is very easy access on SDLG. Bad location of engine oil dipstick on Foton and Case

41 Engine – Fuel filler pipe
SDLG LG938L / LG936L Foton FL936L Case W20E SDLG LG936L / LG938L Foton FL936F Case W20E Fuel filling ++ Fuel filler pipes are located on rear side of all machines

42 Cooling system – Radiator access
SDLG LG938L / LG936L Foton FL936L Case W20E SDLG LG936L / LG938L Foton FL936F Case W20E Access +++ + SDLG LG938L / LG936L provide a very good access to the radiator. It is easy to clean the radiator – articulated radiator On Foton and Case you have a bad access to the radiator and you are not able to clean the radiator easily – tools required to access the radiator

43 Transmission – specifications
SDLG LG938L Foton FL936L Case W20E SDLG LG936L SDLG LG938L LG936L Foton FL936F Case W20E Gears, F / R 4F / 3R 2F / 1R 4F / 2R 4F / 4R Type Powershift Smoothness in gear-shifting +++ + SDLG LG938L has electrical Powershift transmission, that makes gear-shifts smoother Foton has a lever in the right side of the cab, that has to be moved to engage low/high gears. Case has a lever to select front/reverse and another lever to select gears.

44 Axles SDLG LG938L / LG936L Foton FL936L Case W20E SDLG LG936L / LG938L
FL936F Case W20E Differential Conventional Serviceability +++ ++ +

45 Service brakes SDLG LG938L / LG936L Foton FL936L Case W20E
FL936F Case W20E Location At the end of axle At the center of axle Type Dry discs Wet discs Serviceability +++ + SDLG LG936L / LG938L and Foton FL936L offer dry discs brakes outboard mounted. It results in easier maintenance. In SDLG, brakes are more protected to debris Case W20E provides wet discs brakes inboard mounted, that makes maintenances more difficult

46 Parking brakes SDLG LG938L / LG936L Foton FL936L Case W20E SDLG
FL936F Case W20E Type Air-hydraulic Mechanical Emergency brake Yes No

47 Loader linkage SDLG LG938L / LG936L Foton FL936L Case W20E
FL936F Case W20E Linkage Z bar H bar Breakout force [kN] 96 120 71,5 Z-bar linkage provides better breakout force. H-bar linkage provides better visibility, but less breakout force

48 Loader linkage – Tipping height
SDLG LG938L / LG936L Foton FL936L Case W20E SDLG LG936L / LG938L Foton FL936F Case W20E Max dump clearance [mm] 2950 2980 2642 SDLG LG938L / LG936L has a higher pivot pin on the bucket. It provides better reach/easier to dump on trucks

49 Sales arguments Cab: ROPS / FOPS certifications, ergonomic controls, very comfortable, excellent all-around visibility, operator’s seat with adjustments, adjustable steering wheel. Easy operation Serviceability: safe and easy access, anti-slip steps and platforms, tiltable radiator, remote greasing points. Auxiliary hydraulic line available as standard (for attachments, such as grapples) Great network support – strong dealers and established in the market.

50 Thank you


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