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Parts of A Cell Everything on Earth is made up of atoms and molecules. So what makes you different from something like a rock? You, like all living things,

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Presentation on theme: "Parts of A Cell Everything on Earth is made up of atoms and molecules. So what makes you different from something like a rock? You, like all living things,"— Presentation transcript:


2 Parts of A Cell

3 Everything on Earth is made up of atoms and molecules. So what makes you different from something like a rock? You, like all living things, are made up of cells. Cells are the basic unit of life.

4 Cells Most cells are too small to be observed with the naked eye. The structure of cells can be seen & studied with the aid of a microscope and specialized color techniques. Click to see parts of a microscope

5 Cells There are some organisms that are one celled, such as the amoeba and bacteria cells. There are cells that only function when part of a larger organism, such as the cells that make up your body.

6 A main purpose of a cell is to organize. Cells hold a variety of pieces and each cell has a different set of functions.functions It is easier for an organism to grow and survive when cells are present. If you were only made of one cell, you would only be able to grow to a certain size. You don't find single cells that are as large as a cow. Also, if you were only one cell you couldn't have a nervous system, no muscles for movement, and using the internet would be out of the question. The trillions of cells in your body make your life possiblenervous systemmuscles

7 A Few Cell Types Bone Cell Muscle Cell Nerve Cell Cartilage Cell Blood Cell Small Intestine Cell



10 Let’s Look at structures in Animal Cells First

11 Cell Membrane This structure, in animal and plant cells, holds the parts of the cell inside and controls the movement of materials in and out of the cell.

12 The Nucleus Controls most activities in the cell Contains all genetic information in the form of DNA.

13 Nucleus DNA Chromatin Chromosome Nucleolus Nuclear Envelope It is like the “Brain” of the cell

14 Cytoplasm Clear fluid within cell that contains all organelles Moves materials throughout the cell

15 Cytoplasm This is the jelly-like substance in which the structures inside the plant and animal cells float and move

16 Endoplasmic Reticulum –2 Types: 1.Rough ER: –Rough appearance because it has ribosomes –Function: helps make proteins, that’s why it has ribosomes 2.Smooth ER: –NO ribosomes –Function: lipids; and detoxifies

17 Endoplasmic Reticulum Series of folded membranes that form sacs or tubes Rough ER has ribosomes attached


19 Ribosomes Makes proteins in the cell May be free in cytoplasm or attached to ER

20 Golgi Bodies Saclike membranes Modifies proteins Sorts and packages used for storing/ packages “Post Office”

21 Vacuole Temporary storage area for food and waste. Plant cell—one large CENTRAL VACUOLE Animals-fewer, smaller. t It is like a pantry.

22 Lysosomes Garbage Disposal (“suicide sacs) Contain digestive enzymes to digest unwanted particles Help white blood cells to destroy bacteria

23 The Energy Tranformers Mitochondria Chloroplast

24 Mitochondria Energy producers—ATP- releases energy from digested food Powerhouse of the cell Sausage-shaped Many mitochondria in muscle cells

25 Mitochondria It is like a power plant for the cells

26 Centrioles -microtubules form here for cell division

27 These are found in plants—not animals Cell Wall Chloroplast

28 Cell Wall This structure is not found in animal cells. Made of cellulose in plants Permeable-not selective Provides support and protection for the plant cell.

29 Chloroplast photosynthesis plant makes food.

30 Animal Cell

31 nucleus cytoplasm chloroplasts Cell membrane Cell wall Vacuole

32 7A Building blocks of life - Typical plant cell

33 Cells Complete the web with four characteristics of cells. All organisms -living things- are made of cells. These cells are like tiny building blocks. Cells do the jobs that keep organisms alive. Cells are the smallest part of a living thing.

34 Compare and Contrast plant and animal cells. Animal CellsPlant Cells

35 Compare and Contrast plant and animal cells. Animal CellsPlant Cells Cell membrane Cytoplasm Vacuoles Nucleus Chromosomes Mitochondria Cell wall Cell membrane Cytoplasm Vacuoles Chloroplasts Nucleus Chromosomes Mitochondria

36 ______________________- The part of the cell that controls the cells activities. ______________________- The rigid outer covering that protects the cell. ______________________- The organelle that releases energy from the food. ______________________- The organelle that makes food for the plant cell. _______________________- The storage place for the waste, food, and water. _______________________- The thin covering that holds the parts of the cell in place. _______________________- jelly-like substance that contains chemicals the cell needs to function. ___________________- the thread-like structures that contains information about the cell’s characteristics.. What two things does a plant cell contain that an animal cell does not? ___________, ___________ Cell membrane, cell wall, nucleus, mitochondria, vacuole, cytoplasm, chloroplasts, chromosomes, Nucleus Cell Wall Mitochondria Chloroplast Vacuole Cell Membrane Cytoplasm Chromosomes Chloroplast Cell Wall

37 Cell Parts and definitions The organelle that supports and gives shape to the plant cell. Cell Wall The organelle that releases the energy made from the food. Mitochondria The organelle that makes food for the plant cell. Chloroplast The organelle that surrounds the cell and holds the cell’s “insides” in place. “skin”. Cell Membrane The organelle that stores food, water and waste. Vacuole The organelle that is the control center that controls the cell’s activities. “brain” Nucleus The organelles that are the threadlike structures that contain the cell’s characteristics. DNA-chromosomes The organelle that is a jellylike substance Cytoplasm

38 Cell Resources Label Cells I know that! Cells Alive How to use a microscopeHow to use a microscope Cell Structure The Virtual Cell Mixed Up Cells Electron Microscope (scroll down)Electron Microscope

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